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A toast...

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:41 pm

A toast...

I just recieved word from my parents that my dog is going to be put to sleep tomorrow. I guess her condition has deteriorated faster than I was expecting. She was pretty old, about 13 years.

I remember choosing her as a puppy waaay back on the breeding farm where I got her. What hurts the most is that I won't be able to see her before it happens. I would want to be there. I haven't see my dog in many months since I haven't had time to go home.

I think I'm going to make some time though and visit my grandpa's farm this next weekend where she's going to be buried. I'm not ashamed to say that I cried when I learned the news. She was a good friend, especially during the times when I felt like I had no others.

So I raise my glass to one of the best friends I ever had, I'll never forget you.

Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:48 pm

I'm sorry dude, a dog is a friend like no other, always unwaivering and can always cheer you up. Loosing one is so painful, I lost my dog cause of a heart attack it had because of a weak heart at age of 4, so I know what its like. Just never forget it.

Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:31 pm

My condolences. I had a dog put down a few years ago because he developed bone cancer. The poor animal couldn't even walk without crying. *Sigh* I feel that we made the right decision, but it was a hard one to make. *Raises glass of GB*

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:16 pm

I know what it's like to lose a pet...I lost all three of mine this last year

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:24 pm

My dogs wierd. But she still is a very good dog. Sorry bud....

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 8:32 pm

sorry to hear that bud, I can only imagine how you feel...

just a bit off topic here (I just HAVE to put my 2 cents about something)...even tho I might get hanged cause of it

How do we know whats good for dogs? I mean dogs have evolved as an animal for millions of years, and I am sure nature did not intend for certain things. I mean, taking a dog to be groomed? Or putting clothes on the poor thing (or those neck things!)? Or just a number of things people do to their pets...which they say is "good" for them. How do they know whats good for their pet? I mean its an animal, it was around for thousands or even millions of years, if it needed that much help as it does today..I doubt the species would have survived for too long..
I just don’t get it...
To me there is nothing worse than seeing someone walking a pet that’s all dressed up. I just feel like walking up to them and slap em..
In my opinion some of the things people can be defined as torture…nothing more, nothing less...just torture.

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 1:40 am

Sorry to hear that Sylver. I have a dog of my own, so I can imagine how you feel like.
Take care mate.

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:46 am

Yes, a few years ago I had a sheperd-chow mix. She hated women, but loved me and my grandfather. I could have walked through hell with that dog and been safe. But she finally bit my grandmother and we had to give her away to guard a mechanic's shop. Then I reciently found out she got hit by a car three years ago. I know how you feel, I loved that dog to death.

Now I have a Tibetain Terrior, and he is the best dog I have ever had. Found him living under a trailer on my mom's ex-boyfriend's property. It was a pitiful sight to see him, all matted and dirty. It looked like he hadn't been bathed in years. So we took him home, and this is one of the smartest dogs I have ever seen. We've had him going on five years now, and I don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to him. When my cusion died in a fire it's like my dog (my mom named him Shaggy) it's almost like he knew what was happening. I admit that I cried when I found out, and he would just jump into my bed and start rooting at me like a cat. If anything ever happened to him, I just don't know what I'd do, I love him to death.

I do know how you feel, when I found out what happened to my sheperd-chow mix I was pretty upset. You have my sympathy. And I'm sorry to hear about this.

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 8:49 am

*Raises glass of fine scotch and coke*

I've had a lot of pets die over the years, most recently my cat, a selfish bastard who used to annoy the crap out of everyone but me. It used to bug dad for food, scratch my sister, but for me and mum that cat was awsome.

*Tips hat* my condolances

You Wanna Revolution?

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 11:56 am

My dog's so dumb she's run into the middle of a busy street twice--still hasn't been killed, but I thank luck.
Another got hit broadside by a garbage truck, and lived for another decade before she developed bone cancer and we had to put her down (that was awful.)
A third we bought from a family who had tried to train the bouvier as a guard dog. The animal was a bloody psychopath, no joke, and tried to gnaw through the arm of a random woman on the street. And attacked a child. Had to put him down too. Not good

So those are my pet death (or near death) stories.

My condolences sylverfysh.

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:01 pm

Hey man, sorry about your pet.

Post Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:36 pm

my mom's cat had cancer and we had to put her to sleep as well. (the cat, NOT my mom)

Edited by - mrdeaths on 10/19/2005 7:36:36 PM

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