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the only wasted vote...

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:07 am

the only wasted vote...

In our 'modern' democracy(where education goes unfunded, healthcare is 100% pork, and the war on drugs fuels an increasingly intrusive police state and a overcrowded and poorly-operated prison industry) we find ourselves more and more fed up with our corporate owned parties. They have failed to provide for our defense, they have violated the constitution, they have bankrupted the nation's coffers and refuse to apologize for or even admit it. I submit to you that the only wasted vote is a vote for a party you no longer have faith in, and further I contest that anyone who votes incumbent is either blind to the way things are going or is motivated purely out of self interest and partisan-programming - so rather than shamble into that abbatoir where your wallet will be quartered between the pharmaceutical, agribusiness, oil, and military-industrial-complex lobbies again this fall, pick a third party canidate!

some topical slayer lyrics i wanted to post for no reason, other than slayer IS the soundtrack to the apocalypse
Blood Red:
Deviated lies fear blinding on your eyes
Enforcing their truth through a gun
Aggressive discipline and barbaric control
Thousands of people cannot be wrong

You cannot hide the face of death
Oppression ruled by bloodshed
No disguise can hide the evil
That stains the primitive sickle

Fictional Reality:
Crisis feeds the lunacy
All fear the new machine
Consumed democracy returns a socialist regime

It's laid to rest without contest
All hail the new incompetence
Making you see what to believe
A drone in the world of anarchy

Treachery, mysery, violence, insanity
Scavengers closing in
Covering the truth again
Castrate society
Fictional reality

Insecurity afraid of things you cannot see
Words become the image of the enemy
You cannot dissect what is correct
Vengeance based on how things are said
Can't see your side - conflicts with mine
Frustrations lead to complete demise

Treachery, mysery, violence, insanity
Scavengers closing in
Covering the truth again
Every trial conspiracy
Compassion is the enemy
Paralyse, criticize
Breaking through the wall of lies

Circle of Beliefs:
Can't you see there's no validity
Your way is not the only way
Slow decay spreading through your brain
Don't you see the power of the enemy
Tyrrany total supremacy
Control the silencing of souls
Slavery within the entity
Devistate, dominate

Can't explain the reason why
Someone would rather live than die
If dying is the only way
To end a life of mental stains
All your life he's been the cause
A man impaled upon a cross
Pure religious holocaust
If religion dies it's not my loss

hope you found it interesting

Post Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:41 am

Those lyrics were a bit intresting. (Never knew Slayer was political at all.) However, everything else I already knew. The Constitution is being butchered and the very values of this nation are getting trampled on a daily basis. You could bring an American from the year 1999 into 2006 and they would think they've been broght to a Communist nation. I'm sure most of you have seen V For Vendetta, and their "vision of the future, where governmental control is left unchecked" seems to be more and more possible with each passing day. The truth is there is something terribly wrong with this country.

Hell, how about on November the fifth we all put on black capes, a black top hat and a Guy Fawkes mask and march on the White House.

Post Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:09 pm

@Killa: If we do that, then Shrub's gonna think we're throwing a costume party.

Post Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:16 pm

re:slayer's political aspects - i find that the themes of war/genocide/lawlessness/apocalypse tend to overshadow the real undercurrent in slayers lyrics which is decidedly anti-war, anti-politician, and anti-church.

you don't need a mask and cape to fight the power, just a good sized cache of determination. look to hungary, where the people are rallying to throw out the PM for lying to them about the economy! the economy! does any american believe the economy is the only thing bush lied about? i doubt it, even among the 30%'ers no one could be that naive. so get involved, get motivated, these people control every immediate aspect of your life down to how you park cars on your property (my latest beef with the city, grr) - revolution didn't die with the 70's it just went into a coma, as american's its our duty to throw out the entrenched power structure as quickly as possible before our economy is tanked by the loss of production, the devaluation of our currency, and a government that spends us into a debt our grandchildren(assuming we survive the immediate crisis...) will still be slaving to pay off into their 60's and 70's. Terrorist's can't destroy our union, only we can by sitting back and idly hoping policy takes a turn for the better.

the latest revelations about bush's private views of the constitution(a damned piece of paper he said), and support for the war(him, laura, and barney are the deciders), should be the straw that broke the camels back. it may be that i vote democrat, if i see the race is close - so i'm a hypocrite i guess... bah! but otherwise, at the local level i'll be voting third party

Edited by - Cold_Void on 10/2/2006 9:20:34 PM

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