Dumbest World Record Ever Set
Next, he decided to push his stupidity even further, so he takes a good 60 degrees off the top of the loop. So now.... he has to do the loop with the top part missing. And so he does, and does, and does, and does, for the next 2 hours (not extended, a real 2 hours though it was shortened for the show) he keeps trying and trying. Either he always just falls down or since he took the top part of the loop the skateboard hits it and he loses it and falls. Why? because hes a dumbass, anyway finally after about 50 tries he manages to land it. Immediately after landing it, everybody who wasnt sleeping manages to clap and the host is quoted saying "this is an incredible world record and i doubt it will ever be broken or even attempted in the future!" . To myself im thinking now "who the **** would attempt that anyway? numbnuts over there got himself a nice throne of stupidity that none of his fellow skaters shall ever dare challenge and he shall rule forever as the king of dumb skaters".
PS: I would credit his perseverance but hes too much of an idiot.
"The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." - Nikola Tesla