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Fanfic Contest

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon May 17, 2004 4:48 pm

Nice work; but the plot seems familiar for some reason...

"Rabbit-headed dwarf"? "Esquilaxative"? "Hare-like"? *Sigh* I really have to change my username .

Post Mon May 17, 2004 4:52 pm

Well that's a relief. This is supposed to be a take on Raiders of the Lost Ark right? Or did I get that part of it wrong?

Post Mon May 17, 2004 6:20 pm

Not bad Indy, and thanks for putting me in it. *Feels warm and fuzzy now*

Post Mon May 17, 2004 7:03 pm

Thanks Fd.

I can't seem to get the story moving more quickly though. I know where I want to take it but getting there seems to take me forever. I know that sounds silly because I have control over what I am doing but.... I feel unable to make things happen faster.

Post Mon May 17, 2004 7:24 pm

keep workin on it

Post Tue May 18, 2004 12:04 am

" He doesn't even know where East Anglia is. How's he going to find East Africa? "

great line!

every day is like Sunday, every day is silent and grey..

Post Tue May 18, 2004 1:34 am

Story Name: The Dreamgate Project
Based on: Multiple, focusses on HDM
New characters: Me(Justin Brown), my Dæmon Araminta, Emma(The bad guy at the start, girl though, but thats not my point...), The Spectre overlord, Sarah the severed, and her dæmon Tiki, Everyone on TLR, and a few Aranic Officers.
Basic storyline: I use a piece of aranic technology to get to the HDM world(u dont find this out until MUCH later), and i settle myself down in Lyras oxford for a day or so and teach her about the Alethiometer, on midsummers day, i thwart an attempt to assasinate Kirjava, and find Will has run off in deseration with his new girlfriend Emma, who is a part of my imagination taken physical form. They go to stonhenge, and i follow with mary, intending to fix this. Shortly afterwards, we come under attack by a massive force of Spectres that came into pessesion of a small piece of Manganese-Titanium alloy and are using it to invade other worlds. The three of us get into a massive battle and i get killed (number 1) but shortly after get recovered by the Proteus. Leaving a small contingent of forces in oxford, i bring Will and Lyra back to the Proteus to protect them. after much experimentation, we use the gate to travel to a copy of TLR and find it has come under attack by rampant spammers in my absence. I introduce Lyra and Will to TLR and we manage to kill most of thew spammers, but not before i get shot and killed (number 2). Just before we succeed, spectres break through and i evacuate everyone back to the Proteus to discover that the gate project has gone haywire, and the barriers between the worlds are shattering. Cue massive battle between all good and all evil. Enter Sarah and Tiki in the aftermath of the battle and i manage to 'un-sever' them and discover the true force behind the attacks, a traitor in the Aranic Council. I reforge the Subtle Knife and use it to attack the Traitor forces on Arania, and Araminta gets shot(number 3) but i get ressurected by aranic technology.
I destroy the remnants of the Spectral Combine in the HDM world and leave Lyra, Will and Sarah there to finish what i started, while i deal with a tribunal.
Those three find a world Similar to Lyra's oxford, but significantly more technologically advenced, and find it overrun by spectres.
They attack the spectres, and I return at the last moment to finish them off, and the Story ends with me re-establishing my life and settling down to live with Lyra, Will and Sarah in Oxford.
Completion level: 1%

sorry 'bout the long post

Post Tue May 18, 2004 8:17 am

Don't worry about the deadline anymore people, it pretty much got chucked out the window.

For what we are about to receive may we all be truly thankful. - Ancient Navy Saying

Post Tue May 18, 2004 3:24 pm

Indy - I'm really enjoying this, and you have my character "down pat" as they say; that's worrying .

Post Tue May 18, 2004 6:02 pm

Thanks Esqy.

Next installment is delayed. Will try to work it up to legible form at some point tomorrow.

Let me know if I am taking too many liberties with anyone I use as a character. Thanks.

Edited by - Indy11 on 5/18/2004 7:05:54 PM


Was able to fix up some more of the scribbles.......


Wolf Demon hurried through the throng. He needed to take the back exit out of the Theater and over to the General Exhibition Forum to gather his gear. As he exited the back, he thought he caught a glimpse of someone following him but dismissed it almost as quickly as he sensed it. This was a big day for him. The first solid lead on the Ark. If this proved out, he'd be the talk of Teighellarria.

He didn't notice the slender goatee'd figure walking toward him and almost collided with him. "Wolfy, you're even more distracted than usual. What's going on? And speak to me in complete sentences as we agreed."

Wolf Demon finally focused on the figure's face and took a pace back as he collected himself. "It's the Ark, I think I know where I can find it. I've got to get to the Forum and get packed up and go." When he didn't get an acknowledging sign from his questioner, he continued. "Esquilax found an indication that it is in some place called Ethiopia in a town called Axum. Taw says it is in East Africa somwhere and all I know is that I have to get there and find the Ark."

The figure smiled. "Got it. Well well well. So you're going to get the Ark are you? Do you know where East Africa is?"

"C'mon Spectre! What do you think? That's why I'm going over to the Forum, I'll get a map there as well as my equipment and then head out. I can read a map you know. Good as you, I bet!"

"Mind if I tag along?" Overlord had caught up to Wolf Demon and had been listening-in on the conversation. He turned to Sir Spectre and nodded a quick hello but then turned back to Wolf Demon so that Spectre wouldn't get a clear view of his face. Overlord sensed that Sir Spectre didn't miss much detail and did not want to be too well remembered so soon into this venture.

"Huh? Oh. It's you...... Spectre, this is Overlord. Overlord, this is Sir Spectre, another vet that I know....." Wolf Demon looked from Overlord to Sir Spectre. He didn't notice Overlord's movement to keep from being too well seen by Sir Spectre but he noticed that Spectre's smile had disappeared. "What's up sS? You don't think I can do this?"

"Hmmm? No no no. Wolfy, I was just thinking about your timing. Maybe you want to ... uh ... take a day or so to think about this some more, you know, make detailed plans, test out your hypothesis, you know, that kind of close preparation. After all, if you really want to succeed, you should apply some sweat up front to make sure that you have a plan that will work."

"I'm better at thinking on the fly Sir S, you know that." Before he could say more Sir Spectre interrupted.

"Don't I know you? I don't think the name was Overlord but I think we've met before."

"Who me? Nah. Only been Overlord. Been around, though, that's true. You sure it was me? You'd remember me, I think. My name, too." Overlord turned to Sir Spectre smiling a big smile. He then turned to Wolfy very quickly and said. "So what do you say? Can I go with you?"

Sir Spectre wasn't satisfied with the answer. "No. I am pretty sure we did meet and your name wasn't Overlord then. Wolfy, how did you two meet?" Before Wolf Demon could answer, Overlord talked first.

"Oh hey, I'm really sorry to cut and run but I forgot that I had promised to meet an old friend of mine back at the Omni. Look gotta go but here's by contact ID. Wolfy, I'm serious. I'd like to go with you. Think about it. See ya!" And with that, Overlord jogged back to the OT.


"You don't have to say it. I don't want him going with me. You think he's bad news, huh?" Wolfy scratched his cheek and gave Sir Spectre a wry smile. Sheepishly he said...."I met him at the Ark lounge. Esquilax had resurrected it with his latest news about Axum..... Oh shoot! I even gave away the part about being able to take over TLR with it."

Spectre looked at Wolf Demon for a long moment. "I think you should get ready to make your trek out to Axum and I think you should invite Overlord along with you."

"What? Did you not hear me just then? And you said yourself you thought you knew him from before and did you see how he scampered off when you got close? This has to be a joke!"

Spectre looked past Wolf Demon and waved. "Over here gentlemen. Perfect timing. We need to talk and we need to make plans."

Wolf Demon turned around and saw Esquilax cantering over with Finalday and Tawakalna trailing behind him. "Go on Wolfy." said Spectre "You've got a lot to do and time's a wasting."

"No dice. What's going on? You're getting weird. I deserve to know. I'm the Ark hunter and I don't expect to set about doing it blind!"

"Well you've got hold of Wolfy but where's that Overlord character?" Esquilax looked around the open space as he talked. "He can't be very far away."

No longer gliding and visibly winded, Tawakalna was uttering unintelligible oaths as he staggered up. "Blasted......Centaurs......four legged.......struth!"

Finalday jogged up at that point. "sS, you got my message then?" Spectre nodded. "I hoped that you would be in the area and could intercept
Wolfy. Did you get a look at him?" Spectre nodded again. "Recognize him at all?"

At that point, all eyes turned to Sir Spectre. "No. Never seen him before but you could get a sense that he wasn't what he seemed."

"Me neither but you could just feel it couldn't you? It was palpable." Finalday looked at Tawakalna and patted him on the back. "Nice try but why in the world would you think you could outrun a Centaur. Sorry there Esq but when it comes to running, you may as well be a horse."

"The.... point..... is...... that......I........wasn'" At that Tawakalna turned back and pointed over to a plaza where many merchants had stalls setup to display the product of their craftsmanship. ""

"Taw, catch your breath. Things will be in hand if we plan this out correctly." Sir Spectre reached over to Tawakalna to draw his attention away from the stalls. "We want him to see us talking. We don't want to scare him away just yet."

Esquilax looked around once more and then said. "Right, lets go back to the lounge. He's seen us but he seems hesitant about what to do next. I think he knows Taw spotted him so we'll have to assume that he knows we're aware of his presence." Turning to Tawakalna: "You really should lay off those Sweet Aftons old chum. You might have given me a fair go if you'd not lost your wind so quickly." Esquilax smiled as he said that and started a lazy trot back to the OT. "Just kidding of course. You'd never catch me!" He said over his shoulder and then galloped off while laughing out loud.

Finalday chuckled quietly winked at Sir Spectre and turned to Tawakalna. "Shall we walk?"

"That rabbit-faced excuse for a mule." Said Tawakalna with a smile. "You know he acts that way 'cos he's in love with me pretty green face now don't you?" All three of them laughed and headed back to the Omni.

Having regained his composure, Tawakalna said. "Why all this skullduggery. Let's just off the b*gger and be done with it! We had the perfect chance just then. He was in the stalls. I doubt that he knew there was only one way out. You blokes are being too clever for your own good."

Overlord watched them go back to the OT. He had never seen Sir Spectre before. That he knew for certain. It annoyed him to think that Sir Spectre might know him. He spent some time convincing himself that it didn't matter and then circled the OT building. Before reaching the main entrance he found a small alcove and stepped into it momentarily. When he stepped out again, he'd changed his appearance......

Edited by - Indy11 on 5/19/2004 7:15:44 AM

Edited by - Indy11 on 5/19/2004 8:12:33 AM

Post Wed May 19, 2004 6:41 am

too much fookin'.

Post Wed May 19, 2004 11:34 am

OK. Removed it.

Post Wed May 19, 2004 11:51 am

fookin' good job too, you fookin want to watch your fookin' language, you do

btw I rather like the "hidden" story within this, funny how the real target of this story hasn't spotted it yet. Not q as clever as he thinks, is he? shut your mouth, how can you say, I go about things the wrong way..

Edited by - Tawakalna on 5/19/2004 1:43:56 PM

Post Wed May 19, 2004 1:48 pm

Why. Whatever do you mean

Post Wed May 19, 2004 3:33 pm

Now, now, don't give anything away; keep an open mind Taw. Let's see where he's going with this. Your assumptions will be your undoing .

Indy - Please sir, I want some more! I hate it when I read a good story and I have to wait for the sequel! *Walks off mumbling about Robert Jordan*.

Note: I'm glad that I didn't see any swearing in the tale (I was asleep when it was written I gather); it would have detracted signficantly from the plot, and would have made the story fragmented due to the juxtaposition between the two parts.

Edited by - esquilax on 5/19/2004 4:33:51 PM

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