Good photos ben. Mind if I offer some constructive criticism? If you don't want to hear it, move straight to the next post!
The photo of the boy. Great photo. You really captured something there. I only have two things to say about it...1, your framing is still a bit off, there's no need to have that woman in the background at all, and it kinda bugs me that you can't see his left shoulder. 2, It seems a little out of focus - was this originally b&w or have you desaturated it? I think if the photo was a little sharper there would be more depth to the blacks, which is the essence of b&w photography. The blacks should be reeeeaaallly black, not an extremely dark grey. But all in all its a great photo. Here's a crude photoshop retouch to demonstrate what I mean - I couldn't sharpen it as much as I wanted, but I've increased the black levels and crudely blurred out the background a little. I never condone photoshop retouching, a good photographer would get it right first time, but I never do (I'm not a good photographer!) so a little photoshopping sometimes is the way to go....
new version
The photo of the car. Great subject matter, great photo. It was a good choice to go with b&w on the car, but the blacks again seem a little washed out. It might have been better to zoom in on a feature of the car...the vintage cars are full of detail. Have a look at this photo that my colleague wendy took...she really caught something here that your mind takes in, but you'd never consider snapping with a camera normally. I think its quite cool...
car headlights
Really impressed though ben, you've really put some thought into your photos. Now its just a matter of practice.
Edited by - Stinger on 5/17/2004 7:38:56 PM
Edited by - gromit on 5/18/2004 9:06:40 AM