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An Australian odyssey.

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Dec 24, 2004 1:24 am

Well of course you are its Australia!!!!!!!!

Edited by - vamp679 on 12/26/2004 7:41:28 PM

Post Fri Dec 24, 2004 3:56 am

Hey look; TLR now has an Australian fan-boy!

Post Fri Dec 24, 2004 2:18 pm

if you're sick of the rain try townsville (loong way north of melbourne)
it rains maybe 10-20 days a year (last time i told someone that is rained for 7 days straight >< )

Post Sat Dec 25, 2004 6:41 am

OK, I have received the next installment of the Journal, I will however post it coming monday, due to christmas celebrations with my family

Post Tue Dec 28, 2004 2:09 pm

marc_1 i can tell you've never lived in the uk, it always rains here.

Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 12:24 am

It's always about the weather with you, isn't it ff?

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 5:57 pm

What else do the English talk about. Best subject for conversation by miles.

(Although it does tend to get cyclical in Britain.)

>It's raining again.

<End pointless sidetracked statement>

Edited by - Aceaz on 1/1/2005 5:57:07 PM

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:30 am

OK, I am taking an extended leave of absence until somewhere around March, but I can't let Vinny down, so what I will do is translate em, and someone else will post em up, Para has previously asked me for doing so, so I think its only fair to let him have the honour of posting the travel-logs,

I myself will return around middle March to resume,

Peace to you all, and see you round middle march,

Dick de Boom

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:11 pm

So wizzie, when you gettin to melbourne? (or are you already here...)

Post Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:24 pm

and here is yet another piece of your favourite mods travel jounral through Australia, enjoy it..

Hello Everybody

Best wishes to all for 2005! I don't know how your New years went, but mine was perfect!
Perfect view on theHarbour Bridge and the Opera House. Lots of beer, food en good atmosphere
made it a splendid evening for me. around 3 in the morning we went to the beach
(Bondi beach) for the new year dive. ofcourse with my little
waterpolocap on en yes, Ive got the piccies to prove it! after that
just went to bed and made it for a long sleep.

by the time your reading this I will be in melbourne. after a twelve hour Bustrip we had finally arrived there.
This was the cheapest way and seeing im rather short on cash this was the best alternative.
a little note on the short on cash: tomorrow ill start working on a vineyard plucking grapes
some 40-45 Miles outside of Melbourne. I'll be doing this till about the end of february,
when I hope to have acquired enough money to finance the next of my journeys to
Brisbane/Fraser island/Whitsunday islands/Cairns. as long as I do it per Bus,
the expenses will be low enough for me to do

With the journey to Melbourne, also came an end to the group of Dutchmen I traveled with.
Just Peter from Haarlem went with me. He'll be working on the same vineyard as me,
but will swiftly move on to Tasmania (The "forgotten" state of Oz).
The rest of the group split up. after saying goodbye to my Dutch friends,
I also had to say goodbye to Sandra, a Brazillian girl whos studying in madrid,
but took a year out to study in Perth. There has been something blossoming between us.
I can hear everyone think: "its just a Holiday love" but this time was something different
(its true!). We promised to come and look for eachother.
And seeing a college friend of hers is living in Groningen, She can
visit us both during 1 trip. But that just has to wait until August.
The wait is going to prove to be hard because the way I felt around her,
I haven't felt for a long time. luckily we sms(text) eachother quite a lot
and we maintain a regular dose of Mail contact.

The Australian Open has come a-knockin' and the cricket season has just ended. I plead for Cricket
as the new national sport! much cosier and better then soccer.
The athmosphere around it is simply fantastic. Just ask me when im back.

Well, thats it for now, I hope to speak to you all pretty soon again. And I
wish you best of luck in 2005!

And if there are thing in my news paper bit that simply won't do,
Ill be glad to hear! (whats wrong with "Australian bird"??!!)


**I altered it a bit to make more sense for the others You're doing a great job, thank you for that Loc!**

Edited by - Wizard on 1/16/2005 6:52:46 PM

Post Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:20 am

Hey, I can verify! I spoke with Wizard AND Harrier through Harrier's TeamSpeak account!

Sounds like he's having a fine time.

SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server
Server community website & forum: (server rules)

Post Sat Feb 19, 2005 1:47 pm

Hope you're having a good time down there in Australia. I would put in a funny quote form Bash but it would be inappropriate. Also watch out for this one really big jellyfish that's down there that I heard about on Animal Planet. Spose'd to have like ten foot tentacle sor something and have a deadly neuro-toxin(there's my big word for the day).I also found why jellyfish's sting you instead of shocking you.Also, I'm not sur eif it wa sin Australia or not, but try and check out that sport"zorbing" or whatever it's called.On a mor eimportant note, never eat olives and drink a cola at the same time as I am doing. Or else you might accidently mistake the olive container as your pop and try to dirnka quart of olive juice(as I almost just did).

Post Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:43 pm

Be wary of the waters. And the swamps. The ocean conatins MANY posionous fish (such as a lionfish). The swapms are breeding ground for disease (they ar rather similair to rainforests, in my opinion). If you've been to a swamp and suddenly accquire a cold, immediatly report to a hospital. BTW, I am utterly paranoid about microbes and toxins, especially viruses.

Post Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:43 am

The avian fauna, for the most part, is safe (Apart from sharp claws), i can say from experience. Animals here are usually afraid of you anyway.
And that Jellyfish is the Bluebox jellyfish, damn thing ruined my reef diving expedition when i was up in cairns, thankfully dosent occur to south, thankfully.

Post Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:39 pm

Since the Wiz is back in good ol' Holland, I'm going to unsticky this thread and let it fall into the abyss of dead threads. If any mod has an issue with this they can resticky it, but for the time being I think it's better to let it die. *Waves*

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