I agree on that Mustang, so many people complain about staying fit, you know, cant do it, it doesnt work, dont have time, well make time and get it to work damn. As far as girls go, personally, I would rather have a better looking girl. I dont like bony chicks as in the girls who are incredibly skinny, but being fat is really really ugly and very unhealthy, besides how good do ya think a fat girl feels when it comes down to sex (yeah i know, but there is no relationship without it) . I dont really care about fashion, I try to look for a girl who looks good, preferably more fit, not as in muscle fit as in fit enough so that she keeps a mind on what shes eating and that she has somewhere to burn it off if she does eat alot. I was pretty chubby as a kid (19 now and am at about 147 pounds or so, thanks to care taken about what I eat and martial arts each week) but a good 4-5 years ago i was just about 200 or so. And that isnt just ugly its pretty damn unhealthy. I try to find a girl who is intelligent, I dont need her to be a rocket scientist just basic knowledge , if im talking to a girl, and ask her a question about something and she doesnt sound dumb, good enough for me.
I dont like serious girls either, I try to be fairly funny much of the time myself and personally wouldnt stand having to live with someone who is too serious to ever be funny. What I think is for a good long relationship I would find a girl with a good balance of smarts and looks. But im still not into that yet, so mostly ill pick girls on looks moreso than anything else (hell if she dont look good whats gonna make me wanna get up and go talk to her in the first place?) besides right now personally theres things that make up for her not being too bright (if ya catch my drift hehe)
"The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." - Nikola Tesla