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C&C 3 Tiberium Wars

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:01 am

Blue Tiberium is described in several instances as volatile. This is annoying as it is implied that volatility somehow means the stuff is explosive. Grrrr...

Regardless, the disruptor should logically detonate blue Tiberium as the sound is transfering a great deal of kinetic energy through vibrations blah blah blah everyone here knows what I'm talking about.

Anyway, I think it is perfectly conceivable that the anti-Tiberium sonic emitter would require a stronger power source. Destroying Tiberium crystals releases large quantities of highly deadly Tiberium gas, thus you wouldn't want to blow up crystals close the population areas you're supposed to be guarding. Heck, you wouldn't want the crystals even forming. Because of this you need a sonic disruptor that somehow avoids shattering anything that approached the population centre yet had a long range and was powerful enough to shatter even the smallest crystals or ideally to suppress the fields enough to prevent new growth. To put things in perspective, the Disruptor tank has a range of (I believe) 20 metres and is not powerful enough to shatter the highly durable Tiberium Tiberius (green) crystals.

Post Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:28 pm

Tiberium crystals are not individually all that strong- they are comparable to glass. Remember that Tiberium Harvesters are fairly simple in design- mechanical arms and cutters shear off crystals at ground level and scoop them into a storage tank (an early cutscene in TD shows a harvester driving over crystals, sending bits flying all over the place, accompanied by audible crunching sounds). There is no way that such crystals could withstand any of the punishment they took in-game; their apparent durability is therefore a gameplay decision rather than one based on the properties of the substance according to the story.

Short version: if a disrupter tank can shatter the heavy, multi-layered armors on the various combat units and base structures, it would damn well be able to shatter Tiberium crystals.

However, the disrupter weapon was a tightly focused beam which made contact only with anything in between the emitter and the intended target. It would not have affected anything at ground level right in front of the tank (there is an image somewhere of the tank firing its weapon; the visible distortion is clearly in the form of a beam several meters above ground level- were it not so, the tank would probably destroy itself right along with its target). As for why prone infantry right in front of the tank would take damage, the answer is as simple as the game engine- the game only supports one "level" for ground level. It has to treat a unit lying down or deployed the same way it would treat one undeployed or standing up. The only way around that would be to make the projectile ignore everything between the tank and the target point.

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