I did not complain about immigrants, as long as they are in the country (legally) then the money they make stays (and circulates) in the national economy. If the companies ship labor overseas then the offshore laborers get a pittance; not fair but no big loss to the country as far as costs goes. However this money saved stays in the company and stagnates or only goes to the elite in the company (Executives and management) thus the money is not spread as even and the unemployed laborers inside the country become poorer as the executives become richer. That is a problem.
Taw you make all excellent points. What you say about the illegal immigrants becoming the cheap unskilled labor force is another main point I have. Michael Moore* (Bowling for Columbine) touched on how large companies take advantage of our new natural resource in the US, the poor underskilled workers and the illegal immigrants. These companies indeed now find these underdogs more affordable and replacable than automations; putting them in high risk, low paying jobs that they have to travel many miles from home each day so that they can get to work for >$5/hr; and that's a poor price to put on human lives.
*Sorry if you happen to hate Michael Moore (or just never heard of him)
EDIT: grammatical
Edited by - Du7andal on 5/16/2004 1:50:18 AM