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An Australian odyssey.

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:25 am

Well, Here are my first 5 days in Australia

Hello Everybody A small update to you (Not that much happened here anyway)

The Flight from sydney to Tokyo was a pretty bumpy ride (we suffered a kind of light turbulence the whole flight) so sleeping wasn't really much good, but because I had three seats to my discretion (always fun those air services)
I managed to catch a few Z's. We arrived in the morning, so with the sleep I had on the plane I avoided a Jetlag. Our First hostel was really great!! Very modern, Airco in the room(!!!!) and lockers under the beds to stow your backpacks! We planned the first day for reconnaisance of the surroundings. We
are in the middle of sydney between skyscrapers and a 10 minutes walk
from Harbour Bridge, the Opera House and Sydney Harbour! The second day was for Orientation. Or to put it in other words, listening for 4 hours to very fast speaking Aussies. Luckily I have no mentionable problem keeping up with them. I don't know much about my own lingual progress, I can however tell you that its runnning nice and smooth. On the Orientation you got info about buying cars, Applying for social security numbers etc. It lasted for 4 hours but was a doozy with all the Other Dutch

the Group consist of a wide variety of people. Me, Peter from Haarlem,
Gerrit from Hilvarenbeek (Mad as a balloon that guy is ), Gonny from
Roosendaal en Charles from Amersfoort. We're sleeping in the same hostel, we
dine together, go out together etc. Ofcourse the group will desintegrate, but its awfully nice to have a group around you for the first few days/weeks

After the Base hostel we shifted locations to Maze (what's in a name?). a bit more down to earth (however bigger) And its bloody hot on the room.
Charles is on a different floor, the rest is all crammed into one room
together with two canadian girls. Friday we had info day about the trips we could make. because im planning to do the east coast, im thinking of doing a sixday trip to the Fitzroy Islands
(ofcourse i'll visit Fraser Island and the Whitsundays ).

Yesterday we went to Bondi Beach with all the dutch who would be leaving on the 6th(also with the People who flew otherwise). Bondi
Beach.... Bondi Beach! beautifull beach, fantastic waves,
lovely weather all around! For the first time I had the feeling I was in Australia! sadly its raining cats and dogs now otherwise we would have had our supper on the beach. Now we just had to entertain ourselves with makig pancakes back at the hostel.

Here's some random info: I managed to obtain a ticket for the finals of the
Australian Open. It cost me about 75 Euro's.
Playing a game of soccer in Hyde Park was fun, Until it started gushing with rain. I'm very sure im gonna do a surf course.
Coming tuesday marks the bartender course.
slowly but surely im developing a Welsh accent.
Anton: did I mention I'm European already did its work

That's about it for this time!
Take of yourself, and eachother!

One brilliant man once said:

There is no place like

This is the first Transcript of his Traveljournal I received by mail today, it was in Dutch so I translated it to the best of my knowledge, so please excuse any problems with continuity in reading the story, thats due to the translating

in a week im expecting the next transcript, so ill keep you posted, here in this thread. Ill leave the thread open for discussions, if any spam occurs it shall be fortwith deleted, the decision of it being spam will be left up to the individual moderator's discretion.

Edited by - Locutus on 12/12/2004 11:52:28 AM

Post Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:45 pm

Well he seems to be having a good time. Luckily by the time he gets to Melbourne he'll have missed the 30 degree days and 80% humidity. We *never* have weather like that! I don't know what the hell is going on *shakes head in disgust and then glares pre-emptively at ff*

Post Sun Dec 12, 2004 4:53 pm

who me? what ever have i done

Post Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:35 pm

I was discussing the weather and I was waiting for the traditional riposte. You know, the one I use on you .

Post Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:52 am

you meen 30 degrees is the hottest it gets? are we talking celsius?

Post Mon Dec 13, 2004 10:14 pm

Of course! Farenheit measurements are for sissies . The weather *can* exceed 30C here in Melb, but it was the unusual rain and humidity that have made the weather unbearable during the last week.

Post Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:29 am

Bundaberg Ginger Beer. Drink as much as possible.

Post Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:28 am

Hmm...I wish it would stay below 30 around here

Post Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:46 pm

You no what you got to be careful of, is that you don't have a heat stroke.
If you come from a place that does have high temps, then I recomend that you take ALOT of water. More so if you are heading to Alice Springs and the North parts of Aussie.

A few places to go (by my experance) in Queensland is the fun parks like Wet 'n' Wild ,Dreamworld and Sea World. I don't recomend Movie World because I am guessing you would have something better back in the USA.

That or just have fun in the GBR.

Post Tue Dec 14, 2004 7:31 pm

I try Corsair .

Edited by - esquilax on 12/15/2004 12:16:09 AM

Post Wed Dec 15, 2004 4:38 am

i noticed *puts down spicked pole* this place is filthy

Post Thu Dec 16, 2004 10:31 am

lynch, wiz is from holland

Post Fri Dec 17, 2004 4:49 am

Oh I didn't know I don't post any more

Post Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:48 pm

why is this thread a sticky?

Post Thu Dec 23, 2004 1:32 am


I'm having a great time guys! Just wait for the next transcripts!

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