Post Tue Feb 07, 2006 6:10 pm

" taxation without representation" - isn't that what got things rolling on this side of the Pond? and Taw, it depends where you fall in the income brackets.Some pay little or none- or even get more that they paid in! Our govt's 'redistribution of Poverty" policy seems to do nothing more than make the problem worse.

What gets done? damn little. Who does the cost go to ? You got it- the taxpayer- and I am very sure that this is a situation shared by all those who pay taxes, no matter where you live.Socialism sucks, and involuntary taxation is theft, no matter how you try to make it sound nice. Communism didnt work- unless you honestly believe that Plato's 'Republic" has a chance in Hades at succeeding, and China tried that- so what are we to do?

Take a good hard look at Libertarianism, as a start- and no, it doesn't mean we dont want stop signs ( thx, Rush!)But I think this may not be the place for such a discussion, unless, of course , the moderators allow- after all, a quite concise and illuminative discussion occurred recently on another board in this set of Forums concerning Evolution versus Immaculation ( for lack of a better term) here, and was conducted most civily (sp?)- and Kudos to all involved!

Your call, folks-