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Dead threads

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:41 pm

Dead threads

I know im not a moderator, but ive noticed that a few people have been posting on a bunch of dead threads, some MANY months old.

I'm A Forum Bowser!

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 4:05 pm

I'm no coroner, but those bodies sure are dead.

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 5:04 pm

I concur even if you arent a coroner.

I'm A Forum Bowser!

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 5:24 pm

i thought i smelled graveyard dirt lately. sort of a night-of-the-living-dead thing going on i couldn't resist yeah that seems to be happening a lot i think ppl are just board or were lurking when that thread took place

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 5:31 pm

Were I as opinionated here as I am in real life, there wouldn't be a new thread on here.

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 5:45 pm

Not to worry, TLR's sod planting service is at work sodding back over those dug up graves and warnings issued to the offenders. That and the shovel taken from them.

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 6:33 pm

There should be a definite limit on the time a post can stay, even on unlimited view or whatever its called. Like a year. That or create another section of the forum, and (I'm not as skilled at java as i'd like, so i can't write it.) maybe write a script that moves forums to the new section an Archive section thats read only. Maybe move it there if its inactive for 30 days or so.

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 7:05 pm

Depends Aravis. If people actually have something useful to contribute, I don't care. I can remember a couple of threads which got "populair" after someone went gravedigging.

Post Sun Oct 09, 2005 5:51 am

Aye, I agree with Wizard - if its a useful contribution - then by all means let em dig. If its just to spam up posts (as we mention in the rules) to garner post count - or to add "thanks" to it, then its unwelcomed.

As for locking them past a certain date, would that it could! We'd have to do that manually

Post Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:10 am

Agreed. It seems more though lately, that its newcomers, that arn't replying to new threads, but rather go as far back as a year and dig and old one, try to reply to an aswered thread or the "cool" type coments. They fail to realize either the person in the thread has either got his answer and replied or not replied, either way, that person may not even be posting on TLR anymore. The new person simpley pulls 6-7 old threads to do as Chips said, spamming thier rank up. I too have no problem with reserecting a thread if the poster has a question along the same line as the original.

Post Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:23 am

Posts only go back 1 year anyway...that's as far as you can set the forums to show, so what do you mean they should be limited to a year?

Lets say that someone just discovered's not like it was advertised when it came out and hasn't been hipped up to this day. Some lucky person finds a copy in the bargain bin or a friend shows it to them or maybe they even find it on Ebay.
Now that person discovers Lancers Reactor and thinks to themselves, hey this is a nice community, one that I would like to participate in so they start reading the posts and find one that they would like to contribute to...
We should penalize them because their new? and/or say this is grave digging...
That don't sound fair to me.
But then again what do I know or matter for that fact so forget about my ramblings

Post Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:37 am

Yes, I've been bored so I have done a little grave digging. But only on topics that are about a week old.

And for those of you who just can't wait, I've finally started The Holocaust!
4 8 15 16 23 42

Twenty bucks to whoever can tell me what the deal is with those numbers. I'll give you a hint: They have somthing to do with a guy named Hurley.

Post Sun Oct 09, 2005 9:14 am

Well, I see your point. I've refrained from posting on alot of old ones for even if it is meaningful, nobody cares and gets on your back about gravedigging. And it was just a passing thought.

Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:28 pm

And for the auto, "get rid of stuff" in fanfic, if someone is writing a story, it might take more than 15 minutes to write! So there might be over a month of nothing in that thread.

Death to the salad eaters!

Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:41 pm

Yeah, in fanfic there's an understandable delay, but in a topic about seasickness you would be better off posting a new thread than bringing back one that's ten months old.

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