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This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:01 pm

*Shakes head sadly* Ah, such ignorance. When will people turn to enlightenment and consume the ambrosia that is known as "Ginger Beer"? Oh well, give it time Esky. They will turn to the good (i.e. non-alcoholic) bottle eventually, or they will simply drink too much alcohol, kill off a good percentage of their brain cells and become like the rest of the bovine masses. E.g. voting for people like the Troll-Man and Shrub, starting wars with other countries and destroying civilisation (if it can so be called), and then eventually struggle out of a new "Dark" age and return to the worship of a large pantheon of Gods, bow down to cavorting Druids (no, not that one!) and then reintroduce tithing and human sacrifices, etc. *Sigh* And all that could be avoided by consuming GB. It's just that good.

Edited by - esquilax on 12/6/2006 4:02:18 PM

Post Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:37 pm

I am down to my last two liters of pre-Perestroika Stoli.

Post Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:04 am

Oh well, another topic turning alcoholic *insert eyebrowe here*

Why don't we open the TLR-Highproof-Forum? I would love to raise my glass on that one

Post Thu Dec 07, 2006 8:41 am

*Shakes head sadly* Ah, such ignorance. When will people turn to enlightenment and consume the ambrosia that is known as "Ginger Beer"? Oh well, give it time Esky. They will turn to the good (i.e. non-alcoholic) bottle eventually, or they will simply drink too much alcohol, kill off a good percentage of their brain cells and become like the rest of the bovine masses. E.g. voting for people like the Troll-Man and Shrub, starting wars with other countries and destroying civilisation (if it can so be called), and then eventually struggle out of a new "Dark" age and return to the worship of a large pantheon of Gods, bow down to cavorting Druids (no, not that one!) and then reintroduce tithing and human sacrifices, etc. *Sigh* And all that could be avoided by consuming GB. It's just that good.
Gimme those cavorting druids (no not that one), the large pantheon of gods and human sacrifices any day over your rabbiting on about GB..

Post Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:09 am

I'll have you know that Druid indeed cavorts, particularly when he's closed a sale on a 16 yr old Lada to an old lady in return for the several thousand potatoes she had stuffed under her mattress. did I say potatoes? i meant pounds.

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