Sorry to get a bit maudlin here, but losing a cherished friend last week (he took his own life), showed me just how incredibly blessed my life is. My 3 beautiful children just finished their "Easter Egg Hunt", and are sitting together trading the candies each likes the best. Was it worth getting up at 5:30am to set this up and be "the Easter Bunny"? Yes, every second of it. I have a beautiful home, a healthy and beautiful family, a job I really enjoy, friends who I love dearly, a cummunity which I'm very actively involved in... I've been blessed more times than any person deserves.
I also have one m/f hot system to play games on!!!
Life is great. Do I have money concerns? Yes. Do I worry about my children when I'm away? Yes. Are there things in life I would like but don't have? Yes. but all in all, in my life, in the big picture, none of that matters. I have a charmed life, even with life's problems which arise on a regular basis, I jjust have too many gifts I've been given by God. I just wish I didn't have to lose a cherished friend to realize all this.
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The Next Thing I Say To You Will Be True
The Last Thing I Said Was False