"1. I don't see a working binary anywhere. So what's up is merely fluff and screenies. I'm glad you're convinced this is the Next Big Thing, but it's probably not."
Why not?
At least this project unlike the others, (that never got relesed) will be relesed , and its not dead allright.
I dont see any reason for it not beeing relesed, and there wont be any reason, i dont know why you hate so much.
This game is an experiance you wont forget, for long.
"2. Programmers of games are *quite* aware of procedural programming methods, thanks. Procedural programming is used for everything from AI to SFX- anything where programmers want to create events with variations, using random numbers and procedural trees. Implying that it's going to be used to generate an "endless universe" with "endless things to do"... to me, that sounds about as exciting as Battlecruiser 3000AD... which featured the same "endless variety", and was fundamentally very boring. What's the point of having "endlessness" if it's all very un-exciting? "
The existing part is the way everything will be set dffrently, it'll not be a bug-ridden like AD300 and will not have the same stuff in it, i mean you'll wont see the same ship or station 1000 times, everything will be diffrent just like in real life.
"In a way, this is offering even more junky game design than what plagued Freelancer, which is full of game areas that players hardly visit, except to get from Point A to Point B, and which is full of game objects that are all exactly the same except for their names."
Yes indeed, FL is very unrealistic, and the planetry systems are a big joke!
FL has bugs, no realism, not open-ended, less in possibiltys, repets itself many times, not complete game-world.
FL isnt even comparble to what Entropy may offer.
"If you're trying to convince me that this programmer is such a complete genius that every alien culture will not only look different, but also have a unique cultural outlook, music, aesthetics, biome... etc... all of the things that human game designers have to create by hand, with great care, to make alien worlds interesting... then either this fellow is the greatest game designer ever... or you're going to be rather disappointed. And I'm not voting for "greatest game designer ever" until this guy releases a demo to put his bandwidth where his Forum posts are. Right now, all I see is a fairly low-quality graphical experience coupled with a lot of hype and hopeful dreams. "
Yes Eth is indeed a genius programer, some of the screens are truly old.
Through a demo will be relesed soon, to convince you.
I know what i say, this will be the greatest game ever in precedural programing games!
"Not that these are bad things... I dream about what my mod could be, if I could master all of the techniques I need to and remove all obstacles from my way. But dreams aren't reality- just as my mod is currently a fairly empty, boring place (with admittedly tight gameplay)... I don't see much here yet worth getting into a froth over."
Do you belive in precedural re-incarnation?
"At any rate... come back when this vaporware becomes something solid. Right now, you're being needlessly controversial about something that doesn't even exist yet..."
Entropy does exist, and all hopes about Entropy are allredy been programed, it'll be relesed on 2005, i'll post a thread here once it gets relesed.
And another thing, dont call Entropy a vaporware, i dont like that.