Post Sun Dec 26, 2004 5:28 am

actually ireland is a fairly handy place to be. no techtonic fault lines, no active volcanoes, it rarely drops below 0 degrees celcius, no monsoons, no +30 C, no famine ( in a while now anyway )and no drought.

--- just to compensate for the complete lack of pending natural disasters and so as to spice things up a wee bit we vote for the political parties that are most likely to enduce man made carnage --- 14 mile traffic tailbacks in a 22 mile wide city. people dying in ambulances because the nearest hospitals are too far away, on an island close to only 200 miles wide. one of the highest rates of suicide in europe, in one of the richest most stable socio-economic and habitable zones in europe. one of the most closed attitudes to immigration, designed by a people famous for having more of its sons and daughters emmigrate than stay at home.

and then corsair has to go and let one rip up north having catastrophic effects on wheat crops in the south for the next 5 seasons.

"My sig is in the post but the man in the shop promised I will find it witty and topical when it arrives."