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Well, since I didn''t get to have an opinion in time

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:53 pm

Well, since I didn''t get to have an opinion in time

Well... not sure what to say. I haven't really posted anything useful since the last set of real philosophical or scientific threads that were here. Those were good ones, they don't pop up any more, I miss those. I haven't found another forum with a more diverse, intelligent, and open crowd than what we had here 4 months ago. Many times I have wanted the opinion of real people on topics that “aren’t allowed” on the TLR forums, but if you go to forums about those topics, then you usually get the exact same reply worded differently from 20 people. So I can’t ask the real people on TLR, whose opinion I have come to respect, about these things because the post might be clicked or deleted. I know there are rules and I am all for controlling language and what not but it is possible to have intelligent, adult conversations about some of these “taboo” subjects without them turning into heated cussing battles. I believe those used to happen and now I don’t see any…
Anyway, that’s my two cents so I’ll leave you with that. I guess that I will continue to float about and read but I doubt if I will contribute to anything unless people lighten up a bit or those extremely interesting threads come back that I used to waste so much time at work reading and posting. ‘Tis a bloomin’ shame, I’d hate to move on.

"On this ship you are to refer to me as Idiot, not you Captain. I mean... you know what I mean."

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 3:25 pm

I know what you mean topher; it's a shame .

On a related topic, why the hell was DS's thread deleted? People were being honest and constructive in their comments and yet, when I woke up this morning, the thread has mysteriously vanished. I, and I'm sure the other posters, would like an explanation mods.

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 3:32 pm

Easy tiger, it was here not long ago as Aceaz replied saying he saw a post by Taw!

However, although we are the prime suspects, don't be too hasty to rule out the simple possiblity that he deleted the thread himself...

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 3:43 pm

DS deleted the thread? I suppose that is a possibility.

Edited by - esquilax on 2/2/2005 3:43:48 PM

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:05 pm

Latley OT has been turning into a big conspiracy,like how people think the US is hiding alien technology,i would bet some people think the mods are deleting threads because they think it might turn into anarchy "overthrow the mods!" type of things

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:35 pm

well i never deleted the thread..and before it "mysteriously dissappeared" Taw did make a quite lengthy post under chip's post, and it was deleted rather quickly after its posting. Now i have no idea where the post wnet but it was rather "rude" IMO to delete it with out saying sorry or anything like that. But its all good just proved my point completely. Either way, Chips, you are one of the VERY few here that that post was not aimed torwards. I admire your intellect and respect your opinions.. I just felt that needed to be cleared up.

As a final note i want whoever deleted the comment to apologize? Would it kill ya to do so? And please explain WHY in a logical way that our opinions were silenced in such a hasty manor. A thank you in advance IF you can clear this up.

"To live is to die....but living is to die slowly..why waste time on trivial things just play as hard as you can"

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:39 pm

More people than you would believe think *exactly* along those lines ...

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:44 pm

i think dark shadows flaming thread had the potential for evil

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:46 pm

So DS *didn't* delete the thread? How mysterious! Would any of the mods/admins care to explain this?

Chips - As the deletion was apparently as much of a surprise to you as it was to the rest of us, I do not expect you to know the answer to that question .

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:50 pm

Esq, shamefully enough, I had not got a clue at all in regards to the thread. I do now, and it appears you know "our" methods better than I do!
Sad really.
Taw did indeed post, but I was online chatting to Eraser at the time. He typed up a reply, and when he said 'just posted' - we both found out that Taws post was gone. Now we BOTH assumed that Taw deleted it himself.....I hope thats not a ass umption we both made.

Erasers relpy was rather good as well - in an honest and decent manner too....but since there was no post by Taw to relpy to, he got rid of his own, well, because it would look damned stupid talking about the definition of family content (although it wasn't defining, it was more admitting its open to intepretation!)

Edited by - Chips on 2/2/2005 4:53:28 PM

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:58 pm

Wel, I can say for a 100% certany, I did not delete it.

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:59 pm

Curiouser, and curiouser Chips. That's pretty underhanded, surely they should have at least sent you an obligatory "I'm deleting this thread" sort of email.

So what does this mean? Two mods being kept in the dark about the deletion of thread that detailed the concerns of present and past members of TMR. How odd.

I hoped that you hadn't Final .

Edited by - esquilax on 2/2/2005 5:00:50 PM

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 5:05 pm

Make that three
But was it Demonslayer of Dark_shadow who created the topic?

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 5:09 pm

Dark_Shadow was the creator of the topic in question Wiz. Good to see you by the way .

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 5:32 pm

Well if final had no clue, and neither did chips...well thats 2 of 16...this is quite odd.

I wonder if it was maybe either Eraser, Stinger or possibly BP? either way the thread was deleted with no concern for the people posting in it. Thats kind of underhanded and REALLY F'ed up that Finalday and Chips have NO idea whats going on.... my passive days are starting to come to an end here...i swear this is pissing me off to NO end...not that the thread was deleted..but the POINT that people with logical concerns, comments and a round about discussion about the state of affairs were SILENCED my someone and are too COWARDLY to stand up for it!!!!! This is EXACTLY what my ORIGINAL post was about, the abuse in the moderation of this forum and all others by the oppressive moderators and admins thus causing this to be more of a "Say what we like and i will allow it" than an OPEN discussion forum! why even have this type of forum if people can ONLY talk about what YOU want!! I understand filtering out "imappropriate" material..IE..Swearing, Sex, Violence....etc...etc. But to Discourage people from having an open opinion of the staff...there we begin the tyrannical dictatorship that TMR now IS!!!

IF you concider this a flame wolfy.. i apologize.. nothing here is intended to be hurtful to you, sorry if it was you have my apologies...But you have to understand that the principle of the matter is free choice and havign our OWN which we have LOST. again wolfy i DO apologize to you. BUt i refuse to apologize to the people in question. I see why Taw had his issues..i am just glad that people are getting smart enough to realize that there is something fishy going on here and that there are freedoms that are being taken away at a whim....Starting to sound to me like the only reason the extra mods were added is to have more peopel to draw the blame AWAY from the TRUE do the math!

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