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Best and worst computer games ever

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 8:32 am

Best and worst computer games ever

Just wanted to throw this out into the open:

What is the best PC game (other than Freelancer...) that you have ever played. And what is the worst one you've ever played?

For me, the best game would be Master of Orion II. I've spent way too many hours playing this. As for the worst game? There are many, but I gotta give the trophy of shame to Black and White. I'm sorry, I just found it to be mind-numbingly dull. Funerals are funner than this.

So...what's your favorite and not-so favorite?

---"Open the Pod Bay doors, Hal, and I'll give you a cookie."

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 8:38 am

best is a diffciult one. the game I enjoyed the most was probably HL:Opposing Force or WC3 or Operation Flashpoint. The game I enjoyed least and wished I'd never bought was Delta Force:Black Hawk Down - not that it was unremittingly bad, it had several very good points, sadly all let down by its bad points. i ended up throwing it away in frustration.

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 8:52 am

Daikatana, worst game ever.

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 8:55 am

Ooooo...forgot about that one. Crap doesn't even begin to describe it.

---"Open the Pod Bay doors, Hal, and I'll give you a cookie."

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 9:28 am

It'd be too hard for me to choose the best game I've played but for the worst game (that I actually owned) it'd have to be Aquanox. It came free with my graphics card at the time and was meant to show off the card's capabilities. It's a futuristic submarine dogfighting game, while in reality it was more like a space sim played in excruciating slow-mo with an incoherent storyline.

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:04 am

best game ever?FL,seriously,i've never owned another game that kept me interested for years before.unreal tournaments,halo games,gtas,BFs,nothing keeps my interest like freelancers multiplayer does.the worst game ever?mario brothers 2 - it was just a clone of another game with new sprites

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 11:02 am

Best game ever (aside from FL) would probably be Age of Empires (the original). Sad part is that I own high tech games like Battlefield 2, Half-Life 2 and Morrowind (which are all good games), but the disks sitting in the "ready to play" area of my desk are both Age of Empires games and Civilization II.

Worst game ever in my opinion: Battlecruiser Millenium. Maybe I'm just not a space sim guy except for FL, but it didnt float well.

Wanna hear a joke? Daikatana!

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 11:06 am

Sad to say - FL is one of the best games I have ever played, but I have to couple it with a few others:

X2 the Threat

Yeah, they are all pretty new - but I had a long spell without gaming - so I missed things like Freespace, WC and other series.

Worst game - giving away how long ago it was since I played games.......would have to be Terminator 2. Diabolical.

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 11:31 am

Best game? That's not so tough,


Worst... Hmm... There are so many... I can't even begin to write them all

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 11:54 am

Yep,Starcraft.Probably the best storyline in a RTS ive ever played.Tje games been going since 97 and there just now revisiting the SC universe with StarCraft:Ghost.And SC is still getting new players,bout 6 a day (small amount)

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:01 pm

"Battlecruiser Millenium"

does it even class a game? the errant spawn of Derek Smart's ego shoorly has never actually been installed on anyone's PC? you aren't telling you akshuly paid real money for it?

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:11 pm

Pay? huh?

It's called secondhand. We poor americans have a system of "this game sucks, you try it out and see for yourself". Yes, actually, it was installed on someone's computer.

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:45 pm

ewwwwww. did it do strange things to it? did a highly unstable man with glasses and a piece of *alien metal* and a fake degree appear on screen at any time?

you do have to love Derek, well I say *love*, I mean in a *laugh uncontrollably but be glad you dont live near him* sort of way. He truly is unique in his crapness. Without him the interweb would be a erm better but less amusing place.


Daikatana? did anyone actually buy this game? it is pants by the way but it seems most people who slag it off never even played it.

Aquanox? I agree, terribly disappointing - I was hoping for an improved Subwar and it wasn't even that good. Good graphics for benchmarking though.

i think there has to be a distinction between *worst games that everyone says are bad* and *games which i thought I'd like and turned out be bollox* - such as SW:Force Commander & SW:Supremacy, both of which looked and sounded wonderful and were actually pants. Or the legions of sub-Doom ripoffs back in the mid-90s, or the shoddy film tie-ins such as Enter the Matrix? One fo the reasons why I dont buy many games anymore is that, most of the time, I dont feel Im getting my moneys worth.

if FL had to be justified in purely monetary terms, its been a great buy. 39 notes on the day it came out, I played almost nothing else for 6 months after and I do keep going back to it. so that 39 quid span out a long ways, what else can you get for 39 quid that gives you months of entertainment? b*gger all afaik.

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:05 pm

Funner isn't a word.

Best Game: Half-Life 2 (If I were to rate this, 10 out of 10.)

Worst Game: Torrente [Tor-ren-tay (I would rather have George Bush crawl up my ass than play this again. -269 out of 10. And that's being very generous.)

Edited by - Killa (The Revolution) on 9/14/2005 7:05:02 AM

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 5:13 pm

Worst to me, was X2 due to the learning curve. I finally gave up and put it on the shelf to colect dust

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