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You always wanted to play Quake Arena on your ... mobile pho

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:26 am

You always wanted to play Quake Arena on your ... mobile pho

...then you should have a look at this site: NoctemWare Have fun

We thought it would be fun to do it, so we ported the recenly-GPL-released Quake 3 Arena from iD Software to Windows CE 4.2 for Pocket PC, as a test for our 'SpeedDemon' Windows CE profiler. Sure, the game still runs at like 5 FPS, but at least we know how to make it faster for future builds. Expect continuing development on this port. In the meantime, enjoy the 1.0 release!

btw: What iD did with the Q3 sourcecode could be - watch out: hint ahead - an example for MS/DA . But I am not suggesting to port Freelancer on mobiles here

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:03 am

I can see the multiplayer possibilities. Something to do on long trips or in Physics class.

Yeah, zazie, that was totally just a suggestion to DA. I'll help you write the petition.

Post Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:42 am

Why couldn't they had done this a year earlier so i actually could play quake 3 in physiscs. I had to settle for doom and quake 1....

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Post Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:51 am

Quake 1 is the only Quake I have any time for. mind you, i couldn't play it on my phone, i can't see the screen as it is.

Post Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:09 am

how would snipering work on a mobile?! what is quake without the ability to find a little snug hole and pick off the other players??

Post Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:12 pm

Quake is finishing all four episodes in under 15 minutes.

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