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Pirates of the Caribbean: Review

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:25 am

@FF- You're perfectly right. Of course, Disney never really was too much for naval tactics, especially after the last broadsides fired in this series were volleys of forks. They're both warships, yet their captains won't think of using the cannons that they so laboriously tote around. I suppose Davey Jones could have just dove the Dutchman under water instead...

Post Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:57 am

excellent observation there FF! I too was muttering "but he's crossed the T, why doesn't he give him a broadside?" Did you also notice that the Flying Dutchman seemed to travel faster submerged than it did when surfaced? So why didn't Davy Jones just go to periscope depth then he'd have caught up with the Pearl lickety-split? And it's crash dive was really impressive, faster than a U-Boat with a Sunderland on the horizon! Gunther Prien couldn't have got his boat down faster than that.

Post Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:42 pm

There's something odd about submerging under full sail... Perhaps they had the Kraken pushing them along. In any case, submerging isn't a wonderful idea (wets all the gunpowder...) anyways. Surely Sean Connery would arrive in the Red October to attack once he was under water...

Post Wed Aug 02, 2006 10:46 am

ooh you mean that Bond film where Bond is the captain of a Russian submarine? I like that one, even though Q and Funnyfanny aren't in it....

Post Wed Aug 02, 2006 11:21 pm

Um... I don't think he was playing Bond in that one. He was the captian of the Soviet nuclear submarine Red October . (The movie, The Hunt for Red October was set during the Cold War.) In HRO, he was... well, as not to spoil anything for those who haven't seen the movie or read the book (go see the movie, it's pretty good) let's just say that Connery isn't playing James Bond in that one. The movie is based on Tom Clancy's book of the same name.

Edited by - Killa on 8/3/2006 12:21:56 AM

Post Wed Aug 02, 2006 11:41 pm

see? I was right, that Bond film about the Russian submarine. I also liked that Bond film about the Holy Grail. Harrison Ford played Felix Lighter in that one.

Post Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:41 pm

I was tottally oblivous during pirates of the Carribean. I didnt see the first one, and all my friends were going. So right there ten minutes before were going to leave im cramming down Subways new Tuscan Chicken Sandwich and one of my sick soda drink combonations on wikipedia skimming thru the first one's storyline. But i didnt get crud of the second one exept when they were fighting, so i sorta got the impression they were trying to kill each other. Besiges that, all i know is one of my friends said she didnt want to sit by me, so i end up sitting in the ial [however thats spelled. 5 rows down and one up from two rows of friends by strangers i dont know. That and i ordered and ate wwwaaayyy too much popcorn, and candy, pity, i didnt know it was possible. So my opion is unkown since i didnt get it, i got the impression it was good, and that something important happened at the end when everyone gasped and said "OH MY GOSH!" everyone in the entire theater said in unision at the same time. Okay, thats exagerating, but u know what i mean.

When all else fails, tell them you want world peace.

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