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Deep space, the final frontier...Episode 1 part 3

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:08 pm

Deep space, the final frontier...Episode 1 part 3

Deep Space, the Final Frontier, These are the voyages of the Star Ship Lancers Reactor, its continuing mission, to seek out new life, and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before...

I hope you enjoy it. And again, no offence meant to anyone. If you would like to be added, post and let me know, or if you wish to be removed, let me know that as well. Thanks.

Capt. Michael' Target=_Blank>"Finalday"

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:09 pm

Last Time on Deep Space, The Final Frontier....

Ten-forward is busy tonight. At least thirty crew members. Some engaged in chess games, others listening to a quartet, a few, in the never ending poker game. The replicator is fully operational, so any food or drink is available to anyone. The rec deck will be opened in another few days. Something to do with the holographic program that creates courts, landscaping or what ever the plays, athletes want.

Star date 0404.26.2135

The final shuttle run of the hydrogen gathering is complete. We will be moving and scanning the asteroids for minerals for replicating a base with. The crew is looking forward to the day we can set up a planetary base. It will take time, scanning possible planets or planetoids for no life to interfere with. Even here, the prime directive is in effect.

(Bleeep) “Enter” responded Mr. Indy. He was not expecting a visit from the first officer. “May I come in” Esq asked. “Yes Sir” Indy responded, “What can I do for you, Sir”? “I want to interview some of the crew for possible away missions, trying to learn a little more about everyone, so that when teams are assembled, their will be compatibility or at least no conflicts” Esq explained. His concern was because of having a Klingon security officer, there might be some conflict. Mr. Indy said there would be no problems, and he would look forward to an away mission.

Lt. Kimk was in Stellar Cartography, looking at the stars. So many with out names or designations. The computer would assign them in time, but until then, they were his. This mission was one in a million for him. The discovery of new world, new life. Something he always wanted. He liked earth like environments, but being out among the stars, was his dream. Even his quarters had several pictures of nebula, nova’s, etc. that he had the computer replicate.

And Now....

In hydroponics, Lt. Corsair had just completed the annuals planting. He had to check on the botany lab later to see which seed had germinated and which will take longer. Lt. Gowserpaul would be stopping by to check on the progress and do an inspection of all systems. It was a minor thing, really, as hydroponics was more informal than most science departments. It is geared more toward off duty settings rather than a truly functioning purpose. All this was hard work, as there were no base plants to work with.

Dr. Sir Specter, who is a betazoid, was the perfect pick for a ships counselor. He has the intuitiveness needed, as well as the betezed tradition of reading thoughts. His position is the normal one, rather than the bridge officer position as in the past. His work, primarily, is to (sense) the state of the crew and advise when help is needed. His great grand parents were Deanna and William Riker. He inherited all the abilities due to his mother marrying a full betazoid. I find him unique in many aspects.

In engineering, Chief Chips had everything ready for my inspection. His assistant, Mr. Freighter-fighter, had all areas ready and polished. They had even managed to get a three percent energy conversion improvement out of the warp engines. I looked forward to this inspection, not that it was needed, but that a symbolism of normality is restored. The usual uniform, white glove dust test, and a brief simulator run of the warp engines. After about an hour of tour and wipe, I informed the Chief that he and his crew pass muster, he looked at me for a moment of unbelief. Then he caught my wink. “Yes chief, Excellent job all around” I replied , and turned toward the turbolift. “Bridge” was the command given as the doors snapped shut.

Ten-forward was a little thinned out by the time Lt. Taw arrived. She moved to the replicator, “Klingon Blood Wine and Gagh”. What appeared was a little different. The Gagh, was not moving and the blood wine was synthetic. She shook her head, she knew there was the real thing on board, but was in limited supply. This would have to do. She moved to a table near the corner so she could have a view of the room. Yaw looked forward to the session on the holodeck. Her BetleH needed testing, a warriors testing and she would choose a difficult program. These humans seemed weak. They would have no stomach for a challenge, still, she did choose to be apart of this mission. Her choice for security was a natural. Her distant relative was Worf, son of Mahg. His later son became her grand father. She would do him no dishonor.

The new bartender, though a civilian, was one Nickless. No one knew for sure where he was from. There was the rumor of some where in the Delta quadrant. But, it did not rally matter. He was good for conversation, and had a bit of intuition about some people. He completes ten-forward.

Captains log, Star Date 0404.28.1950

With the ships weapons on-line I have decided to put the targeting system to a test. We have launched two shuttles, one a shuttle pod and the other, the delta flyer. The new hyper-phaser system was set at one percent output, no point in damaging the shuttles. I have had Commander Stinger to go to (Red Alert). All defensive positions maned. The shuttle pod would maneuver at impulse and the flyer at warp, and impulse. Their goal was to evade our fire and the flyer to fire back testing the new shield systems.

After launching the delta flyer went into warp while the pod darted into the asteroids. We would depend on the sensors only for information. I ordered hard to port and three quarter impulse, and scanners to full. The pod was the first to attack, darting under the saucer section. They pulled a hard turn and headed back into the asteroids. “Mr. Stinger, the next time they emerge, lock and fire at their engines” I ordered. “Aye Sir” came the response. I had just settled back in my chair when the flyer dropped out of warp and fired, decks two and four received hits, no damage with the new redundant shield system. Mr. Stinger was able to get one shot off before they were back into warp. “Simulated damage to their port shield, Sir” he said.

This went on for a few moments, until Mr. Stinger caught the maneuvers and anticipated the pod and locked on disabling their impulse and life support. The Delta flyer was a little more difficult, but Tactical stepped of the firing pattern and ended the test. “Very well, Mr. Stinger, have the shuttles return and stand down from red alert.

Heading to my quarters, I passed two dressed alike pairs of crewmen. They would be heading for the rec area for pareese squares. A difficult game, best left to the young and limber. Once in my quarters, “Computer, back ground music” I requested. “Specify” came the female voice. Pachelbel Canon in D Major” I requested. It began playing softly in the back ground. I stretched out on the bed and relaxed. Just thinking of our mission brings on a feeling of desire. Something never attempted before. If, and I am hoping more than if, we succeed, This will mean more for the Federation and the Klingon-Romulan alliances that could be imagined.

My First officer was on his way to check out the nearly on-line holodeck. He wanted to try out a program of his native land of Australia. . He had a disk in hand that he had programed before the mission started of his home and other areas, so he could revisit them. He was a home body. Space was not his cup of tea, but he was always up for a challenge, and never walked away from one. As the door opened , the bright sun light lit the corridor and the heat faired. Home, he thought, and entered.

Commander Locutus enjoyed the night shift. Quiet and peaceful. Lt. Steel at the helm and Lt. Leonhart at Ops. Most of the other stations did not need manning unless at yellow or red alert. A lite red flash on the Ops panel got his attention. Mr. Leonhart was on it. More messages from Starfleet. He looked back at Mr Locutus, eyebrows raised, “A code one priority message for the captain, Sir” he stated. Locutus touched the com button on the command chair. “Bridge to Captain Finalday”

Groggily, I must have fell asleep, I reached for the com button by the bed, “Finalday here”. “Sir, A priority message from Starfleet for you.” Locutus replied. “Send it to my quarters, Commander.” I responded, waking on up. I moved over to my desk and activated my consol. An unknown Commodore came on the screen. “Captain Finalday, I am Commodore Kendo THM. I have been asked to update you on some things that have happened in the last five years.” Five years, this will take some getting use to. The image continued, “We have just recovered for another attack by the Borg. Apparently, the damage done by Admiral Janeway several years ago to the Main Borg transwarp node, was not as bad as believed. A new Queen sent two Borg cubes to earth to again attempt to wipe us out. It took over thirty five ships, including several from the Klingons and the Romulans to defeat these new cubes. We are stepping up the rebuilding of our fleets and the alliance is still strong. We do not believe the borg will attack again for a while, In the mean time, all ships are being refit with the torpedoes that Capt. Janeway brought back from the delta quadrant. The specifications are in this transmission as well. That is all for now, Starfleet Out”. The signal ended. I hit the save and recode and filed it away. “Computer, half lighting please” I asked and the lights went up.I pulled up the file on the torpedo and looked over it.

The transfer of the morning command went smooth and I decided to have a look around. Commander Mustang, full sensor sweep if you please” I ordered. Within a moment, came the response, “ All clear, captain”. “What is the nearest planetoid in this system?” I asked. The science station responded. "Alpha 357 is half a days travel at full impulse, Sir, long range scans show and atmosphere but life signs are inconclusive.” Ensign Justin Arania replied. “Helm, lay in a course and proceed at full impulse power if you please.” I ordered.

To Be continued....

Edited by - Finalday on 4/20/2004 1:03:47 PM

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:40 pm

Not bad, but only a short one today? Damn! Now I'll have to wait around! *Sits down on park bench and starts eating (soy) chocolates* .

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:44 pm

Just getting started, some editing and Dang Spelling corrections.

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 4:09 pm

Aha! I thought so! You could always draft the story and then copy it from Notepad, Final. I don't know whether or not you are into that sort of thing .

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 4:13 pm

i'm trying to do it in Word perfect, but the speller, sometimes says my miss spelling are words when they are not. That and I rethink some things too. Still fun though. see what I mean.

Edited by - Finalday on 4/19/2004 5:13:52 PM

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 4:26 pm

I understand Final . I was writer myself for many years. Did you think that I picked up these exceptional linguistic skills through osmosis?

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 4:30 pm

By the way, you are the first officer, the posting on the crew list was mixed up. I think I got it back right.

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 4:36 pm

Don't worry about it my Captain, O my Captain . I'm just happy to be on the team!

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 4:41 pm

Yo do realize you may have to be tough on a certain klingon under your comand, hmmm?

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 5:00 pm

Yeah, make sure your really tough on... well I'm not mentioning any names. Lets just say it starts with Tawa and end in kalna

We go for victory!

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 5:10 pm

Ah Jaggy ... Jaggy ... Jaggy, you truly have gone to the Dark Side I see. I will light some candles for you.

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 5:11 pm

That's fine with me, Final. He, sorry, she could use a little discipline. Hmm, is it just me, or did that statment come out a little wrong?

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 5:29 pm

Positions that I have created wether filled or not. Others will be cereate as well.
* not show yet
Capt. Michael Finalday, earth - United North American states
Fst Ofcr - Nick Esq, Commander, Earth - Australian
Ops - Mike Mustang, Lt. Commander
Helm - Brian Rilms, Lt.
Tachical - Rob Stinger, Lt. Commander
Interal Secrity -
Away Sec - Taw, Lt. Klingon female
Comunications - Ed Indy, Ensign
Counseler - Dr. Sir Specter, Lt. a Betazoid.
Chief Eng. - Mike Chips, Lt. Commander
Asst. Chief Eng. - Ben Freighter-Fighter, Lt.
Chief Medical Officer - Carla sycho_warrior, Commander
Xeno Medical Officer - Dr. BlazeMe, Lt.* a Romulan.
Head of Astophysics - Dr. Kimk, Lt.
Life Sciences -
Hydoponics - Thomas Corsair, Lt. Jg., Earth - State Of Britian Commanwealth of Europe
Chief Shuttle pilot -
Shuttle pilot - Justin Arania, Ensign*
Hanger Control - Cole Stormtrooper, Ensign.
Transporter Chief - Adam Jagged, warrent officer grade to be determend*
Night watch helm - Geoff Steel, Lt.
Night watch Ops - Aleksander Leonhart, Lt.
Night watch Command - Dick Locutus, Lt. Cmmander, Vulcan
Chief Science Officer - Paul Growserpaul, Lt.*
Recreation Officer - Tim Sanic, Lt.
Bartender in Ten-forward - Nickless, civilivan, Need a first name if possible*
Others to be created as the story progresses.

Edited by - Finalday on 4/19/2004 6:54:34 PM

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 5:48 pm

You could always call him "Nick Nickless" .

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