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Going crazy and knowing it

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:15 pm

Going crazy and knowing it

As I've mentioned before, I'm a psychology major at my university.

So far my two major courses this semester are Abnormal Psychology (Study of abnormal behavior...duh - like schizophrenia; personality, axiety, mood, sexual, dilusional disorders) and Clinical Psychology (Study of how to treat abnormal behavior/disorders).

They're tough classes, but I hate to admit, interesting.

Anyways, I was just thinking about how all of this information I am learning really opens your eyes. For instance, I just finished learning about ADHD and how it affects people and what the effects are. It suddenly occured to me that a friend of mine may have ADHD.

For years my friend has been a pretty poor student, nice guy and funny, but kinda wacko. I always just wrote it off as him just being kinda kooky, but now I feel as though he might have had a mental disorder and no-one really noticed.

For instance, one sign of ADHD in children is low motor coordination, especially in handwriting.

Now we all have our "bad" handwriting, so I just thought he was a messy guy, but i realized that his handwriting has been horrendous since kindergarden. It's completely ineligible.

Plus, he was one of those can't keep still EVER, again, i thought it was cause he was drinking too much Mt. Dew (drank it ALL the time). But he would be like that all the time, even at like 4:00 in the morning. Loud and crazy (in the silly sort of way). He also sometimes had massive self-esteem problems. He constantly put himself down and say he wasn't good enough to do this or that.

My point is, hind sight, I'm noticing a lot of things lately that I never thought about.

For instance, I've realized that I had depression a couple years back. I had just broken up with my g/f and I remember the summer following (it was right before summer) i didn't do anytthing. Nada. Zilch. Zip. I slept about 18 hours a day, didn't do anything I liked. I also had mad weight fluxuations, I gained about 30 pounds, and then that 30 pounds, all in the span of 3 months.

I know you're all thinking "well duuuh....of course that's depression.) But obviously, no one around me noticed enough to get me help. I eventually got over it in about a year. I made varsity golf team, started doing some community service (which made me feel better and kept me active), eventually I got back to normal.

But how much better it would have been to have had help and not have had to struggle on my own for a year. Sort of makes me upset that someone didn't notice, would've saved myself a youthful summer I won't have back.

Sometimes I wonder if I suffer from a bi-polar depression, I feel top of the world, like nothing can stop me, and then sometimes I feel like a worthless hunk of meat within a short time. But it doesn't happen commonly, so it's probably just the regular ups and downs.

After saying all of that, I probably should take my own advice and get screened

Edited by - Sylverfysh on 9/26/2005 2:18:54 PM

Post Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:25 pm

I'm not crazy!

seriously, do you find people start reacting differently to you when you tell them youre studying psychology? also, does the fact that you are now aware that you're assessing people and situations in light of what you're learning mean that you react differently to them, ie you modify your behaviour in the light of what you've learnt?

i found that after doing my design degree (in which i had to study art theory and philosophy) I could never look at anything manufactured and just see it for what it appeared to be. i found I deconstructed everything, paintings, films, tv adverts - nothing can be taken at face value anymore, and i now think that's a bit of a shame.

Post Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:58 pm

You have no idea how many times I go through this conversation:

So What are you studying?
"I'm a psychology major."
Oh...Uh, you're not diagnosing me are you?
*Sigh* "Don't worry I'm not"

Whether they're joking or not, it's old. VERY old. Sometimes I tell people I'm a business major just so I don't have to go through the same motions.

I noticed that strangers when they find I'm studying psychology start acting a little strange. A little "Leave it to Beaver-ish" if you know what I mean. My friends pretty much act the same, but sometimes I take little notes on scratch paper and peer at them just to be a ****

With psychology I too pick apart media. Specifically advertisements. They're so much psychology that goes into those things it's not even funny. And car salesmen when you're out on a lot...ESPECIALLY car salesmen.

I've honestly thought about using my powers for evil as well and joining the media in selling useless junk to the masses because I'm saying the right things and showing them what I know will get them to buy.

EDIT: Yeah the magic is kinda gone for me too, especially love. Psychology tries to explain it, but all it does is make it seem less special

EDIT 2: Woah, since when is "krej" censored?

Edited by - Sylverfysh on 9/26/2005 3:01:56 PM

Post Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:11 pm

since always. it's been commented upon many times before that you can't write *beef j e r k y* or *the brakes j e r k e d*

Post Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:30 pm

sylerfysh, shame about your friend, hopefully it didnt stop him from doing something constructive with his life that he enjoys...

I seriously doubt oyu are bi-polar, we all go through our up and downs, if you were bi-polar the changes would be extreme and irratic, you're probably just over-analysing it and scaring yourself (I do that all the time) If it helps get screened, but you're probably just being over-critical. I dot want to play it down, Bi-polar is a serious disease, with potentially dangerous impications, as I'm sure you know from your studies. I know with the limited phycology I've studied that afterwards I found that I was analysing myself and seeing if I fell into anything, perhaps you're doing the same...

Post Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:36 pm

Sorry about the censor, I never use them normally, and I figured it wasn't on the list

@ Fallen Angel:
I am over-thinking it And you're right, bi-polar is definitely not something to take lightly, but as they say: the more you know, the more you worry

Edited by - Sylverfysh on 9/26/2005 3:39:13 PM

Post Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:11 pm

Sorry guys, I know nothing about psychology, but I've been to some parties hosted by psychology students, and most female psychology students are pretty darn hot

So much for my humorous/annoying/nothing-worthwhile-to-contribute-to-the-

Edited by - Wizard on 9/26/2005 4:12:20 PM

Post Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:27 pm

sylverfysh, your right about the more you know..., which is why some people are so good at ignoring facts... =P sorry, but stearing away from that tangent. it all goes back to how much information is too much information? canyou have too much information? obviously with anything if yo dive too deep into things like this, analyze too much, it can drive you crazy.

oh man, that reminded me of a joke, shame it isnt pg...

this woman is talking about her previous marrages,

first I was married to a psychologist, he just wanted to talk about it,
then I was married to a gynochologist, he just wanted to look at it,
Now that I'm marrying a lawyer I'm guarunteed to get..... you get the idea =P

Post Mon Sep 26, 2005 7:58 pm

@ Wizard:

Your observations are correct. Psychology has a very large female-to-male ratio here at my university and yes, many of them are hot

This all makes me think of the saying "Ignorance is bliss." Which can be true sometimes, but when it comes to mental disorders, ignorance is hell. Especially if you're the person experiencing them.

You think it's something wrong with you intrinsically, when really it's (most of the time) a physical problem with the brain.

Edited by - Sylverfysh on 9/26/2005 9:02:08 PM

Post Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:31 pm

I must tell you, I am observant. And I have obsevered people who research abnormalities constansly, begin to wonder if they have them. This sometimes leads to constand diagnosis of one's self, and the person usually become obbsessed with it. They begin to wonder that if they have an abnormality, that they are diagonsing themselves wrong, or don't know how to anymore. They begin to constantly test themselves to see if they're sane, however because of this odd obsession, many people fall into states of hypocondria (if I spelled it right) and lonleyness. My advice is take it easy, and stop worrying.

Post Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:50 pm

Wow. This is hilariously typical: the psychology student who thinks he's insane. My history teacher (director of cognitive science at U of T) has hordes of stories like this about colleagues and their students.

Truly, all insanity is is the emphasis of specific mental traits to the unhealthy exclusion of all others. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, for example, is merely a few steps farther than perfectionism. Even psychosis is only an emphasis: the "beast" instincts exist in the mind to the exclusion of all instincts of compassion. So the fact that you have these traits doesn't signify insanity in the least.

Edited by - Wilde on 9/27/2005 4:54:14 PM

Post Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:54 pm

You cannot go insane and know that your going insane. The very concept that you know your going insane keeps you sane.

So if you know your going insane, rest assured, you are as sane as the rest of us

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:08 pm

...which isn't saying much. I seriously doubt anyone on this site can claim to possess all sanity.

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:54 pm

Sylverfish:- most of those symptoms of ADHD describe me.... However, I must qualify it. My handwriting is bad because my eyesight is terrible, until the age of 13 I could (quite seriously) not see past the end of my nose (clearly at least). Also, due to my eyesight problems, I was very fidgety, and over-active (my doctors, family and friends of the time believe that it was because I was perceiving myself as misunderstod.) However, the symptom you describe that I cannt account for is my self esteem - any suggestions?

On a more humourous note.. I used to live with three psychology students, and I never once consciously thought they were judging me. Hwever as a Management student myself (which invlves more psychology than people realise) I can understand the psychology students predicament in that regard.

On an even less serious note, I claim to peple that I am voluntarily insane, which raises a few eyebrows and the response of "Why?" to which reply "Why not? It makes life more interesting!!!!"

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:24 pm


Maybe it isn't quite the same thing as watching yourself going *insane* but those who are afflicted with Alzheimers Disease go through a phase in which they are conscious of the fact that they are losing their minds.

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