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Pirates of the Caribbean: Review

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Post Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:50 pm

Pirates of the Caribbean: Review

Warning! Don't mean to spoil me mityes!



Captain Jack is back and in rare form in this swashbuckling, booty-licious Pirates sequel which more than equals its predecessor.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest does the right thing as a sequel: It maintains the same carefree spirit of the original and creates an even more fitting story to the whole Pirates lore. After narrowly escaping the gallows--with the help of his friends Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley)--and reclaiming his cursed Black Pearl, it still seems Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) has a few more fish to fry. More specifically the barnacle-encrusted undead onboard the ghostly Flying Dutchman, lead by Mr. Octopus Face himself, Davy Jones (Bill Nighy). Jack apparently owes a blood debt to the inky captain and if he can't find a way out of it--namely locating the secret contents of Jones' famed locker--Sparrow will be doomed to eternal damnation and servitude in the afterlife [insert Jack Sparrow's face of disgust here. Making matters worse, Sparrow's problems manage to interfere with the wedding plans of Will and Elizabeth, who are forced to join Jack on yet another one of his misadventures.

Depp's Oscar-nominated performance as Captain Jack is still a marvel in slovenly pirate behavior, with his slurred speech, swaying swagger and slack, waving arms. But whether channeling famed Rolling Stones' guitarist Keith Richards or not, it's the duality of the character that continues to intrigue us. He is a lusty, fearless man with a deeply defiant and somewhat sneaky streak but whose delicate features, long, dreadlocked hair, kohl-rimmed eyes and almost girly mannerisms give him a subtly effeminate air that belies his macho antics. This time around, young Brits Knightley and Bloom have a little more to do, with Elizabeth's growing attraction to Jack and Will's reunion with his father, Bill "Bootstrap" Turner (Stellan Skarsgård), who's soul is stuck on the Flying Dutchman. And Nighy (Love Actually) once again makes his mark as an effective villain, infusing his rather quirky acting ticks--the laconic delivery, the laid-back attitude--which shines through all the special effects make-up. Let's just say, Nighy certainly rivals Depp in the arrogant rock star stance, even if he has tentacles for a face.

The other thing Dead Man's Chest does right is make things bigger and better. From a hair-raising sword fight on top of a spinning water wheel to the way Davy Jones and his crew look--all water logged and crustacean-like--the film's production value is simply amazing. Returning producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Gore Verbinski make sure the action sequences, the sets, the costumes, the make-up and the special effects give the audience a familiarity to the original while also taking them on a whole new adventure. And if you are a fan of the Disney park attraction (the one at Disneyland, not Disney World), the elements that got missed in the first one--the creepy bayou, the beating heart in the treasure chest--are in this sequel. Dead Man's Chest does lag a bit from time to time, especially in heating up the Jack, Elizabeth and Will love triangle. But that's OK. We enjoy watching their banter, as much as we do the rest of it. And for those who'll want more adventure after the movie ends, Dead Man's Chest gives us a promise the third installment will be just as much pirate fun.

Bottom Line rated this film a 3 1/2 stars.....But screw them , Ill give this thing a 5 out of 5!!!

Edited by - Lancer Rex on 7/7/2006 11:14:05 PM

Post Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:08 pm

Excellent. I've heard that it's not only the best movie of the summer, but it's better than the original and is one of the best movies ever made.

But alas, I don't get to see it until sunday.

Post Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:14 pm

Better than it's a wonderfull life?

Post Sat Jul 08, 2006 3:49 am

Unfortuantly, not a Johnny Depp fan.

Post Sat Jul 08, 2006 4:12 am

Mr Depp is an excellent actor, probabily my favourite - although more for his older roles than the newer. Saw the film last night, really enjoyed watching it.

As for the review, I'd have much rather read somethign original and typed by your own fair hand... instead of copying and pasting from other sources (without stating that this is what you've done!). ... &mdstate=2

Post Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:01 am

EDITED: Well, now I can say having seen it, that it is an excellent movie. IMO, it wasn't as good as the first (thought the story could use a little work) it's still easily the summer's best movie. Special effects were good, and it does leave off in a good cliffhanger. Unfortunatly, I was unable to hold my buisness any longer and was forced to walk out and use the rest room with about two minutes left in the movie. (Thankfully, I didn't miss much.)

It's a solid movie, although at least for me, was a bit confusing at points. Still, if you've seen the first one, put it on your must watch list. I'd give it 4/5.

Edited by - Killa on 7/8/2006 6:16:00 PM

Post Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:09 pm

I was only marginally impressed by this movie. I can appreciate humor, but some of the stunts (i.e. swordfight on the water wheel) went a bit too far for me. The graphics rendering team did an excellent job, though I can't say I particularly care for an entire ship full of walking fish-humans. All in all, an okay flick, though I would have appreciated a solid ending and not a third movie...

Post Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:51 am

I agree. I went to see it last night and was rather underwhelmed, in fact somewhat disappointed. Great effects and a superb performance from Mr Depp, who got a heroic ending (well, not really an ending as I quickly figured out) and some nice creepy performances from the bad guys, but apart from that? For a start, whoever edited this film should never work again, it's some of the worst editing I've ever seen in a supposed A-feature. The script appeared to ahve been written ona kitchen table with set of barbecue tongues it was so poor. The jokes began to pale very quickly and quite honestly keira just stank, she was only marginally less wooden than Natalie Portman in that last Star Wars prequel. Legolas was as weak as ever, proving once again that he cannot carry a film (although Kingdom of Heaven sealed his reputation for me as a wet blanket)

well ok a third film, maybe it will have a bit more substance than this one, although I wouldn't put odds on it. You'd have thought that after all the fun and rollicking adventure of the first one, Disney couldn't get it so spectacularly wrong, but no, the curse of Eisner has struck again. Cra*p.

(but if they were really clever, they'd have written so that Lord Voldemort erm Beckett - sorry! - gets to keep the heart and uses it to secure British naval and therefore mercantile pre-eminence and thus provide the security of the high seas that allows the British Empire to flourish for the next 200 years, which of course it did anyway. florish I eman, nut the heart's a fun explanation of British naval supremacy! Sort of does away with the need for Nelson though - ok, bad idea after all!))

Post Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:04 am

Taw didn't like it. Bad Taw, bad. Now there will be a nuke from Killaslovokia going to Tawsomethingstan in the very near future.

Post Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:02 pm

you really should read what I wrote more carefully. I didn't say that I didn't like it, I said that I didn't think it was very good, ie badly written and shambolically edited considering the huge amount of money that's been lavished on it#s production. i expected a lot better. it was enjoyable enough, but hardly up to the standards of the first one. which i think has been the general consensus of most people over the age of 10 who've seen it.

I was actually prepared to give it the benefit of the doubt. everyone I'd spoken to said "it's not as good as the first one although Johnny Depp's brilliant..." but I thought I'd give it a chance, softie that I am.

And I'll give it this; at least I didn't ask for my money back like I did after #@!!# Matrix: Revolutions. Oh, roll on Das Parfum the only film I'm really looking forward to this year - if that ends up a stinker (deliberate pun) I don't thnk I'm going to bother going to the pictures again ever.

You really should learn the difference between value judgements and objective criticism.

Post Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:42 pm

the movie reminded me of Back to the Future II in that it was not a stand alone movie, it needs the third to finish it off, or the Matrix series, if you will.

I will agree with Taw about Depp, Legolas, and Miss Swan. Depp is really really impressive, and I really like Davey Jones.

Post Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:35 pm

This is the problem I really have with sequels. It's nearly impossible to upstage the original movie. Pirates of the Carribean? I absolutely loved the first movie with memorable performances by Johnny Depp and Geoffrey Rush. Fantastic. I loved the second movie too. It definitely isn't as good as the first movie, although it definitely has a creepy bad guy. The problem I see with Dead Man's Chest is that it's only half a movie. We have to wait a whole year to see how the story ends. That was my biggest problem with this movie, other than Legolas as many others have pointed out. I felt that every other actor in the movie did a fairly good job, with the exception of Johnny Depp and Bill Nighy who were absolutely amazing. This one is for those who really loved the first movie and can't get enough of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. The next movie should be really interesting. It's going to have Chow Yun Fat as a Chinese pirate and Keith Richards as Sparrow's father.

Post Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:13 pm

<ahem> I seem to recall that The Empire Strikes Back was a far superior piece of work than original Star Wars (none of this New Hope balderdash thank you)

Arguably, you could say that Aliens was better than Alien, although personally i wouldn't myself, but i can understand why people do. Mad Max 2 was better than the first one, Terminator 2 in many ways better than the originial Terminator, especially in it's treatment of the Terminator's concept of self and morality, although directorially one could justifiably argue that the original was more coherent (i would anyway but thats just a personal opinio), and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was imo anyway better than Raiders. Possibly. And of course Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey is waaaay better than Excellent Adventure. And Patlabor 2 was better than Patlabor: Mobile Police. Star Trek 2; Wrath of Khan, please, it was 100 light years better than the yawnsville Motion picture (zzzzzzzzzzzz) and still the best of all the Trek films, with the possible exception of First Contact. And what about Godfather 2? personally i prefer the original but many people say 2 is superior.

I can go on.. and will...

Gremlins 2
any James Bond film except OHMSS
Army of Darkness
Toy Story 2
The Two Towers or Return of the King, c'mon please they were stacks better than watching hobbits have breakfast in the first one. I remember you all squeaking for battles at the time, don't try to kid Uncle Taw.
Shrek 2
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

So, it's not a law of nature that sequels are worse than the originals, just a sort of general phenomenon that they usually are. I was really hopeful that since PoTC was so good, not even Disney could mess it up. How wrong was I, eh? Quite where the misbegotten idea that Dead Man's Chest is better than Curse of the Black Pearl originates from i don't know, presumable some sort of alternate reality where Disney studios make good films still, and children don't just regurgitate the blurb they get off official sites

Post Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:53 pm

Well, it's a good thing you're always wrong and the rest of us are always right, Taw. :p Just kidding. Seriously, though. You make SOME valid points, in terms of some sequels one-upping it's predecessor. Terminator 2, yeah. Aliens, 50/50; Cameron took it in a different direction that worked just as well as the first movie. Army of Darkness? No arguments here. *prays for a fourth movie* As for Star Wars: I'm not even going to get into it with you about that, buster. Unfortunately, there are movies that get sequels that shouldn't even be made. The Crow? The first sequel was cool, Salvation was alright, but Wicked Prayer was an abomination. I don't mind a sequel as long as it's done properly and remains somewhat faithful to the original material. Terminator 2, Aliens, Empire Strikes Back among others are the ones that truly do.

Post Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:37 am

Nitpick: the Black Pearl vs Flying Dutchman. They were initally side-by-side, perfect broadside engagement condition. However, the Black Pearl turned tail 90 degrees and ran away, giving the Dutchman a perfect "crossing the T" engagement! And what did Captain Jones do? he matched heading and opted to engage using chase armaments when he could have used his entire broadside cannons for a stern-rake and gut the Pearl from stern to bow.

Fortunately Davy Jones' incompetence matched Legolas'. Put Jack Aubrey in his position and the Pearl would have been butchered, Sparrow on board or not.

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