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stupid Jack Thompson...

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:03 pm

stupid Jack Thompson...

i really think he's messed up in the head:


and a little humor to go along with it

Post Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:02 pm

Yes, i saw those bearely 4 hours ago. considered doing just this.

Wasnt this the guy that planned on taking down rockstar games?

Post Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:25 pm

yeah, he also tried having a go at EA, saying the sims promoted paedophilia.

Post Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:36 am

Is this thread going to degenerate into constant streams of expletives, like the last one did?

It seems everyone who knows and likes their subject matter hates this guy. Just to irritate you lot even more, here's an interview with him in which he is spouting yet more fanatical nonsense.

Post Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:15 am

Just consulted Prometheus on the matter. Called mr Jack Thompson here a senerachin (Varian term, loosely translated: self-centred money-grabbing, two-faced creep. not what it ACTUALLY means, but close)

Profesionally, i tihkn we should just ignore him. His antics seems to be completely centred on self-propagation at the hands of various people and legitimate industries. It makes one wonder, however, what made him single out THIS particular industry.

Although, it is no doubt that he is mad. he is simply trying to get money. if one wanted, they could trace something back to anything they wanted, people just seem more receptive to blame something they do not understand, typically akin to why we fear aliens. we understand neither.

(Although, i must commend TLR for being an open-minded civilisation, only becoming unhappy when somebody hinders the pursuit of knowledge or free speech (I.e. Spammers). Keep up the good work people. let us not let this degenerate into a spamfest!)

Post Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:44 am

Oh dear...that guy's got some major issues.

Post Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:14 am

Maybe old Jack needs to learn to understand questions first:

Does age or sex play a factor in violent, aggressive behavior?

Sure, the sex and violence centers of the brain overlay one another, which is why the increasing mix of sex and violence is troubling. Armies have been known to go on rape rampages after battles because the violence stimulates sexual aggression. How lovely that GTA weds sex and violence in the same game. We are training a generation of teens to combine sex with violence, just what America needs.

Post Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:20 am

And now good ol' Jack has set his sights on a new target...

Is it Doom 3?

Is it Half-Life 2?

Is it FEAR?

You guessed it - The Sims 2.

Post Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:07 am

Next thing you know he'll be going after Nexus for the stupid rating it has (i.e. Passing References to alcohol usage in the early game stages, cursing, and a full-body mannequin view of a naked AI construct in the final cutscene viewed for about 15 seconds)

Good Luck Mr Thompson... Your gonna need it...
*Aside*Get this guy his Scitsophrenia tablets!!!!

Post Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:54 am

I hate these kind of people.Trying to wrap the world in a giant thing of bubblewrap.Bashing the Sims is like bashing Barbie.You can still make the dolls be put in a sexual pose.Bet he never thought of that.

Post Thu Aug 11, 2005 9:50 am

ok coming out of the shadows to get my 2 cents worth added to this thread...

(this is mainly about the moron who used the "GTA" defence in alabama for killing 3 cops, and you guessed it thompson is ALL over it now )

LINKGAGE to article

i can see Thompson now..."ok well take ALL violence off of the news also..cause that gives details of murder and violence as well"....I mean what the hell gives this guy the right to make a civil suit against, gamestop, wal-mart and rockstar on a faulty and lame ass defence that "their product is a murder simulator". This guy needs a reality check, it is not the 1950's anymore, its 2005 and peopel are not going to go back to that ideal "Waltens" life style, it'll never happen. This guy needs to get his head out of the clouds (or his ass which ever is more plausible), and just give up his petty arguments because they are just causing more and more influance for people to mock the US court system as well at the american people as a whole. I bet a good majority of teh world thinks the US populations is either

1.) a Cult of blood thirsty crazies hung up on world domination by democratic power.

2.)A bunch of whiny ass *****es who blame EVERYTHING but themselves for their problems.

I personally an Agreeing with #2, most of this country would rather ***** and whine about how something ELSE caused them to do something, rather than look at the REAL heart of the matter....they did it because they WANTED to, and THEY made the mistake...its not a game makers fault, not a film makers fault, not the news' fault, not a magazine or news papers is teh fault of none other that the idiot who commited the crime and thats that.

"To live is to die....but living is to die slowly..why waste time on trivial things just play as hard as you can"

Edited by - Dark_Shadow2004 on 8/11/2005 10:52:34 AM

Post Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:47 am

1.) a Cult of blood thirsty crazies hung up on world domination by democratic power.

2.)A bunch of whiny ass *****es who blame EVERYTHING but themselves for their problems.

I have to say a whole lot more come to mind, but that's pretty good for starters

Post Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:40 am

I heard a discussion on the radio (by god I am getting old!), where they asked the question whether they should remove bits in books that reference sex or violence etc.

It appears highlighting the thought means others may take the discussion to ever more worrying heights!

Post Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:10 am

Okay, here's another way to look at it. You get rid of video games and you've hurt the economy more than you would if you got rid of movies. Not only the U.S. economy, but Japan would lose exports, South Korea also. American developers would stop producing games for other countries, hurting the U.S.'s exports and economies in other countries. Listen to us, Jack, you're doing more harm than good.

Post Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:07 am

Would that be File on Four, by any chance?

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