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Nickless Nicklessbe *was* Never Cry Wolfy

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue May 11, 2004 11:37 am

Oooh, romance *drum beat* dumdadum da-dumdadum da-dumdadum da-dumdadum, love is in the air, everywhere I look around. comon baby, shake that @$$

Ok, that was silly.

Welcome to Hotel TLR: You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave

Post Tue May 11, 2004 2:16 pm

SS - Yes quite, but "The pain of living is a necessity, while the pain of dying is not" .

Anyone else care to join in? We're playing "The Fortune Cookie Game"™ (© Esquilax and Associates)

Post Tue May 11, 2004 2:19 pm

"he who laugh last not get joke"

Post Tue May 11, 2004 2:41 pm

*He who reaches high, better has a long arm*

Post Tue May 11, 2004 3:40 pm

You two crack me up .

Post Tue May 11, 2004 4:31 pm

"Boy who goes to bed with itchy butt, wakes up with smelly finger."

Post Tue May 11, 2004 4:38 pm

You don't.

Post Tue May 11, 2004 6:21 pm

If I was a mod at this time, I would lock my own thread. it has passed the expiration date and the spam is starting to stink.

Sir S

Post Tue May 11, 2004 6:25 pm

And the curtain begins to lower and the show concludes. *Lifts glass* Salute!

Michael Ezekiel

Edited by - Finalday on 5/11/2004 7:24:57 PM

Post Tue May 11, 2004 7:07 pm

since everyboday has these funny quotes, i might as well add my own

"Man who has hands in pocket feels crazy. Man who has hands in pockets with holes feels nuts." XD

Post Tue May 11, 2004 10:58 pm

Sorry SS, but you started it!

Post Thu May 13, 2004 1:08 pm

"chat in wrong window bring confusion and embarassment"

Post Thu May 13, 2004 3:22 pm

@Esq, mine was a response, your "Fortune Cookie" reference was a declaration! Trying to push the responsibility of your deeds onto others again?

Sir S

Post Thu May 13, 2004 5:05 pm

@Fd..... why the tombstone? Why only 40 years old?

Post Thu May 13, 2004 5:22 pm

@Fd, I looked right past that tombstone. I know it's based on your "death day" from the thread of the same name.

On another note, that tombstone you chose is the exact same look as the one my grandfather is buried with.

Sir S

Edited by - Sir Spectre on 5/13/2004 6:22:51 PM

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