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I despise chain mail

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:39 am

The year I was born was one of the best vintages of all time in French wine

1897?! Wow! You're 108?!?!

Post Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:13 am

My guess is, born in the 60's, but as I don't drink, would not know a wine year.

Post Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:21 am

@Esquilax: 2000 is an excellent year, that makes sense.
@ gromit:
Why not ? My grandmother was 99 years 11 months old when she died last year.

Actually vintage 1955 was triple-A
*confuses everybody including himself*
But I am younger - in fact the vintage of my year was not that good as I believed

55 as the lower limit, 6x higher than upper limit - you are getting closer I can see my secrets vanishing on TLR

Edited by - zazie on 10/27/2005 5:23:44 AM

Post Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:49 am

@Zed; The Wabbit will be well impwessed, 6 yrs is a long time in "Bunny Years". I'll be 3591 next birthday...or was it 92...hrm?

I am not an expert on vintage wine as the stuff does not have time to grow old in the Id house hold. We do enjoy a good Amarone Costa Sera though. There is a Goldener Oktober '97 however that I have kept ever since the Christmas of that year. Some fool thought he could sneak the vile vinegar under his cloak into a Swiss Family Id house party and drink the good stuff without suffering my wrath. I am saving it until the right moment occurs and I'll force the cad to imbibe every venomous drop. Seriously, I know who it was and I will have my day.*muhahaha*

That 99 years and 11 months is a real sonnuva though. Sorry! I know she got more than most but you just have the feeling that another month would not have hurt the powers that be to allow someone to enjoy the 100 milestone.

Post Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:24 am

Thanks for nice words about Grandma. She was a really lovely person - and i am glad that her mental health was very good until the last day. She knew she would die - and she wanted it. That's why we could see her and say goodbye. My mother (as the last close relative because her husband and her son had died earlier) had a loong (how you name that in English?) Farewell-Conversation the evening and the night before she didn't wake up again. Impressive.

Btw: we should continue this conversation one day with an "Amarone". I love that wine too - my preferred is the "Venturini" - for special occasions.

Post Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:33 am

Sorry to hear about you grandma. But, as they say in england "she had a good innings"...and it sounds like she passed away on her own terms. I don't think anybody could ask for more.

ok, I'm guessing 1957.

Post Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:06 am

With adding 6X year, say 1963?

I know its probally not 1959. And other than BP, not too many are older than me here.

Edited by - Finalday on 10/27/2005 9:43:04 AM

Post Thu Oct 27, 2005 12:13 pm

wine is good. I cant realy say which is the best, but the ones my dad gets are good, its usualy French/Italian so I am guessing tehy are the best winemakers. Higher price mostly means better wine quality, right?? Or its just marketing. I always thought that more expensive the item, the better...


gehehe here is something for you alone souls out there, someone might acctualy care about you!!!

yea...yet again...I am just glad my gmail is free of this carp.

At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they want to be just
like you.

There are at least 2 people in this world that would die for you.

You mean the world to someone.

Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.

When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look again.

Always remember the compliments you received. Forget the rude remarks.

So if you are a loving friend, send this 2 everyone on your list including
the person that sent it to you.

Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they like you.

Something good will happen to you at 1:00-4:00 PM tomorrow, it could be
anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock in your life. if you break this
chain U will be cursed with relationship problems for the next 10 yrs.

Send this to 15 people in 15min!!!!!!

EDIT: Gah, my post was out of place. From chain mail it goes off topic than BAM I put it right back. It sounded so bad that it could be said it was off topic from off topic...

Edited by - Leonhart on 10/27/2005 1:22:26 PM

Post Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:57 am

Coming back from a four-day-business trip I see that the secret is revealed
congrats Gromit.
And do not even think about jokes with my age

But this post has another purpose too:

Postcount 89666

now this devilish 'nmbr f th bst' is wiped out

Post Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:55 am

did you know that ALL barcodes contain the numbers 6,6,6? true, that is.

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