@His Holiness Esquilaximus I
How many IDs and passwords are we talking about? After a while it gets too ridiculous. E.g.
I have:
Work network ID and PW
Work website ID and PW
Work email ID and PW
Work SQL Database Interface ID and PW
Work remote handheld email ID and PW
Bank Main ID and PW/PIN
Bank Alternate ID and PW/PIN
Bank Wire Transfer ID and PW/PIN
Bank Website ID and PW
Primary credit card ID and PW/PIN
Secondary credit card ID and PW/PIN
Home PC ID and PW
Home email ID and PW
Airline #1 mileage club ID and PW
Airline #2 mileage club ID and PW
Airline #3 mileage club ID and PW
Hotel #1 mileage club ID and PW
Hotel #2 mileage club ID and PW
Rent-a-Car #1 ID and PW
Rent-a-Car #2 ID and PW
I am fast losing track. AND I cannot keep all of these in my head.