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On the topic of homeless people

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Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:33 am

Code-- are those people who choose to live on the streets the same people who beg for food and cash? If so, then no. If you want to live on the streets, you have to do it without being a parasite to society.

Certainly homeless people seem to be a manifestation of a social disease

HomelessNESS is a SYMPTOM of social disease. More often than not, It's not the people's fault their homeless, its that of the ruling body of the society.

Also, I think LXP's problem was that Corsair was reviewing specifically to the Nazi government and not just generally to a "fascist" governmentt

Edited by - Wilde on 2/26/2005 9:36:55 AM

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:44 am

It's not the people's fault their homeless, its that of the ruling body of the society.

I dont agree. In a big part people are responsible for what they make of their own life. Not always but most of the time. The ruling body is not responsible for the choices the people make.

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:06 am

T-shirts was a example and i swore i thought i read someone post about it.

Anyhoo sycho prsent to me how a homeless person who is in here situation becuase they were born a orphan with no money could get to a proper shop.

I talk to alot of homless people on the street, last year there used to be a man who would hang outside mcdonalds with a cup politley asking for cash (i gave him roughly 3 bucks a day). i would chat with him for 5 minutes or so, i found alot about him. Wasnt his or anyones fault he was there. The shetlers wouldnt let him stay for more then a few days, he had no family and he had no way of getting a education. The man couldnt read for heavens sake.

You know whaty i blame this on? The way social animals societys work. Monkeys social society is a mock version of ours. They have a few alpha males that bumble into power. Those monkeys get the first crack at all the food and stuff monkeys need. If a monkey if born crippled they generally shove it away.

Sure we may not plop our needy out on the street but the goverment ( in canada) Just put 12.5 billion dollars for the millatary over the next 5 years. You could take half of that money (6.2 billion roughly) and help so many homless people. And not plop them in nice houses but get a decent shelter with mandatory education and then a employment finding service. You could start that for 6.2 billion and then throw the rest at our army. Also one thing is that we need to stop thinking of these people as just street people but citizens.

One last little point: I know people say "i wont give money directly to homless people because they'll just buy booze" well here are a few researched facts i took the liberty of finding:

For most organized charaties 70% of the money donated is used in advertisment and employment fee's.
This really isnt a fact but i felt it needed to be said: Okay about buying booze, there life is **** really. complete and total hell. People beat homless people to death and murder them constantly. Now living like that what do you want? A loaf of bread to further a horrible exesitance or some booze that may let you froget your troubles for a few minutes

I dont support the idea of spending the donated money on booze but i think they deserve someone to point that out.

Before you respond to that jsut take 30 seconds to imagine your life like that. You know how rare it is for homless people to become somthing else? it almost never happens. i dont think there can be that mnay people that extremly lazy

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:07 am

sycho--the ruling body however is responsible for setting up a society in which those choices must be made.

How is it your fault if you're a single working mother with two children to look after, work two jobs a day, and still can't bring in enough money to pay the rent? That's the overwhelming situation most homeless people are put in.

DSQrn--cheers to that.

Edited by - Wilde on 2/26/2005 10:08:36 AM


Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:18 am

DSQrn - again, extremely well put.

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:30 am

Code-- are those people who choose to live on the streets the same people who beg for food and cash? If so, then no. If you want to live on the streets, you have to do it without being a parasite to society.

But how would you be able to tell the two apart? People can lie. And people do lie, if it's easier than telling the truth.

DSQrn - Your point about a horrible existence could be taken a step further. To euthanasia. And we don't want that, do we?

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:51 am

DSQrn If you bothered to read my post properly, you would have seen that I said that the shop is part of the shelter-thing I suggested.

I'm not saying all homeless people are lazy people who doesnt want to work...I believe I already said that. What I'm getting at is that simply giving food or money is not the best way to help people...there are better ways...example the shelter idea I mentioned.

There are better ways to help homeless people, but currently society is happy to give them food once in a while and with that saying they did their job.
Goverments are working on reducing joblessness, not fast enough, but they are working.

Have you maybe thought about it that there are homeless people who do have an education?(I've met a few)
HOw many homeless people do you think try to make something off themselves? No matter how difficult, how many bother trying, or do they all have the same attitude as you and simply say "its impossible"

Lets say for instance a shelter like the one I suggested gets set up, how many homeless people will actually go to it? I mean who will want to work if they can simply do nothing and still get food(pretty big generalization but it happens)

Society can do as much as it wants to, but if homeless people dont seriously and honestly want to make life better(many of them do not want to give up booze) it will amount to nothing.

Same goes for the society, if they are not willing to reach out and help in a lasting way, they are useless and just as much at fault.

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:12 am

Okay i am going to have disagree with you there.

I ahve met maybe 1-2 homless people who can go so far as read and tons who cant. And you think they like the quality of there life. You cant stay at a shelter for more then 2 weeks before they boot you out because they cant afford to keep everyone for long periods of time ( so how can they set up a shop biz, and if they could that would flood the economy with these shops making it hard to get by on one)

So all this freedloading kinda.... sucks. Trust me if all it took was hard work and faith we would have alot less homless people up here

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:24 am

This will be a special kind of shelter. Lets say the goverment gives it a monthly subsidy. Now each homeles person gets two months free living sponsored by the goverment. During therse two months the person leanr some skill, lets say for instance making a T-shirt. Now, when the two months is past, this person can either stay there and keep making t-shirts getting payed for it, and use that money to pay boarding. Or he can go out into the world and do whatever he wants to do. The shop would belong to the shelter and the money they make there would help cover expenses. This would actually more a community than a shelter.

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:34 am

That sounds good, but my problem with that is? if this happens wont there be to many shops and not enough biz for them/

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:38 am

Make it a chain store.

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:59 am

Oh god i cant believe i didnt see that... That might work but dont you think the fact that homless people work there or make the merchandise might scare of customers.

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:08 pm

There's another alternative to ending homelessness: putting more money into education. With a better education system, sycho's earlier worries about motivation of the homeless to get off the streets and get a future would be unfounded as children would see the benefit of staying in school and going through university, and would also learn basic skills required to apply for a greater variety of jobs. Therefore, a greater percentage of the students would go on, graduate, go to university, and build stable households, giving their own children a better chance at having a future.

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:15 pm

Rehabilitated homeless people they wont be homeless anymore.

Education will still be inaccessable(sp?) to a lot of people, but it could work

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:25 pm

There's another alternative to ending homelessness: putting more money into education. With a better education system, sycho's earlier worries about motivation of the homeless to get off the streets and get a future would be unfounded as children would see the benefit of staying in school and going through university, and would also learn basic skills required to apply for a greater variety of jobs. Therefore, a greater percentage of the students would go on, graduate, go to university, and build stable households, giving their own children a better chance at having a future.

The problem with that is that educating more people only devalues the education they recieve. If everyone starts getting University degrees the value of a Bachelors degree in something will be next to nothing. This means that if you want to get a good job you'll need a Masters. But then only the people who can afford to get a Masters will be able to get jobs. So you let everyone get a Masters degree. Then a Masters becomes meaningless and people need to get a Ph.D. And so on.

Essentially, there's no magic bullet for the problem of homelessness. No one thing that, if done, will solve all of the problems.

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