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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:52 pm

The fact that we are discussing it's size only indicates the lack of legs this thread has left. I fear with the lack of a decent villian (ie Taw) this thread is doomed to reach the undisputed number one spot of big threads.

Post Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:32 am

moi, the villain? in your addled alcohol-befuddled head I might be dressed in a cape and tophat tying poor heiresses and tenants to railway lines a la Dick Dastardley and The Hooded Claw, but in fact (as I've said often) Noo Tawakalnistan is a paradise of virtue and piety where the people share in devout worship with their Mullah.

Evil has always coem from the side of overlarge mutated ginger-addicted rabbits, their teenage acolytes, and drunken reprobates foolishly given charge of their own countries. Thank heavens I turned Tawsat-1 on today and caught this latest slur on the Tawakalnistan's spirituality.

Indy - I shall be requiring a new line of credit for some "shopping" I need to do.

Id - same as last time but try to make sure the welds stay in place this time, Tawakalnistan's a bumpy place.

Post Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:12 am

taw to let you know i just recieved two gross of these babies all at your disposal
Zatn'kitel Energy Pistols

SG-1 is equipped with Goa'uld Zatn'kitel energy pistols, commonly called by Col. O'Neill's pithy sobriquet, zats. One shot will stun a victim unconscious; a second shot immediately applied will kill; a third immediately applied in succession will vaporize the target. ... zat.jpg'/>

Post Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:43 am

I might be dressed in a cape and tophat tying poor heiresses and tenants to railway lines a la Dick Dastardley and The Hooded Claw

Nah. Lose the cape, more like Mr. Snidely Whiplash, Esq., of course with tophat.

Indy's kapitalist paradise and emporium is as always happy to provide the Grand Tea-Towelled Mufti of Towelkarmasutrastan with a line of credit.

Edited by - indy11 on 6/8/2007 6:43:48 AM

Post Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:24 am

You mean you had a piccy of esq and you have been keeping it hidden? Shame on you Indy.

Post Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:56 am

@Esqui: You callin' me a turnip? Always food with you innit.

Post Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:49 am

no FD, that's not the evil Esquilurx - this is him!

Indy - excellent! nice doing business with you; now where's Dr.U.Id? I need to place my orders before he heads off down the pub, last time I ordered 50 converted Lada Rivas but got a box of cigars instead. They were good cigars but they didn't fit into the RPG launchers too well. And I sent him a lovely new cloak too.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 6/8/2007 9:52:52 AM

Post Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:48 am

Now Taw, quit with the photoshopping of piccys. You know Esq doesn't wear white gloves.

Edited by - Finalday on 6/8/2007 12:32:39 PM

Post Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:28 pm

ah but he does you know. his perverse lapine fear of human germs is rather well documented, although quite how sitting in a dank dung-filled burrow can be considered more hygenic I'm sure i have no idea! besides he needs gloves to help create traction on objects that he woefully tries to manipulate, for his paws aren't really designed for dexterity. I hear that it does make the old-fashioned tops on bottles of ginger-beer quite difficult to remove, which is presumably why ring-pulls and screw-on tops were invented. One might even speculate, fairly I think in the circumstances, that the opening of gb bottles may well be the only reason yon solitary Hare keeps young Jaggy around!

Post Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:27 pm

Ah, Mullahcakes, when will you learn? You should verify your information before you try and feebily pass it off as slanderous filth. Although I'm quite a reputed opener of GB bottles, I usually only do it in the circumstances that the previously mentioned GB will be going down my throat. I did perform this task for his Exalted and Glorious Highness when I was a harmless busboy under his employ, but now his charisma is such that bottles open on command. Other than opening bottles, I've enjoyed many fine positions under my Lord such as Head Director of Esquilaxistanian Media, Liutenant General of the Esquilaxistanian Land Forces, and (my current position) Official First Aide-de-Camp of His Holiness.

Post Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:44 am

Bah! The Rabbit-King has always been regarded as representing the light of truth, enlightenment and, above all, freedom! After all, the evil Mullah is a self-confessed rabbit-torturer, women-oppressor and autocrat. As for your "photo", that is clearly a freakish chimaera of "Santa Claus", a rabbit and a feline. Being the resident expert on chimaerae, I can state that no such chimaera exists (at least in Esquilaxitavia). As for gloves, I don't wear them (although they are fashionable, as evidenced by Lola and Bugs), especially as they lower the tactile responses that are needed for computer gaming.

Jaggy - Ah, then you received my email? Excellent. And where's that shipment of horseradish? I'm still waiting for it.

Post Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:57 am

@Taw: You rang sir?

Due to the overly restrictive European Fuel Emissions Regualtions the 1400cc Lada Has been hit with a rather high C02 levy. We attempted to circumvent this by adapting the vehicle to run on fish oils but the cod quota for the North Atlantic Region proved a hinderance. With this in mind rekindling the relationship we had with your fine, liberal, and shall we say, less restrictive government would be a pleasure.

As a token of this and in keeping with the spirit of our business we are glad to announce that all future orders of Lada Riva Convertible with 50cal mounts and "desert dune" paint finish shall also arrive with a commemerative Mullah table cloth and matching tea cosy. Also, with every batch of 10 procured we will also include the now collectable "My parents went to Tawaklanastan and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt", which comes in a range of sizes ranging from "Insignificant Minion" to "Harem Hussey".

Post Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:52 pm

Bah! Make your deals and earn/spend legal tender! One thing that Taw and his associates do not possess is the love of the community. Indeed, we are all aware of the popularity that chimaerae and rabbits have, but the power of rabbits once again shines through, via the medium of the internet. Power. Rabbits. Internet. Yes, ye heard me correctly. Eh? You don't believe me? Well, we are the latest craze in some areas of the world. See? Yes, rabbits have it all! You don't see any Mullah-related animated GIFs for use on MSN, now do ye?

Post Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:48 am

that's because MY followers don't believe in false gods or idolatrous images, you ersatz Hazel!

Post Mon Jun 11, 2007 11:04 am

*puts on Joel Grey mask*

Money makes zer virld go arrround
zer virld go arrround
zer virld go arrround ...

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