The culture of victimhood
I feel that one of the big reasons my country (USA) is declining is the "culture of victimhood" practiced by so many here (it may be all over the world as far as I know but I'm sticking to home) Simply put nothing is an individual's fault. Columbine? not the kids fault nope Video games etc ad nasueam (sp?) I Make mistakes I made a few Dilly's in my time I owned up to them why because it WAS my fault. I didnt blame my parents or peer pressure or the voices in my head...oh wait anyway I blamed my personality flaws and lack of wisdom in other words me. If no one is willing to take responsibilities for their actions anymore it scares the heck out of me where this world is going. In short what can be done about it Blameing someone else is easy (I am not a saint I have done it before much to my displeasure of Hindsight) while taking responsibility is not always. any thoughts?