.....it essentially says that if students find the paper hard, then we simply lower the pass mark to ensure that they perform. Shouldn't the pass mark signify a level of understanding of the subject?? To obtain an A*, shouldn't one have exceptional knowledge of the subject, a great understanding of the concepts, an ability to apply the knowledge to solve problems, explain situations and outcomes?
Yea well...it's like in my one Uni subject the passmark is 75%, simply because having 50% knowledge of it is simply not enough, youi'd think the same idea would be used in school work...I mean if you get like 40% it says you know only 40% of the work...in some subjects I guess it doesnt matter but in others...
Though it still sounds a bitter better than what we have here in SA
For a couple of years, the Grade 12 exams (Gr12 is the final year of high school, after that you can go to University or college or whatever pleases you) had a very very low standard, to mention an example: When I was in Gr 9, i did the gr12 Afrikaans grammar paper...it was a joke, our exam paper a the end of the year was more difficult.
Sure the standard has picked up, our grammar paper last year wasn't as easy as the one 4 ears before, but it was still a lot easier than it used to be. Apparently the English second language Literature paper was a big joke last year.
But thats not the point.
The kids who are in gr12 now, started out on what was know as "Curriculum(sp???) 2005"
This is a whole new system that has been tried before
and failed in Australia and somewhere in Europe I think.
Now with this system you finish school after Gr 9...then you shoul finish school in a college somewhere.
Anyhow currently schools still go to Gr12, and the trasnsit from gr9 to gr10 is terrible.
The kids simply cannot do the work, the work they do up to gr9 is simply useless.
Along with this they have the ridiculous idea that one kid shouldn't be able to do better than another, all should be equal. So now instead of get A's, B's and so on you get rated on a scale of 1-5 or something like that.
Even with out marks...I was very angry actually. When I got my computer science marks end of last year, I was very surprised, having scored A's in the subject for the biggest part of the year and coming first in the class, I was shocked to see that i had a D. Later this year I found out what happened. Then only guy in the class, ended up having his exam marks so much lower than his year mark that they ended up lowering the average of everyone in the class. So basically if one guy does bad, everyone gets punished.
Wonderful ey'
Now they're even talking about lowering the standars of the universities, because...well the work they do in schools are simply not up to standard...if you finish school now you simply do not have the knowledge to be able to succeed in Uni. OK, that was a bit exagerated, but you get the idea...
Edited by - sw on 9/9/2005 10:57:41 AM