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I got a bridge I want to sell you....

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:18 am

I got a bridge I want to sell you....

Have you ever heard that? About gulable people that will buy most anything. Well, its been done. A virtual Space station selling for $100,000. Gamer buys virtual space station

Post Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:27 am

Yes, well, there will always be a market for gullable people. Profits are dictated solely by the cynicism of the retailers.

Post Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:17 am

Yay cynical retailers!

Post Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:43 am

Depends, what if others have to pay him to mine, stay, eat etc at that place. You never know, once finished that actually maybe a source of income...

Indeed, over years he may make a profit - or sell it to someone else for roughly the same amount of money. Maybe he isn't a fool, but a shrewd man... afterall, many millionaires have been made from "foolish ideas", just like James Dyson.

I am not saying the guy will make a million, but it's entirely possible he may make his money back and a profit too over time.

Post Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:44 pm

yea I agree

Since u can buy items with real cash, I am certain that an percentage of that price will go to him. Or even if people use game money to buy, he will get his percent and later exchange that to real currency..and with 235,000 players..there will be a GOOD profit..

Post Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:01 pm

who knows, we may eventually have people buying/selling "property" in earths orbit, i wonder how that would work since its in 3 dimensions instead of the regular two...

Post Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:08 pm

Would it be possible to start up a business, and when it turns out to be really profitable, put it on the stock exchange? Say: FTSE, NIKKEI, Wall Street?

Any financiel experts here who could comment on that?

Post Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:46 pm

Did you also know that gullible isn't in the dictionary? Serious, look it up.

Post Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:48 pm

its not as stupid as it sounds, a guy in the same game bought an island, and he has full rights over what creatures etc spawn there, so if he wanted to he could also sell portions of it off for people to develop.

Post Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:38 am

Yes, he can make a profit. Yes, he can get mining, hunting, whatever-ing rights to the entire area. But it's a game for goodness' sake! Why not spend that money in a real world endeavour? He has no idea what could happen in the game while he's paying for his investment. The designers are at absolute liberty to introduce any number of arbitrary measures which could have the knock-on effect of making his life very difficult. At least there is some fair warning about what is about to happen if you look hard and carefully enough. What about the game? Dev blog?

Anyone play EVE? You may know that the ice prices are predicted to drop as soon as the T2 miners come out. Something similar could happen here.

Post Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:56 am

The designers are at absolute liberty to introduce any number of arbitrary measures which could have the knock-on effect of making his life very difficult

This differs to real life how? Okay, if we include the designers aspect of the point then I am dangerously close to bringing this into a I.D. topic, heaven frobid, so lets drop that part but any number of arbitary measures, accidents, disasters etc can have effects in any business venture be it virtual or real.

EDIT: Doh!

Edited by - druid on 10/26/2005 2:58:15 AM

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