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On the topic of homeless people

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Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:57 pm

I'm not sure I understand your point. Qualifications aren't relative, they're based on your abilities to do a specific job. Just because there are more people with Bachelor's Degrees doens't mean it gets any harder to write up a website in PHP.

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:08 pm

I'm not sure I understand your point. Qualifications aren't relative, they're based on your abilities to do a specific job. Just because there are more people with Bachelor's Degrees doens't mean it gets any harder to write up a website in PHP.

That might be a valid point if there were infinite jobs. But there aren't. The job market is finite. Therefore people with more letters after their name, or an arrangement of letters that is deemed to be better, have a better chance of getting a job. If everyone has BA or BSc after their name then companies will start to hire MAs or MScs over people with bachelors degrees. Even if the Masters has little or nothing to do with the occupation in question.

Once upon a time having your high school graduation diploma was enough to get you a comfortable desk job. Now, you need some sort of post-secondary education to get something equivalent. If more and more people start to get degrees it will be that much harder for people to get those same jobs.

Qualifications are relative and they do not have a lot to do with ability to perform a given task. It would be nice if that weren't the case, but it is.

Edited by - Codename on 2/26/2005 1:15:25 PM

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:10 pm

Code has ya there.... i am afraid i have to agree with him... unless of course my empire were established....

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:20 pm

And what about self employment? Freelance journalism, research work, artistry, fiction writing.

Plus, simply because someone with a MA as opposed to a BA will be more highly considered, doesn't mean that those with Bachelor's Degrees won't find any work whatsoever. With a MA you can apply to a wider range of possible and better paying jobs than a BA, so it is unlikely that someone with the former degree would be inquiring after a job that only requires the latter degree.

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:41 pm

And what about self employment? Freelance journalism, research work, artistry, fiction writing.

You must be especially excellent in your given field to make that work. Not only that, but you must also have an innate talent for self-promotion. It's damned hard. In fact, I'd wager a fair few of the homeless people you may or may not have met have tried that route and not been able to make it work.

Plus, simply because someone with a MA as opposed to a BA will be more highly considered, doesn't mean that those with Bachelor's Degrees won't find any work whatsoever. With a MA you can apply to a wider range of possible and better paying jobs than a BA, so it is unlikely that someone with the former degree would be inquiring after a job that only requires the latter degree.

The job market now is a buyers' market. There are more people than jobs to accomodate them. This means that companies can set pretty much whatever criteria they like for hiring people. If the criteria for a good job is a Masters Degree then lots of people will try to get that degree. More people will have the degree than there are positions to be filled so those who do not get the job will have to settle for something less. That, in turn, takes a number of jobs away from people who only have Bachelors. Those people then get jobs which require yet lower qualifications. Eventually one reaches a point where there simply are no more lower jobs. What do they do then?

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:45 pm

Then there's a problem, but having a bunch of people with Bachelor;s Degrees is better qualitatively than having half a bunch of people with half of a secondary education.

Edited by - Wilde on 2/26/2005 1:45:45 PM

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:03 pm

i belive it is ok to give food and close to homeless
my mother and father went out on the streets every sunday
and fed the homeless so i would think it's right

Post Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:46 am

ok, well how about the government buys all abandoned buildings in an area, and converts them to houses, thatway the homeless have somewhere to be.

Post Mon Feb 28, 2005 12:31 pm

You guys are a miss-understanding the job market a bit. The Master’s degree doesn’t broaden your field, it narrows it. If I was hiring someone and a Master’s degree isn’t a requirement, which it hardly ever is, and I had 2 candidates applying. One with a masters and one with a Bachelor’s. Both the same age and the guy with the BS has been working
In his field since he graduated, then I would hire the one with more practical application experience. Job experience is more valuable to most careers that education. I am not down playing college or anything like that but that is the way it is. Most companies have an education reimbursement program for their employees to go to college. The formal education can come after the job skills in most cases. The place that has the most use for a Master’s degree is in education or very specialized fields, doctors, dentists, psychologists…. You get the idea.

"On this ship you are to refer to me as Idiot, not you Captain. I mean... you know what I mean."

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