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Best and worst computer games ever

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 6:18 pm

as for the best game I have to say morrowind. I got the game of the year edition when it first came out and I still havent started the main quest, there is just that much fun in the game, I am the same way with freelancer.

As for the worst game I have to say KOTOR, it just had too many cutscenes in it and not enough freedome in it to keep my intrest. To damn liniler for my tast.

Blessed Be to all those that still dream of the flight to the stars.

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 6:40 pm

When you say best game, dozens come to mind. To say the best, itd have to be Age of Empires II: The Conquerors. MS has released what, three RTS games since then, and still none of them top it. Rise of Nations comes close mind you, but AOE:TC is timeless. It is and will forever be my favorite game. Until AOE III is released. Worst game? Hands down, Star Trek: New Worlds. It came with my old video card, which has since exploded. Great graphics, but was in reality a wanna be RTS that just plain sucked. Anyone who's played it knows.

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 7:44 pm

wc IV

the worst hmmm? I think I'll go most dissapointing with star control 3
starcon 2 is still top 10 in my book such potential and pfffft nothin

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 11:01 pm

Worst to me, was X2 due to the learning curve. I finally gave up and put it on the shelf to colect dust

I'll get the rope, someone get some matches and kindling!!

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 11:10 pm

Its kind of a shame to see these games omitted from the 'Best Game' list:

System Shock 2 - a game that even today with it's somewhat dated graphics, still can scare the willies out of me. To me, it was scarier than Doom 3.

Deus Ex - God damn I love this game. This is the #1 on Shark's all time favourite games list. For it's day, using the Unreal Tournament engine, it looked pretty schwing, and the gameplay was the perfect melding of an RPG and a FPS. Voice acting in it was pretty good too, strange to see that nowadays.

Total Annihilation - Best. RTS. Ever. Period.
I stand by that today as i did when i first got it. There are abilities and functions in TotalA that no other RTS has ever matched. Build queues, multiple orders are slowly making a their way into current titles, but it took them, how long? TA was realeased in 1997. In 8 years, no one has put those back in... It is a shame that TA:Kingdoms sucked absolute ass, and was the cause of Cavedog's demise.

Max Payne & Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne - one of the best storylines in a game ever. Beautiful to look at, to listen to, and to enjoy.

Evil Genius - God damn this game is funny. Kept me entertained for ages. One of those games which are truly unique, and it is a shame the publishers wont touch stuff like this normally.

Uplink - If you've played it, you know what i'm on about.

Scorched Earth - Again, those who remember, will remember the fun had with this game. Tanks were never so much fun.

For the worst?

Let me run the list:

Star Trek Elite Force 2 - Sorry, but this game is pants. The worst implication of a story i've seen in a while. It looks good, but it handles bad and the acting sucks. Predictable as hell too.

Mechwarrior series - I hate these games with a passion, it's waay too fiddly for my likes. Really only for the hardcore battletech fans. Mech Commander 2 was good though, albeit a tad short.

Bart's Nightmare (SNES) - I don't want to remember this game. It's just too painful.

There's a buttload of others. I just don't want to remember them all.

You wanna revolution?

Post Wed Sep 14, 2005 6:08 am

Love Shark do you want to clean up your above post a little? I don't have a problem with cursing, but GD and JMFC is where I draw the line. Not trying to sound rude/hatefull/mean by this, but please have a little more consideration for other people.

Post Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:12 am

There are lots of best games in my book.

Halo 2
Starcraft broodwar

And several bad that I am unfortunate enough to own
Extreme paintbrawl 1
Extreme paintbrawl 2
Extreme paintbrawl 3
Battlecruiser millenium

Post Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:45 am

you're confessing to putting money in Derek Smart's pocket?

Post Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:44 pm

We all do stupid things from time to time Taw, your latest example seems to be sitting below "Tawakalna (Reloaded)" on the left of your post. Only kidding.

Best games...haven't changed much since the last thread:
Total Annihiliation - As Loveshark said, "Best RTS Ever". Ever.
Half Life - obviously.
Dark Forces (+ immediate sequels) - probably the only decent Star Wars game to ever be released.
Flashback - old, but very good in it's time. With a half-decent story to go.
<-- Flashback

Edited by - Accushot on 9/14/2005 2:46:45 PM

Post Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:53 pm

Extreme paintbrawl 1
Extreme paintbrawl 2
Extreme paintbrawl 3

So you bought one, hated it - then bought the sequel. Decided that was one of the worst games ever as well - then bought the third?

Would love to know the logic behind the purchases.....

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:22 am

Owning a PC and X-box


X-Box - HALO and HALO 2
PC - Freespace 2


X-BOX - Star Trek Shattered Universe (Being a Star Trek fan this was appaling)

PC - Star Wars Jedi Acadamy

@Alpha Leader: I Liked Battle Cruiser Millenium, I commanded a Capital Ship

Never be afraid to try something new, Remember Amatuers built the Ark, Professionals built the Titanic

Edited by - TrekkieNCC63549 on 9/15/2005 3:23:53 AM

Edited by - TrekkieNCC63549 on 9/15/2005 3:24:17 AM

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:22 am

Nexus: The Jupiter Incident
One of the best games ive played in ages. The only downside is its direct correlation between computer requirements and sizes of the onscreen battles. and i think it tops out at about 30-40 ships even then. otherwise, fantastic.
There is something exhiliraing about taking a single cruiser and going head-to-head with a massive cityship, slowly wearing it down, having hundreds of near-misses with red-hot plasma before the enemy ship finally explodes in a huge fireball.
Ill get screenies

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:02 am

that's because this is a different dimension where natural laws no longer apply, Accushot, and weird stuff happens. Bit like that island in *Lost*

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:56 am

wth are you on about killa. that is the 'cleaned up' version of my speech, and pesonally, if you're worried about forcing people to stop saying god damn (god damn these people who say gad damn, gad damn it!) then you're gonna get a shock when you get older.........god damn it.

"Love Shark's one bad mutha--"
"Shut yo mouth!"
"He's talking about Love Shark!"
"Yeah, he's one baaaad mutha--"
"Shut! Yo! Mouth!"

You wanna revolution?

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:11 pm

Deus Ex

Total Annihilation - Best. RTS. Ever. Period.

Max Payne & Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne - one of the best storylines in a game ever. Beautiful to look at, to listen to, and to enjoy.

Uplink - If you've played it, you know what i'm on about.

Scorched Earth

Can you read my mind or something? They are so on my best games list.
Deus Ex - The multiple story ways, the EXCELLENT atmosphere, the utter most fantastic music and the gameplay and storyline was just phenomenal. How else can you combine a FPS, together with hacking and then also make it a semi-RPG?

Total Annihilation - Yup, you said it. It rocks. The Cavedog guy (Chris Taylor) is now head of 'Gaspowered Games' and is now creating a game called 'Supreme Commander'. That looks a bit like Total Annihilation (loads and loads of units, etc.). We'll have to wait and see.

Max Payne + MP 2 - You've said it all

Scorched Earth - Oh yeah, that game. It's extremly old, but heck, it was fun. The gasps of pain when your tank got blown up, the fun of blasting away landmasses under other peoples tanks - pure heaven!

Also, a nice fav. of mine: Worms Amageddon - Another classic. The super sheep, the maps and the gameplay are just excellent.

I had a signature once..ages ago, then I was 'Gone fishing' and it was stolen :-/

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