It just won''t go away
As some of you may have noticed from some of my previous posts I seem very callous and uncaring, oftentimes quite brutal and eagerly violent. This is because of a deep-seated rage and contempt I have gained from a certain organisation. A few of TLR's members already know the background so I won't bore you guys with it. But basically I'm losing control of myself. Every day it's like a battle in my mind. I'm fighting against all this hate and anger but I usually can't beat it. I succumb to it and it's changing me for the worse. When I do lose myself to it I almost become a different person, calculating, methodical and very cold.
Other times when it doesn't surface, I'm quite compassionate and caring, and I want to help people. It wouldn't be so bad but this civil war of sorts inside me has been causing massive depression for about five years now. I feel like I'm being mentally torn apart, my thoughts are scattered and sometimes I'm unable to concentrate properly. It's not just relegated to my mental health either, every time I get angry or fall prey to it, it puts my body under a lot of strain. I can feel it labour when I get angry and I'm getting all sorts of pains and aches. Sometimes at work I have so little energy I struggle to stay standing, and when I'm not in sight I just let my legs collapse and rest a while. I think I'm in danger of doing some real damage to my body and especially my heart, as it seems to be under strain and hurting quite a lot.
In other words, what should I do? I've considered therapy or something like that but I can't afford it, it costs so much money and now that I'm 18 I can't get it under government subsidy. Is there any sort of alternative I can use? I'm beginning to really get desperate for a way to just end all this madness I seem to have.