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Post Sun Mar 05, 2006 12:44 pm


The ship groaned as it plummetted into the lower atmosphere. One of the advantages of the new marine vessels was they no longer needed the blasted docking portals to take off or land. Advances in thermic shield compensation allowed the transports to safely descend through the atmosphere - but then 'safely' was such a relative term. The enormous heat took its toll on the stabilisers and the entire craft was violently shaken. If you weren't trained to compensate for the motion you lost your lunch.

The esteemed gentleman clearly wasn't trained but someone had had the good sense to tell him not to eat anything beforehand. He was desperately trying to be sick, by the looks of things, but had yet to produce results.

The airbrakes hit paydirt and the violence of the last thirty seconds was replaced by a gentle vibration. This was followed by a further groan (this time from the vertical thrusters) and the ship slowly manoeuvred above the landing pad.

End Turn

Post Sun Mar 05, 2006 2:30 pm

Griffon was annoyed somewhat at his detention, but went to his cell quietly. After all, he could afford to bide his time now, and considering the current turn of events any further activity could only make things worse for himself.
It was a curious twist of fate, he thought to himself grimly, that the very man he was after should be murdered by another - though he hadn't exactly intended to kill him himself. Griffon had what he was after though, and now he removed a small device from his pocket and attached to it the small disk like object he had removed from the dead man. The documents it contained were extracted, encrypted and sent over simple radio waves to the data banks of his ship, which at present lay dormant in the docking bays of the Missouri.
It only took a few moments, and when it was done he pressed a combination of buttons on the tool, and the data on the disk was erased. He detached it and placing it on the floor, began to grind it beneath his foot. Picking up the peices, he threw them deep into the room's ventilation system intake. If by some chance someone found them, perhaps even peiced them together, there would be no way of ever knowing what it originally contained.

Griffon sat back in satisfaction. "Whoever the poor fool that killed Stevens was", he said aloud, "just did me a considerable favor."

End Turn

Edited by - Griffon_26 on 3/5/2006 2:46:50 PM

Post Sun Mar 05, 2006 2:58 pm

Magellan system, sector 3A

The black Patriot floated silently in space, shields occasionally flickering as they deflected bits of ice and debris. Suddenly, a wave of light distortion- a gunboat, as black as the fighter it was meeting but of Rheinland manufacture, dropped its cloak and maneuvered alongside. The fighter rolled to port ninety degrees and latched onto a docking port, then the gunboat recloaked and caused both ships to vanish.

Inside the gunboat

"Impressive as always. I trust you left no evidence?"

NukeIt gave a curt nod to his subordinate, brushing past him and heading for the bridge.

"My ship will be in the security footage, of course...but the docking logs won't show a thing. That alone ought to keep them confused long enough for us to get well outside Liberty's sphere of influence. We are on schedule?"

The subordinate nodded back.

"We'll be at Freeport 10 in just under fourteen hours at this rate. I sent a coded report of mission success to HQ just before you docked; they sent your next target. One David Marcus, associate corporate intelligence officer, DSE. He's carrying schematics for a new gate prototype to a meeting on the station. Here's the fun part...the other target is whoever he's meeting, but HQ doesn't have an ID yet. Don't act until you're sure."

NukeIt paused just outside the bridge entry and sighed.

"Drop me across the system from the station. Once I'm off, keep an eye on anything entering or leaving the system to see if there's anything besides normal traffic. I'll take care of the rest."

(end turn)

Post Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:29 pm

At around 8:00 Shroud slowly began performing the painstaking work of finding out the entire log, manifest, and cargo of the ships he had found for several months back. Finding his head drifting toward the table Shroud pulled it back up to find his clock read 6:00, he had been asleep for almost 10 hours!. this was quite a problem so he went to the infirmary to get some caffine pills. with luck those idiots at the Cafeteria would figure out that coffe was supposed to be a liquid and he could stop taking these

Stupid Check box!

Edited by - The Shroud on 3/6/2006 1:30:23 PM

Post Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:08 pm

Standing outside his ship, Aceaz began to fret. Someone had been on his ship, and the cargo hold had definately been accesed, but as far as he could tell, no-one had removed or added anything. This particular cargo was not something he prfessed any expertise in, but his employer had impressed upon thim the need to make sure it was delivered on time to a drop box on Manhatten.

As he made his way towards the lift shaft to ask when the lockdown would end, a faint beeping began eminating from the ship. Unbeknownst to Aceaz, the cargo was a disguised MOX bomb that would be detonating within just a few hours....

*End Turn*

Post Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:15 pm

Name: Nikoli

Weapons of choice:
Ranged: Only weapon a small ion pistol stolen from his fathers drawer
Melee: Brass knuckles

Ship of choice: none

Duty Status: Runaway

Looks Like: 6'2, 17 yo, a little ragged, a look on his face that says "Ready to fight"

As Ace glided toward the hold exit, Nikoli made his move. A quick pounce, a light punch to the back of the neck, and Ace was stareing upward with glazed eyes.

"Damn" he swore "Whats your problem?"

"Not my problem, Yours." Nikoli responded, unless I am very much mistaken, someone wants you dead. With that he pulled a black rectangular box off a wall.

"I was just hanging around the dock when I saw someone sneak onboard and plant it. Nothing special about the guy, just short. so I figured I'd jump ship and tell ya."

"Then Why'd you punch me?"

"More fun"

(End Turn)

Edited by - chupa on 3/6/2006 5:16:02 PM

Post Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:23 pm

Tau-37, just under fourteen hours later...

"Black Gold to NukeIt, first target has entered the system and is inbound to the station. DSE courier, Rhino-based, no registry code. Two escorts, breaking off and leaving the system."

Just inside the edge of the particle cloud, NukeIt's Patriot lay in wait for the corporate courier to appear on sensors. The freighter's engine flare glowed through the dim cloud interior; seeing it NukeIt powered up his ship and fell in behind his quarry. The pilot of the DSE ship, blissfully unaware of the fighter riding in his wake, continued on to Freeport 10 and proceeded to dock- the little black Patriot broke off at the bay door and flipped around the side, remaining hidden from any possible observers on the station. NukeIt smirked as he spotted a service airlock on the belly of one of the biodomes; he maneuvered up to it and powered down the ship, donning a space suit for the short journey over to the station. Moments later he was stripping off the suit and strapping his gunblade across his shoulder...

Post Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:34 pm

Name: Commodore Leonhart

Weapons of choice:
Ranged: Inner Powers (no further info avaiable)
Close: Fists/Feet (martial arts)

Melee: LongSword

Ship of choice: unknown

Duty Status: Shady Traveler, some think of him as a Corsair Bounty Hunter.

Looks Like/story:
6’3”, dressed in complete black, just like the darkness that surrounds him. His eyes have never been seen, covered by a pitch black hair, with an agonizing grin being only feature visible. Little is known, but the appearance tells of things he has seen and survived, his pale skin telling the story of seclusion and darkness.

Slowly he walked into the bar, strong steps but silent like a night. The constant agonizing grin on his face as he walks past the numerous ranks already situated in their seats, drinking their favorite ale. Slowly he walks to the dark shady corner and sits at the table, while telling the bartender to bring “the best house has to offer”.

Edited by - Leonhart on 3/6/2006 6:35:25 PM

Post Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:14 am

Not by nature an impatient man, Griffon was nonetheless agitated at being held for so long in his cell. None of his items had been confiscated, a fact that he could only put down to oversight by those in charge, and therefore was able to contact his ship remotely. With some luck he may be able to get a message to the people for whom he was presently conducting "business".

He was pondering such an idea when the door slid suddenly open and a uniformed man entered, beckoning him to follow. He was led into a dimly lit room with a desk in the middle, at the end of which sat a haggard looking man, reclining back on his seat and gazing intently at some papers he had in his hand.
"Here is the man you ordered for questioning" announced the uniformed man. "Says his name's 'Griffon'."
"Ah yes, please sit down. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Luitenant Colonel Shroud, acting officer in command of this case." He reached for a paper lying on the desk.
"So...I understand you were here on business."
"That is true"
"And that you had intended to meet this man Steven's"
This caught Griffon by surprise. "I was not aware that fact had been made public." He replied, sharply.
"It is my job to know everything, of course. May I inquire as to the nature of this intended meeting?"

There was something about Shroud's tone which bothered Griffon.
"You may indeed inquire and I may reply that the meeting was purely business, the nature of which I am not at liberty to discuss."
Shroud replied with an air of patience which Griffon would have mistaken for apathy had he not noticed the glint in Shroud's eye.
"I'm afraid I must insist that.."
"And I am afraid I must insist now that I am released, I have been detained on no charge and with no evidence against me, and I am treated as a suspect merely for intending to meet the man? I have no great love of the law yet I know that you have no authority to keep me here whatsoever."

Shroud placed the papers he was holding on the table, and stood up, glaring at Griffon intently. "On the contrary, you know nothing of the sort. There has been a murder of a very important military contractor, on a military ship, under our very noses. As far as I'm concerned, everyone on this ship is a suspect except me, and I WILL get to the bottom of this. And I may warn you that if truth does not lie in what you say... I will break you, Colonel Griffon."

A faint smile began to form on Griffon's lips.
"Ex..." he muttered, vaguely.....

End turn

Edited by - Griffon_26 on 3/7/2006 1:17:15 AM

Post Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:51 pm

Biodome 2, Freeport 10

NukeIt had stationed himself in a tree overlooking his target, who sat on a bench with a briefcase beside him. Silently drawing his gunblade, NukeIt rested the weapon on his left arm, sighting down the blade and gripping the hiltstock tightly with his right hand. He spotted a second figure approaching the bench and began tracking this newcomer as well. The second man sat beside David Marcus, the DSE suit, and rested his own briefcase next to Marcus'. Several minutes passed, then Marcus rose, leaving his case and takingt he other man's instead. Now sure of his targets, NukeIt tightened his grip on his weapon, squeezing the trigger with the utmost control. Moments later, David Marcus slumped to the ground, a pool of blood forming around his head. The other man hardly had enough time to be surprised before he, too, was sent on his way to the afterlife.

Leaving his post, NukeIt dashed to the bench, grabbed both cases with his left hand- keeping his weapon in his right. He cursed the men for picking such a visible place to meet and made tracks for the airlock, where his ship idled in space outside the station's hull. He paused along the way only to dispatch a team of Zoner security personnel responding to the alert, cursed his deceased targets again for causing him to shed more blood than necessary, then floated across to his ship. Less than fifteen minutes after the first shot was fired (far too long, in his opinion), NukeIt's black Patriot jetted silently off into the void.

Post Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:22 pm

Alright "ex" Colonel griffin. it's apparent you aren't goin to be very forth coming. Yet. We'll see how long you hold out without food before you crack. If you talk... you can enjoy a feast the likes of which you've never seen. With the presedent her self if you so choose. If you decide correctly then you can call me on this comlink. Dissmissed

*griffin walks to guards*

Oh and you won't get your belongings this time. Can't risk a suicide you know.

*griffin is taken out by guards*

Post Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:19 pm

Name: Schwartz

Weapons of choice:
Ranged: mini Concussion Grenade Launcher
Close: very antique dual 9mm Luger pistols
Melee: Boot knives, concealed daggers, hands, feet, teeth ... just about anything to get me out of the scrape I'm in.

Deep Rheinlander heritage

Ship of choice: Banshee

Duty Status: Make my own hours

Height: 2m
Weight: 94kg

I walked into the bar hoping to grab a shady seat in a corner somewhere. They were all taken. I looked around and even the not so shady spots were filled. I settled for the table directly under the only source of light in the place. Good way to be inconspicuous, I thought sarcastically. I odered an ice water to sip on when the waiter came by. I waited for my contact as I looked around the place. Boy, this light really makes it hard to see the people out there.

Post Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:37 am


With his charge now safely inside the military compound, Langford was free to explore the area until he was due back at the ship for takeoff. Thanks to whatever the Liberty military was up to, he had lost almost half an hour. With this in mind he decided to forgo aimless wandering in favour of exactly what he knew needed doing.

Firstly, he would head to a long range communications centre and try and contact his men. He was sure that nothing important was happening but he hated to be kept out of the loop.

He approached a passer-by and asked for directions

End Turn

Post Thu Mar 09, 2006 11:36 pm

Ace smiled and handed Nikoli a five credit note. Then uncerimoniously booted him off his ship. Nikoli gave a muttered curse and stalked off.

As he entered the bar, he nodded to a large hulk of a man sipping ice water. "Not the type of guy I'd want to fight" he thought. Then he walked up to the counter.

"Give me a Plasma Coolant."

"Can I see some ID."

"No." A glare.

"No drink then."

"Fine. Give me a coffee. Tell me, anything good going on here? I need a way to make money fast. Legal if possible, If not, well, I am the fox, and I go where I want."

Post Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:21 am

I noticed the new guy in the place, he nodded to me as he walked in. I nodded back. He then shook his head at himself I guess because I didn't hear anyone say anything to him, then he turned and went to the bar. I over heard soemthing about money and foxes but none of those words were in the "code word" message of my contact. I really hate it when someone hires you for a job and thinks that they are in some spy flick. They insist on using code words and whispering. It is getting old, every new client the same old rutine, I complained silently. I returned my attention to my ice water and my listening in to the low conversations in the rest of the bar.

EDIT: arg, spelling

Edited by - topher on 3/10/2006 2:47:52 PM

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