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Going crazy and knowing it

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:02 pm

The most I can say that if you have the inkling that you might have some sort of ADHD or major self-esteem problems (not stuff like "My team lost the game, I'm so depressed), there's definitely no harm in getting screened. But, like you said, there were logical reasons behind those symptoms that don't directly realate to mental health problems.

BTW of course none of us are 100% sane

now if you'll excuse me, I have to rewind the 10:40 barrel to my periwinkle.

Edited by - Sylverfysh on 9/28/2005 8:03:36 PM

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:46 pm

Thanks Sylverfish.

BTW: I failed Psychology at A-Level (I got hung up abut that most insane Dr. Freud - and that Swiss madman Piaget).

Off to put my train to bed, it has an exam in the morning! )

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 8:12 pm

Alziemers (can't spell XD) is not going CRAZY , its losing your MEMORY. There is a difference, people. Insane is the point of which you can no longer act sensibly, or rather, utilize common sense . If you know your going crazy, then obviously theres still a shred of common sense in you or you wouldn't reconize that fact. This keeps you sane. For the time being I never said it STOPS it, but as long as you are aware your "insane", you really aren't. You can't be insane and know it. Its impossible.

at least in my opinion

And i, personally, am about 10% sane. As is the rest of my mod team. Like i said, you want to make something revolutionary? you gotta be insane

Edited by - Blackhole2001 on 9/28/2005 9:13:32 PM

Post Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:54 am

So what you mean, is that you will never be able to recognise yourself as insane if you are 100% insane. Trouble is, there is no empirical method of measuring insanity so your entire argument kind of falls flat on its face

Post Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:17 am

Um. No, BH2001, it is not just a loss of memory or a form of amnesia. If that were the case, it wouldn't be quite so horrible to either the afflicted person or to that person's family.

Alzheimers - Dementia

Post Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:37 am

Urgh, another one of these topics where people fantasise they are slightly insane or insane is it?
"I'm 10%, well I'm 11.35%, well I'm 18.2094%".

As someone else said - since you cannot define what 100% sane actually is then how can you say you are/aren't! That is rheotorical by the way...

This topic sucks, lets rewind to Wizards contribution - about the hot ladies!!!

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