You've left one thing out of the equation. Cash. In fact that equation goes something like this:
M$= Cash
Idealy for them, this function is increasing throughout its entire domain. Offering to purchase the rights shows that there is still interest, hence, the price will go up. Though FL may be fading off, be assured that they will milk the cow until it implodes. After that they'll do anything, pawn the spare boxes off to General Mills to put cereal in. The bottom line is, if they don't control the rights, they don't control the money, and that's not very equitable for them.
Lets suppose that they did accept an offer from you, or the community. The process would take months if not years of legal litigation, lawyers, and again, a whole lot of cash. Millions of dollars, something that, even collectively, this community would not be able to assemble redily, if even legally. Esky's sale of bred rabbits and Tawalkanistan's oil exports can only get us so far. Nothing can satisfy the greed. Sorry for the dire outlook, but the truth is sometimes painful.
Not Enough.
Edited by - J Dawg on 2/16/2006 9:34:02 PM