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South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut! What are your thoug

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sun Jul 31, 2005 8:16 am

South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut! What are your thoug

Okay, this has got to be the funniest movie I have ever seen.

Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman find a way to sneak into the R rated "Terrance and Phillip: Asses of Fire" movie. As the movie warps their young, fragile little minds, their parents are outraged, and so is Mr. Garrison. After Cartman calls Kyle a "Testicle crapping rectal wart" and tells Mr. Garrison to suck his balls, they are all sent up to the office where their parents are called. The parents are too stupid to admit that their kids made mistakes, so they stir up a bunch of political bullcrap. (The one thing about dimocrats that pisses me off.) Eventually, the parents of South Park convince the U.S. government to declair war on Canada, since they're not a real country anyway. The United States plans to exicute Terrance and Phillip on live TV to show Canada that "They're not %&@#ing around."

Satan and Saddam Hussien, who have had a gay relationship in Hell, can't wait for Terrance and Phillip to die, because when they do, they can come up to Earth and bring 2 million years of darkness. Now Kyle, Stan, Cartman and Kenny are Earth's last hope to stop Armageddon. (So in other words, we're totally screwed.)

Oh yeah, did I mention that this a musical? Yes, they sing in this movie. There are many instant classics such as "Blame Canada! Blame Canada!" and "Shut your %&#@ing face uncle %$#@er!"

I think this is the funniest movie I have ever seen. Within ten minutes of watching it, I had to stop it and leave the room to give my stomach a rest because I was laughing so hard. I litteraly laughed until I cried. Now, my question is, what are your thoughts on this movie.

And if you haven't seen it, and you don't mind some primitave language, then by all means, go get it! I promise you will be laughing your butt off.

After the slight dissapointment of Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, I almost lost faith in what after the Sands of Time, was one of my favorite game franchises. But now with Prince of Persia 3, the series still has a chance in my heart, and it better not let me down or I'll personally take over Ubisoft and make them do it right!

Post Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:54 am

i don't like south park, at all.

Post Sun Jul 31, 2005 12:08 pm

Uh, Killa? 1999 called. It wants its movie back.

Post Sun Jul 31, 2005 1:16 pm

i love this movie and even though it's been played to death i still get a kick out of the musical scores and some jokes- Team America was hilarious also,these guys should keep making movies

and uh Aliens,ah 1997 wants its witty david spade insults back.

Post Sun Jul 31, 2005 1:26 pm hadn't seen this movie?

And it was released...six years ago?

And it's South Park ?



I think it's quite good actually.

Post Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:57 pm

I know it was released in 1999, but I just now got around to finally being able to see it.

And I agree, those people cannot sing but some of the songs are still pretty funny.

Post Sun Jul 31, 2005 5:20 pm

Hey, the songs are awesome. Do not insult.

And yeah, kill the heathen. KILLL! Drown him in his own urine!

Post Mon Aug 01, 2005 1:06 am

I loved the fact that the most Explicit word for the whole film was Barbera Streisnad

'Today the guns are silent. A great tragedy has ended... we have known the bitterness of defeat and the exultation of triumph, and from both we have learned there can be no turning back. We must go forward to preserve in peace what we have won in war.' "

Post Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:32 pm

You hadn't seen it? OMG! You do now that around 20 years ago a little movie called Star Wars released?

Post Mon Aug 01, 2005 10:13 pm

It was actually closer to 30 years, but who's counting.

Post Tue Aug 02, 2005 7:02 am

i don't like south park, at all.

Same here

Post Tue Aug 02, 2005 7:45 am

Me too, it's not particularly big nor clever. The highlight of the show is constant and repetitive use of foul language as a replacement for normal speech and the humour has the intellectual maturity of a nine-year-old. If you took out the swearing, it would only be shown on kiddie channels.

Did I mention it's poorly drawn?

EDIT: First flamebait of the month - nice

Edited by - The Evil Thing on 8/2/2005 8:46:16 AM

Post Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:17 am

Actualy, it's supposed to be poorly made. That's part of the aesthetic.

The humour actually isn't the use of foul language, which is bleeped out. The main humour of the show is in mocking current events, politicians, celebrities, Barbara Streisand...

For example: A certain episode "The Passion of the Jew", in which Cartman leads a host of Mel Gibson-loving fanatics trhoughthe streets of South Park shouting Nazi slogans, which they believe to be Arameic.

Unsubtle? Of course. But the point is not the foul language.

Admittedly, Team America took the whole thing overboard. The South Park movie, however, had a point to its gross volume of swearing, which was to denounce and mock the "politically correct" atmosphere in the united states.

Post Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:19 am

south park used to be made with cardboard cutouts. i like prefer family guy better

Post Tue Aug 02, 2005 1:48 pm

@Wolf Demon: They're made out of construction paper, not cardboard.

And some of the things about the movie I agree with. The one thing I can't stand about the United States government is that they thing they're better than everyone else, they want to rule the world, and they have no reguards for people's feelings or moral beliefs. Not to mention, they started the Endangered Species Act (ESA) that is really a way for the government to screw people out of their land and not have to pay that much money for it. (More on that later in another topic.)

But the fact is, that even though South Park is insanely stupid, most of the episodes have a point that is true. The US government sucks, I already know that, but I suppose it's better than dictatiorship and communism.

Some good points that have been in South Park:

Public Schools suck
George Bush is retarted
John Kerry is a liberal douche bag
Barbra Strisnid's nose is huge (I can't remember if it's Strisned or Strison)
Wal-Mart is an evil thing (But I still shop there)

Those are just a few.

I do, however, think that Trey Parker and Matt Stone go too far with some things. That one episode where they showed God, and he was a two foot tall blue platypus that could talk is a perfect example. They also have Jesus living in the town, there are too many GDs and one thing I saw on the Internet had Jesus fighting Santa Clause to try and reclaim Christmas.

They do go too far, but they are also right about a few things.

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