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Post Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:17 am


Who, out of the Vets who were around when SL was new and FL was still just a dream, is still here? From what I can tell it looks like slim pickings

A Lengendary Warrior, with the Purest Heart, Fuelled by the Fiercest Rage!
This is the Legacy of the Super Saiyan!

Easily The Sexiest Super Saiyan

Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:32 pm

Heh. Guess we all got a life... It was an accident
I was just a lurker before FL, so I probably don't count, but I do have that mad sense of timing - to appear when one of the veterans releases a howl calling for others of their kin...
OK, I'm done.
Hope you're all behaving while I'm gone


If you're not, fetch me a Cubanato Rum on rocks, please

Careful what you wish for... You just might get it.

Edited by - Chetnik on 6/22/2006 1:41:55 PM

Post Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:40 am

*insert immense grin here*
What kept you!?!?!
C'mon, somebody pick a quantum physics topic (an esoteric one) FAST!
I'd Love a knock down, drag out, unlikely to be understood by hardly anybody debate about now. It's been a while, y'know?

How about something along the lines of light traveling interstellar distances and do you really think nothing happens to it along the way to cause altered red/blue shift and therefore incorrect universal expansion theories. Not really neccessarily Quantum physics, but it's got potential.

Or how about the shown innaccuracy of geological carbon dating. A freshly killed mollusk was sent to a testing lab (this was done with multiple labs, too) and the result was given to the supplier at several million years old. Did anyone here know that when a sample is sent in to one of these labs, an expected age range is sent along with it? For some reason the results tend to fall in that range....

I'd find it hilarious to get to heaven then ask God about gravity and hear Him reply, "Oh, that's just a local phenomenon".

The SpaceNuts always return.

Post Fri Jun 23, 2006 7:41 am

How about something along the lines of light traveling interstellar distances and do you really think nothing happens to it along the way to cause altered red/blue shift and therefore incorrect universal expansion theories. Not really neccessarily Quantum physics, but it's got potential.

Maybe a debate over the claim that light has mass? (This is, in fact, a misinterpretation of terms, but boy do the sparks fly when this baby hits the table...)

Or how about the shown innaccuracy of geological carbon dating.

Naaah, too straightforward... We need something... more confusing.

I'd find it hilarious to get to heaven then ask God about gravity and hear Him reply, "Oh, that's just a local phenomenon".

I like this one. One potential problem: it may turn into atheist vs agnostic vs religious -> religion vs religion kind of thread... I'm too lazy to re-read the rules, but I'm pretty sure these are still a no-no.


Out of what you've proposed, the first and the last one have some potential... Perhaps a coin flip is in order..?
Oh, and when you do decide which one it will be, start a new topic - thread hijacking is bad (took me 3 years to learn that one)

Edited by - Chetnik on 6/23/2006 8:42:39 AM

Post Fri Jun 23, 2006 8:33 am


The SpaceNuts always return.

BTW the last comment was more of a side comment than a topic suggestion. It's still funny though.

Edited by - boomerang one on 6/23/2006 9:34:41 AM

Post Fri Jun 23, 2006 2:13 pm

After 3 years, I'm still here!

Since the carbon dating won't get it's own thread, I'll give it a quick refutation. The whole living molluscs dated at several thousand years argument is often used by young earth creationists as evidence that carbon dating is fundamentally flawed. This is mostly because it often gives results in conflict with a 6000 year old earth. What happened in this case was that a paper was published examining the potential flaws with the carbon dating process. The ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-14 isotopes found in once-living material is a good indicator of how old it is, since the age can be calculated by the rate of decay of carbon-14 and the expected initial concentrations of C-14. However, if the animal develops in an environment with differing levels of carbon 14 we can get erronous dates. In this case the molluscs had grown in water beneath Palaeozoic limestone (which lacks C-14), the molluscs would have developed shells with lowered levels of C-14 in them leading to the erronous dates.

Post Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:52 am

Now that was sooo long ago ... When we were still few and Garbig was still VERY active in the forums

Post Sun Jun 25, 2006 6:02 am

2 1/2 years later, and I'm still here

Post Sun Jun 25, 2006 11:12 am

2 years SL pro and then 3 years FL
is that veteran enough?

Post Sun Jun 25, 2006 1:38 pm

18 months and i'm still here

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

Post Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:38 am

doesnt look like many veterans are still here

Post Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:48 am

I wouldn't say so. Vets do not spam (with a few exceptions though ) - but take Spix records: 5-year-member and 74 posts

Post Fri Jun 30, 2006 5:22 pm

Almost 3 years. And I spammed alot

Post Fri Jun 30, 2006 7:34 pm

*Emerges from shadows* Well if Indy shows up, then I guess I should make an appearance in this thread even though I didn't post until some time after SL had been released . *Returns to shadows*

Post Sat Jul 01, 2006 5:43 am

Zazie, most of Spix's post will have been archived and therefore not affect the post count at all (indeed, the archived threads made everyone's post counts plummit substantially).

In reality there may be 1000+ posts by Spix in those threads, but only bp/eraser knows where they are

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