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A Day for the History Books

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:36 pm

A Day for the History Books

Why is today (18 October 2005) a day for the history books? Age of Empires III and FEAR. Although I only have money for one (went with AoE, of course) I still think that such a big release day as today (with other releases such as Quake IV) should be mentioned.

I went through my own little journey to get AoE III though. First I went to Target (godforsaken place, but on my way home) and alas, no nectar of the gods (they were out of Jones Soda) and no AoE III. I kindly asked the clerk "Where the !@#$ is Age of Empires III?"

"Yeah, dude, it comes out Thursday"

After verbally spelling out whiskey-tango-foxtrot, I walked away to check on other stores. Target was too hot, CompUSA was too cold (Oct. 19th) but Best Buy was just right. Dude on the phone was so excited. "I love that game! I loved the demo! It's awesome dude, just awesome!"

So anyways, I've already pwned some Ottomans and Portuguese. Anybody else have any comments on what they're buying/ bought?

Post Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:28 pm

Oh when I saw the topic name, I thougth you finaly got a date. WOOT!

Post Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:35 pm

I'll be buying AOE III soon, but not right away. As embarassed as I am to say it, schoolwork takes precedence until the end of the quarter in December...

Post Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:45 pm

"Schoolwork takes precedence"?!? What kind of "l337" gamer are you?!

I'd buy F.E.A.R myself, but my PC isn't really up to the challenge as the game is reputed be a "resource hog". Maybe I'll try Quake 4 which, coincidently, was released yesterday... Meh, maybe.

Edited by - esquilax on 10/19/2005 12:47:04 AM

Post Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:10 am

quake four is out?

Post Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:39 am

It sucks.

Post Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:34 am

If my PC will run it,i'll be buying FEAR...according to the reviews i've seen i should also buy some more underwear...but we'll see

Post Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:35 am

Does it really "suck" my Australian chum? It seems playable, at least as playable as Doom3 (which admittedly doesn't mean that much ). Still, I ain't payin' full retail price for Q4 .

ff - Yes it is. *Rolls eyes*

Post Wed Oct 19, 2005 11:07 am

Jabez - You're just jealous because I get more action than you.

And FEAR isn't that taxing. Battlefield 2 suffers performance degradation like a mofo, but the FEAR demo runs like awesome on high graphics.

Post Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:37 pm

Yeah, its playable I suppose, let me rephrase that to "It didn't live up to any expectations"...The formula of simple "give em a big gun and a bigger monster to shoot" is just a little bit old, for me anyway. I don't see any reason to play this over UT or any other similar title.

PS - Quake 1 Quakeworld CTF still remains the most fun online FPS experiance EVER!

Edited by - Griffon_26 on 10/19/2005 5:37:27 PM

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