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Deep space, the final frontier...Episode 1

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:05 am

Deep space, the final frontier...Episode 1

A little of the first part and on into the second. I may limit it to every other day and increase the size so that once an episode is a week long, like the show. It can continue like a series that way. All the charicters will have active parts, not just mentionings. I hope you enjoy it. And again, no offence meant to anyone. If you would like to be added, post and let me know, or if you wish to be removed, let me know that as well. Thanks.

The USS Lancers Reactor

Tried to downsize it, but did't work. Will change to just a link later. Notice the third engine Nacell and the new torpedo launcher.

Edited by - Finalday on 4/18/2004 1:28:27 PM

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:06 am

Deep Space, the Final Frontier, These are the voyages of the Star Ship Lancers Reactor, its continuing mission, to seek out new life, and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before...

Captains Log-Stardate:0404.17.1350

We are a crew of one hundred and seventy five people from diverse back grounds. We were selected, over one hundred years ago for this mission. It has taken almost that much time to arrive at the edge of the Andromeda galaxy. I, am Captain Michael Finalday. Most of the crew is in hyper sleep with only five officers awaken so far. The computer has been set to revive the Chief medical officer tomorrow and she will continue to bring more out as we need them. Our ship, the USS Lancers Reactor NCC 1959, was based on the galaxy class hull design, with modifications. The galaxy class had room for over two thousand, but due to our needs, a lot of the area was turned into storage for the supplies we would need. There is no way to return home or get supplies to us. We, are on our own. There were relay beacons launched every year during the voyage to relay messages, but it will still take over five years to get a message back and then get a response. So all messages would be sent together. Loved ones left behind have all died, but other family members would have been told of us so there are those who will be there for us in thought at least.

My first officer, Commander Nick Esquilax, is a bit of a stickler for decorum, but he is mellowing a bit. Out here, decorum is a little less needed. But he is also a very fine officer and very capable. He was also my first pick for a number one. I also add, that the crew was hand picked from a pool of over five thousand qualified volunteers. There is no one forced into this mission.

The Chief Engineer, Commander Mike Chips, graduated from starfleet with degrees in design and is exceptional under fire and I am very pleased to have him aboard. He has already begun the diagnostics in engineering.

The Helmsman, Lieutenant Brian Rilms. He excelled in piloting school and has a natural instinct for handling a ships controls. An avid fan of old earth videos, movies I recall the term.

The Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Stinger, He is a native of Alpha Prime, but has very good understanding of tactics. I requested a separate position for Tactical on the bridge rather than a Tactical/Security Chief. We are facing the unknown and I need an officer with no distractions with other duties.

The Chief Medical Officer, we she is revived, is Lt. Commander Carla sycho_warrior. Her father was half Klingon which has given her a strong work ethic and a higher endurance to stress. Which may be tested out here. She has degrees in exobiology and zenophysiology and more than capable of handling the larger medical staff.

Captains personal log :

I find the experience fascinating. To be out here where none have been before. To have the advantage of first contact as well as the discovery of new life forms. The tasks ahead will be difficult, but I look forward to the challenge. I am considering reviving several more of the crew before we get into scanning range of any systems. I need to work out the crew schedules, but have limited choices at the moment.

Captains Log-Stardate0404.18.1435

I have decided to hold off reviving any of the one hundred civilians on board. They are composed of merchants, builders, diplomats and other necessary personnel for starting a colony. I do not believe we need them until we find a renewable power supply. Plus the drain on our supplies would not be helpful. The Chief medical office is awake and getting sickbay set up. All of the officers have done a good job in the last twenty four hours. So much work getting life support up for all the decks and getting systems on-line.

Stardate 0404.21.1505

We have arrived at the first star system. The outer rim is an asteroid belt, so we will hold orbit here until more of the crew revived. I have asked the Doctor for Science personnel and Engineering staff. Life support is up to fifty percent and rising. Ships weapons are still not on-line, one of the reasons for the increase in engineering staff.

The next to be revived, is Astrophysics Tech, Kimk. He is a leading researcher in his field and head of the star mapping team. Mr. Kimk will be a valuable addition to the crew and will be put to work in the coming days helping create a updated star chart of the surrounding systems. Stellar cartography is imperative at this point in our mission.

Engineering now is up to four in numbers, so activation of key systems has been stepped up. Our shields were brought on-line just this very moment. We still have to get the sensors up to peak so we can see what is around us and consider our course of action. With ten-forward now having life support, the crew has a location to relax after their shifts and I must admit, I too enjoy the star view from there with a little lite opera in the background. One of the newest engineers, the assistant in fact has joined me in ten-forward. His name is Lieutenant Ben Freighter-Fighter. His skills are exceptional. His profile stated several hobbies and on a personal note, that he considered himself a Ladies man. A unique interest, on a ship with limited female crew members. He is aware of the policy of non interaction with members of the opposite sex for the first year. The exception, is mingling in ten-forward and in a professional aspect.

Stardate: 0404.22.1705

The bridge staff has now been increased. The galaxy class ship does not normally have a communications officer, with either Ops or Tactical handling the communication needs. But this position is one to scan for and interpret any outside communications we encounter and to feed that information to the universal translator to facilitate any first contacts we encounter. The new officer is Ensign Ed Indy. He majored his studies at Starfleet in Zeno relations and communications. His primary task will be to provide me with something to work with in the event we encounter any race or beings before we are fully operational. His file stated he has an interest in the old documentation systems of old earth, the News Media. That would provide some excellent conversations we might have.

Captain personal log Stardate 0404.27.1830

I have spent the last two days going over some of the data in the computer on first contact missions. It may prove informative. My favorite teacher is Admiral Jean-Luc Picard. When he was captain of the Enterprise, he made quite a few first encounters and all of them successful. I have finally got my quarters in order and have assigned the active crew members theirs. It helps relieve stress to have familiar surroundings of your own. The replicators are being brought on-line sparingly as the energy output of the warp reactor is low while the new dilithium crystals are being installed. My analysis of the our current operational status, has been sent by subspace to Starfleet. They will at least know we have made it, even if it takes five years to reach them. I am considering, trying the worm hole communication equipment when the opportunity presents itself. A Mr. Barkly, about thirty years ago, found a way to communicate with Voyager when they were trapped in th delta quadrant.

My first officer reported to me, that the revival of the crew continues. The power grid is now at seventy five percent. He reports that warp power would be back on-line by nineteen hundred hours. I asked that he have Lt. Stinger report to my ready room in one hour. He said that he would and departed. I began to review the crew roster. There had been a few last minuet changes that I was not aware of. The addition of a Klingon female officer. Her rating was that of security. I still had the away team position to fill and that required a difficult choice. With this ship and crew, the standard chain of command would be altered.. Both internal and external security would report to my first officer rather than a head of security. I believe, I might alter this in the future, but for now, it would remain in place.

I finally had the chance to meet the Chief Medical officer, Carla sycho_warrior in her office. We had an informal meeting to discus the reviving process and how to speed it up. We both agreed that it would require more engineering staff to get her systems back on line. I informed her that it would be so ordered, as it would speed up the recovery process greatly. I headed to engineering to save me a trip later to explain why I pulled his staff from their duties. I still awaited my Ops officer, as I need that position filled soon.

Star Date 0404.25.1130
We have been at the Andromeda galaxy for eight days now. Astrophysics has one quarter of the are mapped to one light yeas distance. We have yet to map into the system, until the weapons are back on line. I have chosen to be safe incase the system is inhabited. The crew has adjusted well to the twelve hour schedules that we are forced to. With one half of the crew revived, we have gotten life support to one hundred percent so that more areas of the ship are accessible and inhabitable. I have had our two security officers do a standard sweep, scanning for any thing out of the ordinary.

At the end of my shift, I decided to head to ten-forward. There was a small group around a table to one side. I stopped by the replicator, “Tea, Earl gray, Hot, double sweet”. Taking the tea I move over to where I could get a better view. It turned out to be a poker game. My first officer, Tactical officer, Helm and Mr. Kimk engaged in a rather interesting game. Mr. Rilms seemed to be winning the most, judging my the sizable pile of chips he had. As I moved off, I heard him say, “I see your five and raise you ten”.

“Captain to the bridge, Please” came over the intercom. Communicators have not been put on-line yet. I reached the first panel I came to and replied, “I’m on my way”. Stepping out of the turbo lift, the night helmsman, Ensign Geoff Steel, turn toward me. “Sir, Scanners have picked this up in the asteroid belt. I thought you would want to know”. After looking at the reading on his panel, I said, “Put that area on screen’. I couldn’t see much so I asked him to magnify. The cloud showed more now. “ Touching the intercom button, “Number one, report to my ready room please.” and headed that way, adding, “Very good Mr. Steel.”

(Bleeep) Enter. My number one entered and approached. I indicated for him to have a seat, turning the desktop panel towards him. "Commander, it looks like we may have a way to increase our energy reserves”. He looked at the screen, touching a button. “Hydrogen?, judging by the size of that cloud, it will be enough to last us for several weeks with a full crew.” He said. “My thinking exactly” I started, “we can use the collector shuttle to gather this, since getting the ship near to use the ram scoop is out of the question”. “I agree, but with out a pilot yet, may I suggest letting myself and Mr. Rilms take this mission?” he asked. “Make it so” I said, dismissing him.

On the way to the shuttle deck, Commander Chips met up with Lt. Rilms. “Sir, thank you for asking for me to go along” Mr, Rilms said. “Well, Mr. Rilms, you do have the experience needed and it is our first, Away, mission as well.” the first officer answered. The door slid back as they arrived at the main hanger deck on the rear of the saucer section. The Hanger controller, Mr. Stormtropper was at the controls monitoring as the collector shuttle was raised up to the flight deck.

After it was locked into place, he nodded toward the Commander, that they could proceed. He secured the control room and activated the beacon indicating that the hanger door would be opening. After, the Commandeer contacted the controller that they were secure, he said that they were ready for departure. The force field snapped into place, and a warning alarm activated. The beacons on both sides of the bay door activated and flashed red. The door slid open in fifteen seconds. Mr. Rilms activated the controls, bringing life support on-lin, the shield, and propulsion to full ready. “Take us out, Mr. Rilms” The Commander said. With a touch of the controls, we began to journey, it always felt strange passing through the force field. “It strange, isn’t it Sir” Rilms said. “What’s that.” Chips responded. “Just sitting here, piloting a one hundred year old shuttle. I never was in anything over twenty five years.” he added.

Edited by - Finalday on 4/18/2004 4:03:14 PM

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:33 am

Good VERY good

If you want breakfast in bed....sleep in the kitchen
Some people get lost in thought because it's such unfamiliar territory
I may not be better than anybody else, but at least I am different!
When God handed out good looks, I thought He said school books
So I ordered none
Something new for me

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:56 am

Positions that I have created wether filled or not. Others will be cereate as well.
* not show yet
Capt. Michael Finalday
Fst Ofcr - Nick Esq, Commander
Ops - Mike Mustang, Lt. Commander *
Helm - Brian Rilms, Lt.
Tachical - Rob Stinger, Lt. Commander *
Interal Secrity -
Away Sec - Taw, Lt. Klingon female *
Comunications - Ed Indy, Ensign
Counseler - Dr. Sir Specter, Lt.*
Chief Eng. - Mike Chips, Commander*
Asst. Chief Eng. - Ben Freighter-Fighter, Lt.
Chief Medical Officer - Carla sycho_warrior, Commander
Xeno Medical Officer - Dr. BlazeMe, Lt.*
Head of Astophysics - Dr. Kimk, Lt.
Life Sciences -
Hydoponics -
Chief Shuttle pilot -
Shuttle pilot - Justin Arania, Ensign*
Hanger Control - Cole Stormtrooper, Ensign*
Transporter Chief - Adam Jagged, warrent officer grade to be determend*
Night watch helm - Geoff Steel, Lt.
Night watch Ops - Chris pSYCHO, Lt. Commander
Night watch Command - Dick Locutus, Lt. Cmmander*
Chief Science Officer - Paul Growserpaul, Lt.*
Recreation Officer -
Others to be created as the story progresses.

Sorry about the mix up.

Edited by - Finalday on 4/18/2004 1:53:51 PM

Edited by - Finalday on 4/18/2004 4:57:58 PM

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 9:17 am

final, btw, its spelt xeno

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 9:24 am

ff you are now the spelling officer as well heehee Thanks, memeory ain't what it use to be.

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 10:17 am

Very Good story, Especially the Part of Taw being a Klingon Female
Do you need an inventive Weapons Tech, because if you do I am your man

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 10:22 am

Acctually you are the Night watch commander, a Lt. Commander. At night, the bridge, is yours.

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 11:18 am

very good so far

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 12:23 pm

is it intentional that the 3 most senior crewmen are all caled mike?

"Some folks will never eat a skunk, but then again some folks'll
like cletus, the slack-jawed yokel"

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 12:27 pm

Accidental, actually.Goof up on my prt, Esq is the First officer and Chips, the Chief Eng. Which meanes Taw reports to Esq.

Edited by - Finalday on 4/18/2004 1:55:19 PM

Edited by - Finalday on 4/18/2004 3:43:25 PM

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:06 pm

Esq had better not boss me around.. promoted over me, I'll never hear the last of it....

Edited by - Tawakalna on 4/18/2004 3:28:27 PM

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 3:56 pm

Finalday,my name is Cole

A quote from Celso of That 70's Show:I gotta have that car,El Camino is spanish for The Camino

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 4:00 pm

Got it, thanks. You are in the second part. It will be posted later tonight.

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 4:09 pm

Things are getting interesting .

Taw - Yeah well, I'm the young "up-and-comer" . Maybe the Captain feels that you are bit too erratic to be First Officer material .

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