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I''m really sleepy,

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:06 am

I''m really sleepy,

You know what? I just woke up, from sleeping away like my whole summer. And you know what else? I'm still sleepy! But anyhoo, I just remembered my good buds at TLR, and I came by to see how they're adoing. More importantly, I'm really here to check my leader's militaristic drive into Tawakalnistan.


Edited by - Jagged on 7/25/2006 10:07:49 AM

Post Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:25 am

You must not have heard that I nuked Tawakalnistan last month. I have my friends in North Korea to thank for supplying me with the plutonium. Now my Kommunists Der Neuen Republik are marching on Tawakalnistan as we speak.

Anywho... as for being sleepy, all I can say is WAKE UP!

Post Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:12 am

<ahem> it just so happens that there is a fraternal concord between the DPRK and Tawakalnistan. In fact I recently e-mailed the North Korean Foreign Ministry to congratulate them on their recent successful technological advances in establishing a deterent to imperialistic hegemony. I think it's quite possible that your targeting intelligence was off and you probably hit some dank smelly burrow in the Melbourne region, populated by mutant chimaeras. Besides, at the moment Tawakalnistan is so barren due to the current enervating heatwave that we'd hardly feel a nuclear blast. It couldn't make the grass any browner.

Post Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:59 am

Glad to see international rivalries haven't died down... at all.

By the way, Taw, does Qubt-ut Allah mean Hand of God? I swear I know the most obscure things.

Post Tue Jul 25, 2006 1:14 pm

clearly you've been spying on our borders again. Stay on your own side of the county boundary thank you.

it does mean "hand" but in the sense of "fist" - I didn't know you knew Arabic. I'm actually impressed. Hardly anyone ever knows what I'm on about.

Post Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:25 pm

Oh... whoops. Taw, I think I messed up and nuked Saudi Arabia. I just got a phone call form someone yelling at me in Arabic... the only word I could understand was Jihad. He is pissed... so he cut all oil supplies to Killaslovokia. As you may or may not know, Killaslovokia formed on June 6th (lol D Day and 6/6/06) 2006. It's country of origin was Killfinalstan, ruled by Killavorish and Finallah. On June 4th, Finallah used his wrongfully acquired military powers to thwart Killavorish's attempts at world domination. So, Killavorish assembled an army loyal to him, rushed across the border into France and sent a nuke over to Killfinalstan. Killavorish's army occupied France for months until the radation over the decimated ruins of Killfinalstan subsided. Then, they moved into what was left of the small country and it was reformed as Killaslovokia, with the greatist nuclear arsenal in the world. Sadly, the warheads are without a good guidence system, so I just had to fire the nuke in the general direction of Tawakalnistan, and apparently, I missed and got Saudi Arabia all pissed off. So, I'm in the process of assassinating Killavorish and assuming command of the army, then we can invade Saudi Arabia and get all the oil we want. Ah, the joys of Communism, we get to do whatever the hell we want.

And hey, you said you were sleepy so maybe my exciting story on the history of Killaslovokia helped you wake up. If not, I'll just send in Bravo squad to make sure you go to sleep forever... if you know what I mean.

Post Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:28 pm

My Philosophy is that if your sleepy, sleep!!! OOOOoooo... there's a donut <munching>

"Look At These D'oh With Attitude's"

Post Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:22 pm

im glad i live in headbangier nobody can touch our leader zakk wylde lol hahahahaha b-)

Edited by - richard w. sabatino on 7/25/2006 7:22:07 PM

Post Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:05 pm

Sorry, there is no nuclear fallout over here. Although that would explain this bloody awful cold... Bleh.

Post Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:56 pm

I think it's quite possible that your targeting intelligence was off and you probably hit some dank smelly burrow in the Melbourne region, populated by mutant chimaeras.

Hmmm...Esky and Harrier both live in that wegion...Weally is a pity to see this happen to Hawwier (that doesn't look wight...)...I liked him...But if it gets wid of the wabbits...

Good Widdance

Yes, i carefully chose each word in the above

Edited by - parabolix on 7/25/2006 9:56:46 PM

Post Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:03 pm


You missed me..*blows raspberry*.. the Harrier lives... pity huh...

*blows a second raspberry*..


Post Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:05 pm

Lmao...You...gah...I can't use the words I want to use on these forums *shuffles on over to your window in MSN Messenger* Punk

Post Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:15 pm

Now now Taw, don't underestimate the power of mutant chimeras. If they've got burrows, they can use Typhon-inspired guidance to dig tunnells right into your country, and capture it by addiction your entire populace to ginger beer. I'd start thinking pre-emptive strike if I were you!

Post Wed Jul 26, 2006 3:35 am

Now hold on here. You mean there's been a nuclear attack? Sweet. But now that I've reviewed the situation, I want to request some power over the military and the production of weapons and supplies similarily from our Great Leader. This way we can actually start a war! I've even drawn up blueprints for a main battle tank (The Caratin) Oh wait, I forgot, what's my country called again?

Post Wed Jul 26, 2006 5:12 am

Why thank you, Taw. Though I should point out that saying I know Arabic is perhaps stretching things a wee bit

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