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Only 2 locked topic in a year,congrats!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:24 pm

Only 2 locked topic in a year,congrats!

I was scrolling doen with the last year option for dates and I noticed that only two topic were locked! Congrats to the community and mod team for keeping OT spam free!

Post Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:13 pm

Somehow I feel that there were more than that. Perhaps we're not counting all the deleted benjon/jonben threads from the Second Spam War? In any case, I'll embrace the positive doctrine and say, hooray for OT!

Post Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:18 am

right I'm locking this right now

Post Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:04 am

I think it's down to a sheer "sod it" mentality. There are several threads that should have been locked for being nothing more than complete bollocks - but were left open. I doubt we'd have had spam in every thread if we closed them, but since they are harmless - whats the point?

Post Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:20 am

Threads which are complete bollox eh? Go on forever offering nowt to nobody? Rife for spam? Does this count?

Post Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:39 am

i don't just want to lock that thread, i want to delete, but on;y while the Hare is posting in it. Hopefully it'll nuke his account too!

Post Sun Apr 16, 2006 5:59 pm

That will be the day Taw anyway there have been more than two locks this year with all the benjon bull that was thrown around i'd say more like 30 or more but whos counting during that time i left just save my sanity, i still see that pink stuff in my dreams *shudders*

Post Sun Apr 16, 2006 7:07 pm

there's been more than 2..

Post Sun Apr 16, 2006 7:49 pm

Taw - "Nuke my account"? Bah, you wouldn't know what to do with yourself I weren't around, and you know it .

Post Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:00 am

I would know what to do with myself, eat rabbit stew in celebration

Meantime, back in the real world, there were indeed more than 2. I spent several laborious hours every night for several weeks getting rid of jonben/benjon rubbish, and I know FD did as well, and the admins, and that other mod who looks after OT, *Fries* is it? (just teasing Mike!)

Quite hilariously, I got several e-mails from benjon/jonben having a go at me because he thought I'd been too aggressive with him, and that I must be jealous and bitter because I wasn't as intelligent as him or had the wonderful opportunities that he was getting [!

Pain as he was on the forums, his comedy value was truly wonderful. Almost as much as lordofsunsytem (remember him?) or Spear and his incredible ability to turn every single thread into a debate on jewishness, antisemitism, and the Holocaust. Then of course there was heltak, utterly and completely stark raving bonkers; I actually stuck up for the guy but I didn't realise quite how many people he'd pee'd off and what a negative effect he was having on the forums, it was in retrospect a perfectly justified decision to ban him.

Compared to other forums, TLR is a haven of tranquility and tolerance; believe me I've tried many others and this is still by far the one I like best.

Post Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:03 pm

have to agree on this being one of the more calm forums.

SWGs official forum is best discribed as "demonic rage" (my words lol) but there are a few gameing forums that are really good. Other then this The Galaxy Report's forum is even more peaceful then this one is, but of cource they have only been around for a few months lol.

Blessed Be to all those that still dream of the flight to the stars.

quote " You wouldn't like my Happy Place it is full of blood, carnage, and destruction" :ME

Post Fri Apr 21, 2006 6:52 am

there were far more than just '2' locked threads.

as for the lord of sunsystem thing, i thought he was lord of alot of other things, including losers and spam -?

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