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TLR RPG OOC thread

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:15 am

TLR RPG OOC thread

thats right it's back! And it's better organised the ever.

The mechanics are simple: all NPC move ment is controlled by me.
Combat is managed to by any system but rather your actions.
Example: If you were to roll out of cover firing a gun i would judge your actions to be innacurate and inflict minimal damage upon the opponent.

This is primarily story based, NOT a combat forused rpg. if i see you getting into constant trouble that's disrupting story development i will be forced to intervene.

Backround info will work as follows

Date of birth
Primary Melee*
Seconday Melee*
Primary Ranged*
Seconday Randed*

I'll be checking the progress every day at 7:00am 4:00 pm 8:00pm (Eastern time)

RPG: Science Fiction

Your subjects are
Zombies II
Conspiracy I
Cliche Party of adventurers out to defeat the evil overlord I
Thee first five posters get to chose what.

No player cards are to be made untill we get a selection.

Added my votes and the other votes
Edited by - The Shroud on 11/13/2006 4:12:58 AM

Edited by - The Shroud on 11/14/2006 4:01:55 AM

Edited by - The Shroud on 11/14/2006 4:16:07 AM

Edited by - The Shroud on 11/30/2006 8:02:32 PM

Post Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:52 pm

shouldnt this be in fan fic

Post Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:08 pm

no. This is not a fan fic, it's an rpg. besides nobody ever reads fanfic

Post Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:12 pm

My votes go to Science Fiction and Conspiracy.

Post Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:07 am

I'll second Science Fiction, but I'm leaning toward "Cliche Party of adventurers out to defeat the evill overlord" because I get the feeling that any other choice will be too hard. With cliches I have a blanket of security to fall back on.

Edit: No sleep equals poor spelling.

Edited by - Aceaz on 11/14/2006 12:07:15 AM

Post Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:49 am

Im going to third sci-fi, with the situation vote as 'zombies', or if no-one else votes for that, 'conspiracy'

Post Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:16 am

sci fi is the winner.

Post Tue Nov 14, 2006 11:48 am

No D&D? What will the mechanics be then, oh esteemed DM?

I'll submit my 'character sheet' when I know how this is supposed to function.

EDIT: I vote War as Sci-Fi just doesn't click with zombies. Except Necrons, which are Awesome(tm). Conspiracy if no-one else wants war (kind of feel wierd saying that).

EDIT 2: Can we also have a rule that prevents people NPCing other people's characters? It's sort of rude

Edited by - The Evil Thing on 11/14/2006 11:53:26 AM

Edited by - The Evil Thing on 11/14/2006 11:55:29 AM

Post Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:05 pm

this looks quite interesting but still not sure exactly what it is?

Post Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:22 pm

The mechanics are purely on the basis of common sense. Will a guy be able to sneak around wil he is glowing from an energy sheild? I think not! will a guy be able to shoot accuratley while running away, also a no. The reason for this is (hopefully) not everyone here owns a twenty sided die.

Your backround will have an effect on how your actions are judged aswell.

And no controlling other people.
You get control over your person. Not someone else, or an NPC.

Does this satisfy you TET?

Edited by - The Shroud on 11/14/2006 1:23:07 PM

Post Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:47 am

You don't need to own any dice. Just go to any number of SRD sites as these usually have electronic dice rollers. This is a good example.

I only mention it because D&D has a rather nice system from calculating hits. You roll a twenty and apply bonuses or penalties based on your character's skills, actions and situations. (So running away wildly would carry a -10 to-hit penalty).

Still, if you have something else in mind then I'm all for that. Anything that means I don't have to compose a detailed character sheet is good.

Also w00t for no NPCing.

Post Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:20 pm

alright then. you've seen the template on my message. We will be using simple common sense. It's the most simple system on earth.

Post Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:34 pm

Could you be a bit more specific than common sense? If there're no obvious penalties or bonuses to hits, does that mean a hit is guaranteed?

Post Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:48 pm

I think what he means is that we use common sense to determine the outcome of an action

e.g. if a character has... lets say a Colt M1411 (A .45 pistol), with a laser sight, is standing on flat ground, steady footing, with both hands on the gun and is breathing steadily (i.e. little stress, no distractions). We can pretty much assume that they will hit whatever the gun is pointed at when they pull the trigger (Barring any other phenomena, like a shield or something).

On the other hand, if the user is on unsteady footing, holding gun with one hand, and out of breath, is far less likely to hit thier intended target (Of course they will hit SOMETHING when they pull the trigger, it just might not be what they are aiming at).

Bonuses and penalties are situational (I.e. personal status (breathing, etc.), and environmental (Like terrain)). Its common sense. What would give you an accuracy advantage/disadvantage in the real world?

Am i in the ballpark here shroud?

Post Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:16 am

i.e. With no obvious penalties, you are guaranteed to hit.

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