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top 10 movie count

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sat Nov 19, 2005 8:16 am

well, you did ask!

Post Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:15 am

I know. I'm glad you are telling me your favorite movies. I just never heard of them. I will have to buy some of these movies, or at least rent some of them.

Post Fri Nov 25, 2005 7:07 pm

Ok the other day I say James Bond. It is amazing . I have to see it again.

Post Fri Nov 25, 2005 8:46 pm

I have been seeing a bunch of movies by Tartan Asian Extream studios.
These movies are seriously messed up (in a good way) and if you like movies that mess with your head try to rent any film from these people.
But make sure you get the subtitled versions, the dubbed versions seriously hurt the films. And I'm not too sure you would want to buy these movies, mainly because once you know what happens most of the shock is gone.

Some of the movies by this studio:
Tale of two girls
Wishing staires

Blessed Be to all those that still dream of the flight to the stars.

quote " You wouldn't like my Happy Place it is full of blood, carnage, and destruction" :ME

Post Fri Nov 25, 2005 10:33 pm

Ok, in no order...

The Princess Bride
The Scarlet Pimpernel
Band Of Brothers
Snow White and the Three Stooges
The Lord of the Rings
Pirates of the Caribean (For Jonny Depp, NOT That Bloom guy)
War of the Worlds (The Old one)
Groundhog Day
Akeira Kurusaua's (Dont care HOW it's spelled) Dreams. (I still cant go outside when its sunny AND rainey at the same time. Watch out for Foxes.)
Ben Hur
The Great Escape
Sean of the Dead

And the greatest...


Edited by - Chupa on 11/25/2005 10:34:53 PM

Post Sat Nov 26, 2005 6:38 am

some great choices there, chupa, a good eclectic mix. particularly Yume (Dreams) one of Kurosawa's less well-known but to my mind superior works (but did he ever do any truly inferior works though? apart from Do-Des-Kaden)

the Lost Skelton of Cadavara, where did you dig that one up from? I haven't seen that in years!

(but Band of Brothers is a tv series not a film.)

Post Sat Nov 26, 2005 7:06 am

I like your choices. I really like Princess Bride.

Post Sat Nov 26, 2005 11:59 am

Top movies, eh?

1.Star Wars: All 6 of them(born and raised on Star Wars)
2.Lord of the Rings Trilogy
3.War of the Worlds(1953)
5.Indiana Jones Trilogy
6.Kung Fu Hustle
7.House of Wax(2005)
8.The Crow
9.Batman Begins
10.The Terminator

"He's a freak, ladies and gentlemen! He's a freak!"

Post Sat Nov 26, 2005 8:31 pm

L.S. of C? Thats just a couple years old... Fry Masterson's in it. Cant remember who else.

Post Sun Nov 27, 2005 4:03 am

nah it's older than that, it's about 5 or 6 years old (i think)

edit:- 2001. sure I'd seen it earlier than that, I must be thinking of summat else. oh well nevermind its all the Rabbit's fault.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 11/28/2005 6:00:29 AM

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