For the sake of my coleagues I wouldn't want to bring you into here Taw, sorry but I don't think most of em would survive
Anyway, Ironing out period? Lemme sum up a few of the things going on here since we've moved in:
1) Our building is long, about 250 meters maybe longer and around 20 meters wide. A corridor runs down the middle over the length of course
Anyway, the people sitting clos to the corridor can feal the floor shaking whenever someone walks passed them!!! The floor feals like a water bed if more then one person a a time walk across the same piece of floor.
2) One of the elevators crashed down with someone inside, luckily the brakes worked.
3) the cleaning service only cleans every other day, which means that everyother day we start with a filled litterbin. sometimes the weekends are in betwenn two cleanings so that's three days instead of one, and sometimes whe have a collective day off just before or after the weekend which means 4 days in between cleaning. Any organic material which hasn't ran away has started to smell by then.
4) The printer, a megamachine which can print, scan, copy in every way imaginable, breaks down on a regular basis.
Just some of the more anoying problems we had last 6 minths we're here.
Crappy building...
How some people can be so stupid to come up with such an idea, just to save a few bucks on the infrastructure still never seizes to amaze me.
Edited by - Nickless Rare Admiral on 4/29/2004 7:07:00 AM