Mon May 10, 2004 11:23 am by Locutov
Esky, indeed your files are not correct, I will explain.
I have a Birth defect, My Thyroid gland was found behind my sternum at birth, and ineffective, so basicly I have been on doses of Medicin, called levotheroxinesodium, it is basicly my daily dose of Hormones that you produce naturally, as an effect (or according to my theories) my thyroid gland has shrunkled, and was broken down by my body, I believe this happened around my twelfth.
well the Medicine have had side effects, positive this time, My immune system is incredibly fast with cures, and has most diseases already fixed out, also as an effect, I heal much faster then a "normal" person (IE average Joe(no offense to the offended)) a wound, even to the bone (and believe me, that has been tested), takes no more then 5 minutes to dry up, develop Fibrin connections so the skin can heal, and develop a crust, all under 5 minutes, and believe me, this has been put to the test.
My metabolism is much slower, I burn less fast, so I can do with less, on a normal working day, I eat 2 loafs of bread in the morning, 4 in the afternoon, and can do with a boal of potatoes and veggies in the nights, and still have energy enough to Work to late hours.