Video Cards: The Eternal Question
Dell Dimension 2350 *spit*
Intel Celeron @2.19 GHz
384 MB RAM
Yeah, you know the drill.
I've also heard of Dell systems rejecting certain PCI cards that aren't Dell Certified, but I plopped a Network Adapter in there ten minutes ago and It's running that like a beast. So now to the questions.
1. Do you think a new video card would work in this thing? I don't want to even talk about it unless I am pretty sure it'll work.
2. If it will work, what kind should I get, my price range is probably around $100 (US).
3. Answer #2 again, without your fanboyish attitudes for some of you, I want something that's at least 128 MB, effective but still in a decent pricerange.
4. If I do get a 128 MB V-card, how well do you think newer games like HL2 or Far Cry will run, I don't think very well, but then again I can always keep the card if I switch systems.
Christmas, is that a BF1942 mod or something?
Delayed Gamers: The short bus of gaming.