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Whats your favorite and least favorite subject(s)?

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.


Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:30 pm

Whats your favorite and least favorite subject(s)?

What is your favorite subject(s)?

My favorite are:
HTML codeing(i'm still learning (I started learning only a couple of months ago)

What is your least favorite subject(s)?

My least favorite subjects are:
Writeing by hand
Homework (Yes i'm still in school(Middle school to be exact)
Language Arts

Have you triedWinampif not you don't know what you missing

Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:46 pm

3d Modelling\ Animation
Digital Art
Graphic Art
I dabble in pretty much everything on the computer and enjoy it. (You name it I have done it)

Least Fav:
and some others thing I can think of

Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:27 pm

Favorite Things To Do (tm):

Archaeology (naturally)
Creative Writing (not the class, mind you)
Literature (if there's a good Prof teaching and the books are good...)
Gaming (durrr)
Model Building (Battleships...I love my battleships I do I do...)

Things I'd Rather Not Do (tm):

Math (and anything that requires its more advanced courses)

Post Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:38 am

It all depends, i used to hate history,,, but history is fascinating - it's just the way it was taught/presented whilst in school. Same for English I am sure, the books we had to read were probabily too advanced to be appreciated at that age, and our subject tutor was rather poor (we never covered simple things, so I learnt all my knowledge of language from my French Teacher). In Maths we never understood the importance behind the subject, it just used to be difficult after a certain age, but this was due to lack of application/listening.

Similarly we used to hate French due to the teacher being rather militant in his way - we had tests every lesson, detentions if you failed etc, the teacher effectively bullied you during the lessons. However, the result was that most took their french GCSE a year early, and passed without issue.

I don't find any subject boring IF it is taught in the correct way, with plenty of interest and enthusiasm! Everything has some intrinsically interesting parts to it (up to a certain level)

Post Tue Jan 24, 2006 2:44 am

In school it was math and science, but now its history like chips, and rerets to not studying it more.

Post Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:00 am

iirc correctly my least favourite subjects at school were rugby (why do they make you play rugger in the middle of winter on a frozen pitch?) algebra, greek, and biology. Most other things I was ok at, history, art, and languages I excelled at (if I say so myself) and oddly enough history, art, and languages remain the things I'm most interested in.

Certain aspects of physical sciences I really enjoyed, ballistics, lasers, electricity/electronics, atmospherics, other aspects I hated. Same with chemostry, i loved the practicals and could do formulae and valencies straight away in my head, but I detested the boring methodology we had to use. Biology I just never had any time for, who gives a dam how flowers reproduce, except bees? In retrospect I think it wasn't so much me being picky but the very dull and uninspired teaching of the monks who ran my school, as you were a captive audience and most of them were very odd characters who could do as they wanted really with no-one to be answerable to except other priests, then they didn't really try very hard.

As it was so long ago there was no computerisation (imagine that children, a school without computers!) and electronics was taught only to a very basic level in physics, i didn't really learn anything useful except what i taught myself from books from the library and then my various courses inthe RN. However it wasnt until i left school that I found out that one of physics teachers had been an atomic scientist in the 1950s!

Post Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:20 am

Things I like doing.
Argueing with science teacher about science and religon. (In other words: science.)
Keyboarding Class (I type an average of about eighty words a minute, I just like that class because it's an easy 100 for a final grade.)
Social Studies (I'm kind of so-so on this, I've always liked the subject, but my new teacher scares me sometimes.)

Things I don't like doing.
Math (I have a really good teacher but I'm just not good with numbers at all.)
Language Arts (I've always hated that subject and my teacher isn't that good.)

Post Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:19 pm

favourites were sport,geography and history

least would have to be english due to the fact that if a book they insisted you read was ,as happened about 25% of the time, poor you werent alowed to say so in your review (never did like being dictated to about what was a classic book)
i understand why it was the practice ,but a review should be allowed to be positive or negative to have any true value(rant over)as long as you argue your point in a rational and thought out manner

Post Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:20 am

esp if it was Thomas Hardy, we had Mayor of Casterbridge for O-level, and it was really boring. And flippin' Romeo & Juliet for Shaekspearre, of all the plays we could have done we had to the silliest luvvy-duvvy one.

Post Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:00 am

@taw -

iirc correctly my least favourite subjects at school were rugby (why do they make you play rugger in the middle of winter on a frozen pitch?)

thats northern sadists for ya imagine what it was like growing up in wigan during their 14 year trophy binge!!?! I kid you not, we had to spend a minimum of one hour a day, every single day whatever the weather, outside on the frozen rugby pitch. Urrgh I hated that - you've brought back a whole load of nasty memories in just one sentence!

iirc, my favourite subjects at high school were Maths, Computers, Art, English Language and Design Technology.....which, when i look at it, now makes sense as to my chosen career path (can't believe i didn't notice that!).

my least favourites were PE, Chemistry and French. All of which I detested with a passion...PE for the reasons above, Chemistry because of the teaching staff and French because I'm terrible at languages, hate the french language especially and couldn't understand why i was being forced to learn it when i could have been learning something more useful. Preferably German, Latin, Japanese or Dutch - All of which I have needed since leaving school, all of which would have been much handier than learning "where is the post office" or "the monkey is in the tree" in a pointless language </rant>

Post Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:08 am

I actually got to use the famous phrase *le singe est dans l'arbre* on holiday in Tunisia, at a nature reserve and no-one could see the monkey. *ou'est le singe?* well, it is the ONE phrase that almost all English people can answer fluently!

Post Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:43 am

lol! Eddie Izzard would be proud

Post Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:30 am school it vaired, but in final year, my favourite subjects we Computer Studies and English and I pretty much disliked the rest or found it extremely boring.

Science wasn't too bad though.

First year of uni, my favourite subject was Formal Logic, though I hated it at the beginning of the year, my least favourite subject was the second part of C++, that was mainly due to a really crap textbook. Oh and then we had to do ICDL, which if you have been working with computers for 5 years is a waste of time.

This year I'm looking forward to French, Protuguese and also some others.

Post Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:05 am

Can't freakin' stand engineering thermodynamics. I can more or less picture everything else in my head, but thermo is way too strange for me.
I'm generally tiring of maths and physics thanks to my course!

I love natural history type subjects mostly. Biology, zoology, ecology, palaeontology, evolution etc. End up spending more time teaching myself on those subjects than for engineering

Post Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:53 am

My fav subjects were science - period. I hated english, as I never saw a point in it (hence why my grammar, spelling and the rest of it was so bad). It didn't help that my lower school teacher taught us... nothing, and during GCSE they only focus upon, well, exams (not lower level stuff) - so it never got picked up on! The fact we DID the mayor of casterbridge and romeo an julliet for our GCSE texts (i kid you not, we were going to do "to kill a mockingbird" and "lord of the flies", but our teacher turned around and suddenly declared we were all arguing so badly over them that we'd do his choices instead). I never read the mayor of casterbridge, although I did read Romeo and Julliet (we had to, in class!), so didn't fair that well in the exam (oh i passed alright, but nothing special ).

I didn't take history because you don't choose what you study, they chose for us - and the period between the 1st and 2nd world war was not my choice. Sadly i was completely unaware of politics or anything else, so I missed it all out and did geography (which I also thought was pointless). Computer courses weren't invented at our school back then either :/

Heck, I found every subject pointless except for Chemistry, Physics and Biology!They were also the only subjects i enjoyed, hence why I took two of them (and then strangely enough took maths... but that i was forced into, not out of choice).

I too remember playing Rugby - as well as football, in winter. It didn't last too long, simply because there weren't enough of us (small school at that age), and at the grammar I could choose sports like swimming, badmington and others instead!

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